Kazan, 1891; un volume in 8, broché, couverture imprimée, (cachet sur la page de titre), 60pp.
---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- "Vladimir Mikhailovich BEKHTEREV, working in Flechsig's laboratory, studied anatomy of the brain stem. Later, as a contemporary of Pavlov, he contributed to psychoreflexology and in general achieved a place in contemporary Russian neurology nearly equivalent to that of Pavlov. In nervous diseases, Bekhterev isolated a number of reflexes and symptoms that have important diagnostic significance and described new illnesses : numbness of the spine (Bekhterev's disease), apoplectic hemitonia, syphilitic dissipating sclerosis, a special form of facial tic, severe motor ataxia, acroerythrosis, chorenic epilepsy and new phobias and obsessive states... The last years of Bekhterev's life were devoted to the study of reflexology (objective psychology) and other areas of psychology". (MacHenry p. 340 & DSB I p. 580) ---- Haymaker - (N° 12)**349.CART/RUSS
Saint-Petersbourg, 1909; un volume in 8, broché, couverture imprimée (défraîchie, avec manque de papier dans les marges), (1), 16pp.
---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- "Vladimir Mikhailovich BEKHTEREV, working in Flechsig's laboratory, studied anatomy of the brain stem. Later, as a contemporary of Pavlov, he contributed to psychoreflexology and in general achieved a place in contemporary Russian neurology nearly equivalent to that of Pavlov. In nervous diseases, Bekhterev isolated a number of reflexes and symptoms that have important diagnostic significance and described new illnesses : numbness of the spine (Bekhterev's disease), apoplectic hemitonia, syphilitic dissipating sclerosis, a special form of facial tic, severe motor ataxia, acroerythrosis, chorenic epilepsy and new phobias and obsessive states... The last years of Bekhterev's life were devoted to the study of reflexology (objective psychology) and other areas of psychology". (MacHenry p. 340 & DSB I p. 580) ---- Haymaker - (N° 11)**348.CART/RUSS
Kazan, 1894/1899; 2 volumes in 8, reliés en demi-basane marron (reliures de l'époque), (reliures modestes légèrement différentes, une coiffe usée, dos du tome 1 frotté, cachets sur les pages de titre), T.1 : 6pp., 255pp., 2 planches hors texte), T.2 : (3), 278pp., figures dans le texte
---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- "Vladimir Mikhailovich BEJGTEREV, working in Flechsig's laboratory, studied anatomy of the brain stem. Later, as a contemporary of Pavlov, he contributed to psychoreflexology and in general achieved a place in contemporary Russian neurology nearly equivalent to that of Pavlov. In nervous diseases, Bekhterev isolated a number of reflexes and symptoms that have important diagnostic significance and described new illnesses : numbness of the spine (Bekhterev's disease), apoplectic hemitonia, syphilitic dissipating sclerosis, a special form of facial tic, severe motor ataxia, acroerythrosis, chorenic epilepsy and new phobias and obsessive states...". (MacHenry p. 340 & DSB I p. 580) ---- Haymaker ---- (N° 10)**347/CART.RUSS