Stockholm, Runstedt, 1826-1828. 8vo. In three nice recent half calf bindings, vol. 1 and 3 being uniform and a bit older than vol. 2 which was recently rebound. Internally with a few occassional brownspots, but generally a nice set. (22), 375 pp. + 1 folded map (2), 558, (4), 70 pp. + 2 folded maps (2), 140, (2), 112 pp. + 6 folded plates.
First edition of this important account of Jacob Berggren’s travels in the Levant containing description of Constantinople, Syria, Lebanon, the Holy Land and Jordan. After obtaining a Bachelor of Philosophy degree in Uppsala in 1815, Jacob Berggren was appointed as an extraordinary assistant librarian at the Royal Library. In 1818, Berggren was ordained as a priest and left as a legation preacher to the Swedish mission in Constantinople. In August 1820, he embarked on a journey to Syria, Egypt, and Palestine from there. He resigned from his post in Constantinople in 1822.
Couverture souple. Broché. 199 pages.
Livre. Traduit du suédois par Philippe Bouquet. Editions L'Elan, 1996.
Couverture souple. Broché. 199 pages.
Livre. Traduit du suédois par Philippe Bouquet. Editions L'Elan, 1996.
Couverture souple. Broché. 199 pages.
Livre. Traduit du suédois par Philippe Bouquet. Editions L'Elan, 1996.
New York, Springer-Verlag 1986, 240x160mm, XIV - 197pages, editor's binding. Book in good condition.
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Turnhout, Brepols, 2006 Hardback, LXXXI+331 p., 2 colour ill., 155 x 245 mm. ISBN 9782503528083.
Preaching was one of the main tasks of the Birgittine friars. Not surprisingly, a large part of the medieval manuscripts that survive from the mother house of the Birgittine order, Vadstena Abbey in central Sweden, are sermon manuscripts. In the Swedish and Scandinavian context they represent an exceptional source of knowledge about medieval history. This edition comprises 21 sermons of varying length dating from the late fourteenth to the early sixteenth century. They are published here for the first time, mainly from the compilers? autographs. These sermons were partly composed for a monastic target audience, partly directed to priests ab extra. Among other things, they tell about the striving for monastic and spiritual reform that issued from Vadstena. A large group consists of sermons of an admonitory content addressed to the nuns by the Confessor General. These sermons in particular give unique glimpses of the inner life of the monastery. Languages: Latin, English.
Turnhout, Brepols, 2003 Paperback, XXII+286 p., 15 b/w tables, 21 raster ill., 18 b/w line art. ISBN 9780888448156.
There are several theories as to when, why and how international bulk-trade started in medieval northern Europe. They may all be wrong in the sense that it was there all the time; there was never a dramatic change or 'commercial revolution' but rather a comparatively peaceful and steady growth. It is true that trade in bulk commodities entered a phase of expansion around the middle of the twelfth century, but this development built, to a very large extent, on pre-existing structures. Trade in basic commodities such as timber, grain, salt and pottery that had been going on since time immemorial now expanded both in terms of volumes and of geography, while new important items - for instance beer, stone and various stone products - were gradually introduced into the system. Ships, trade routes and commercial networks changed, old centres declined and new ones emerged, but by and large nothing of this came about in a 'revolutionary' fashion, althought the long-term effects were profound. Using a wide range of new or previously ignored sources, the authors of this volume challenge a number of long-established patterns of thought in medieval historiography. Focusing attention firmly on the basic commodities of everyday life, rather than on objects of more or less conspicuous consumption, the articles shed light on new and important aspects of the expansion of trade in northern Europe between 1150 and 1400. Eight of the articles deal with trade, transport and volumes of one or more of the most important bulk commodities of the period, and the ninth is dedicated to the development of the most important means of transport, the cargo ship. Languages : English.
Collectif : Berggren, Anderberg, Sundberg, Martin, Tunstrôm, Svenstedt
Reference : 3091
Paris, Norden, 1970, in-8, 214pp, broché, Très bel exemplaire, Illustré de dessins de benjamin Baltimore 214pp
Esaias Edquists Boktryckeri, Upsala. 1880. In-8. Broché. Etat passable, Plats abîmés, Dos abîmé, Non coupé. Plaquette de 56 pages. Texte en suédois. Quelques tampons de bibliothèque. 1er plat détaché, avec un manque important sur le bord inférieur. Manque sur le bord inférieur du 2e plat. Quelques rousseurs.. . . . Classification Dewey : 490-Autres langues
Upsala Universitets Årsskrift 1881, Theologi. I. Classification Dewey : 490-Autres langues
1974 xi, [2], 216 p., num. figs, hardbound (dust jacket). A few pages with staple-marks, else very good.
1984 xii, 464 p., num. figs, paperbound. Previous owner's name on half-title.
".: 2. Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell, 1960, in-8°, 63 pp (63-125), 2 maps, 6 tables, 2 folding tables, bibl., stiff papoer wrapper, handwritten dedication by the author. Separate offprint from; Stockholm Contributions in Geology, Vol. VI;5."