Alexander Belyaev. Professor at the Moscow Theological Academy. On Godlessness and the Antichrist. Preparation Signs and Time of the Coming of the Antichrist. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Belyaev Aleksandr. Professor Moskovskoy Dukhovnoy Akademii. O bezbozhii i Antikhriste. Podgotovlenie priznaki i vremya prishestviya Antikhrista.. Society of Memory of Abbot Taisiya. 2007. 750s. SKUalbc403afc3d30694b7.
Alexander Belyaev. A collection of essays in eight volumes. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Belyaev Aleksandr. Sobranie sochineniy v vosmi tomakh.. M. Young Guard 1963-1964. SKUalb7a6702d6c6281bea.
Alexander Belyaev. The Man of the Amphibian. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Belyaev Aleksandr. Chelovek amfibiya.. Series: The Founding Fathers. M. EXMO. 2009. 608 p. SKUalb682435e96108db7f.
Alexander Belyaev. A collection of essays in 8 volumes Vol. 1-8. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Belyaev Aleksandr. Sobranie sochineniy v 8-i tt. T. 1-8.. B. Markevich. S.Pb.khud. O. Korovin P. Lugansky B. Alimov et al. (Adventures. Fantasy. Travels). Moscow: Young Guard. 1963 1964. 336-528 p. SKUalb94b69eb5dc3d249e.
Belyaev Alexander. Dead head. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Belyaev Aleksandr. Mertvaya golova.. Retro Library of Adventure and Science Fiction . M. Prestige Beech 2015 400s. SKUalb974f6e3138362758.
Alexander Belyaev. A collection of essays in 5 volumes. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Belyaev Aleksandr. Sobranie sochineniy v 5 tomakh.. M. Prestige Beech. 2008 Contents: vol. 1 Professor Dowells head. Last Man from Atlantis. Island of Lost Ships. Amphibian Man. Vol. 2 Eternal Bread. Lord of the World. Air Seller. Golden Mountain. Underwater Landowners. Vol. 3 A Man Lost Face. Jump into Nothing. A Miraculous Window. Vol. 4 The Star of the CEC. SKUalb09c9acceba636e91.
Alexander Belyaev. Island of lost ships. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Belyaev Aleksandr. Ostrov pogibshikh korabley.. Series: BPiNF. Stories and Stories. Artists: V.Vlasov V.Kupriyanov L.Rubinstein B.Starodubtsev. L.Detgiz. 1958. 672s. SKUalb38620b2ca61eeda7.