".: Avignon, éditions de L'Académie de Vaucluse, 1908, in-8°, 80 + 3 pp, printed in 100 copies (offprint from Mémoires de L'Académie de Vaucluse). Bound with; Idem; Le Procès de J.J. Balechou small in -8°, Paris, 1914, 36 pp (offprint Bulletin de la Société de l'Histoire de l'Art Français). Bound with; Idem; J.S. Duplessis, peintre du Roi, 1725 - 1802. 16 pp. Bound with; Idem; Antoine Grivolas, paysagiste & peintre de fleurs, 18 pp. (All these imprints are printed on high quality paper, in 100 numbered copies, bound in half leather, original wrappers preserved. Some browning of the first and last pages of some booklets, due to the lesser quality of the wrapper paper. At the end is bound in; Idem. Henry Gard, un voyage dans la Beauce, Chartres 1914, 51 pp."