(Location and printer unknown), 1772. Bound in contemporary half cloth with gilt spine and five raised bands. With librarian Bølling's signature to pasted down front free end-paper. Some occasional brownspotting, otherwise a fine and clean copy. Text in French and German on opposite pages.
Scarce first edition of Bernstorff's defence speech before the King against accusations from fellow ministers. The book was declared to be a forgery, and all copies were ordered confiscated hence only a few remains in circulation. Danish chamberlain Frederik Danneskjold-Samsøe raised various different accusations against Bernstorff, the most serious being the state debt exceeded to a dangerous level due to Bernstorff's economic policy. In the present book Bernstorff managed to refute all Danneskjold-Samsøe's accusations and the many intrigues he had been exposed to. Unfortunatly Bernstorff did not live to see the effect of his publication.Goldsmiths'-Kress no. 10841.0.
Kiøbenhavn ( Copenhague ) Gylendalske Boghandel 1871 in 8 (20,5x13) 1 volume reliure cartonnée imprimée de l'éditeur, XIX (langue danoise) et 256 pages (langue française), avec une table des lettres et un index alphabétique. Texte des lettres de Johan Hartvig Bernstorff en langue française. Bel exemplaire ( Photographies sur demande / We can send pictures of this book on simple request )
Bon Reliure
Samt. helldrbd. med guldbordure. Bindet lidt slidt. På svært skrivepapir. Indvendig frisk. (4),40 pp.
Berlin, Mitter und Sohn, 1896. Contemporary half calf. Stamp on title. VII, 340 VI, 270 pp. 2 portraits.
[BERNSTORFF (Comte Johan Hartvig Ernst)] - [CHOISEUL (Duc de)].-
Reference : 56538
1871 Copenhague, Librairie de Gyldendal, 1871, in 8° relié demi-chagrin marron, dos à nerfs, tête dorée, XXIII-256 pages ; cachet-ex-libris ; infimes frottis.
RARE. ...................... Photos sur demande ..........................
Phone number : 04 77 32 63 69
Kbhvn., (1797). Nydeligt senere papbd. af klistermarmor. 57 pp. På svært skrivepapir.
Kbhvn., 1871. Orig. papbd. XIX,256 pp. Lidt slid ved ryg.
Hamburg, 1968 xix + 186pp., 21cm., [Doctoral dissertation, Universität Hamburg]