Venezia, Edizioni d’Arte Alfieri 1968 In-4 25,5 x 18,5 cm. Reliure éditeur toile bleu-marine, LV-VII-128-76-60-80 pp. - 52-51-52-54 planches, notes, index, table desmatières. Exemplaire en bon état.
édition fac-similé 1 volume de Vicenza, 1796, Giovanni Rossi 4 volumes. Bon état d’occasion
.: Vicenza, a spese di Giuseppe Giuliani, 1804, in-8°, 21 x 13,5 cm, 106 pp + I-XXXVI folding engraved plates. Contemporary marbled paper (most probably as issued). Very nice uncut copy. (See note in Fowler n°44).The plates are from the 1761 in-4° edition.
.: 15. Vicenza, Da Tommaso Parise, 1810, small in-4°, 23.5 cm, engraved frontispiece with the bust of Palladio within aedicule + title (verso blank) + pp 3-48 + 18 folding engraved plates, bound in contemporary supple vellum over boards, vellum with minor soiling, a handsome copy. This is the fourth edition. The first edition appeared also in Vicenza , by Francis Modena in 1785. The plates in our in-4° edition are drawn and engraved by Mugnon. The second edition ( Vicenza, Rossi, 1797) is considered as the 5th volume to Scamozzi's '' Le fabbriche e i disegni di Andrea Palladio....''. In our edition plates 18-25 are not present. Allthough they are still mentioned in the text and were included in previous editions they were omitted here. These 7 plates depict capitals to be found in other works of Palladio and have as such nothing to do with the subject of this book.