Stockholm: P.-A. Norstedt & Fils, 1905. Large 8vo. (246x166mm). Original printed wrappers.
First edition of Becquerel's Nobel Lecture.""Becquerel attended a session of the 'Académie des Sciences' in Paris on 20 January 1896, when Jules Henri Poincaré exhibited a series of radiographs sent to him by Röntgen. He, like others, observed that the emission of X-rays from the cathode tube was accompanied by strong phosphorescence of the glass. He therefore suspected that other forms of induced phosphorescence might be accompanied by other hithero unknown rays. In February 1896 Charles Henry reported to the 'Académie' his discovery of that phosphorescence could be induced in certain substances by exposure to sunlight. In the same month Becquerel reported that uranium was among these substances. Like all his other early papers on the subject, this appeared in the 'Comptes rendus' and was entitled 'Sur les Radiations Invisibles' émises par les Corps Phosphorescents'. In a second paper, 'Sur quelques Propriétés Nouvelles des Radiations Invisibles', he reported the astonishing fact that uranium was capable of fogging photographic plates even without previous exposure to sunlight and when the plates themselves were completely protected from ordinary light. In a third paper, March 1896, 'Sur les Radiations invisbles émises par les d'Uranium' Becquerel discarded phosphorescence completely and declared that the emanations from uranium constituded an entirely new and unsuspected property of matter, which in his seventh paper he named 'radioactivité'. He also found that the uranium rays discharged a gold-leaf electroscope, which is still used as one method of detecting radio-activity.Becquerel also discovered that the residue of pitchblende, a natural uranium oxide, after the uranium had been extracted from it was about four times as radio-active as uranium itself. He therefore suggested to the Curies the importance of further investigations of the ore, with the result that they discovered radium. He continued to work on the subject until 1903, in which year he collaborated with Pierre Curie in a paper, 'Action Physiologique des Rayons du Radium', which is the starting-point of the treatment of disease by radio-active substances. In that year he also published ... ('Recherches sur une Propriété Nouvelle de la Matière' - the offered item) ... which is his definitive work, containing a chronological narrative of his investigations, his mature conclusions and a bibliography of two hundred and fourteen treatises on radio-activity, dating from his own first paper in 1896. The rays emitted by uranium were named in his honour 'Becquerel' rays. They were later discovered to be a composite of three forms of emanation, distinguished by Rutherford (in 1919) as alpha, beta and gamma rays and identified thus: alpha as helium nuclei, beta as electrons, and gamma as powerful X-rays."" - (PMM).In 1903 Becquerel shared the Nobel Prize in Physics with the Curies ""in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by his discovery of spontaneous radioactivity"".
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1907, , 3 grands feuillets volants repliés [650 x 520], imprimés au recto, Sous enveloppe à l'adresse postale de Becquerel, Épreuves d'auteur, remises par l'imprimeur en vue de la publication d'un article devenu très rare, "Sur les électrons", destiné à paraître dans le numéro 65 du Bulletin de la Société internationale des électriciens ; elle comprend de nombreuses corrections et additions de la main d'Henri Becquerel. Après sa découverte en 1896 de la radioactivité, et celle de l'électron par Thomson en 1897, Henri Becquerel parvint, en 1900, à démontrer que les rayons Beta, ont un rapport de charge à la masse très proche de ceux des rayons cathodiques, et donc, en 1902, que ses mêmes rayons sont en réalité des électrons. Les corrections d'auteur rectifient les coquilles et le style du texte, mais elles apportent aussi des modifications importantes de calcul et de mesure. En outre, on trouve aussi des notes marginales, au crayon de papier, ou sur des papiers contrecollés, qui interrogent le texte et certains de ses calculs. Très beau document autographe conservé dans son enveloppe de l'Imprimerie Gauthier-Villars et adressé à "Monsieur Becquerel, rue Dumont D'urville 6. Paris". Cachets "épreuve" apposé par la société d'imprimerie Gauthier-Villars dans l'angle supérieur gauche de chaque feuillet. Couverture rigide
Bon 3 grands feuillets volants
Reference : 49475
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1896 a. 1898. 4to. Bound in 2 contemp. hcloth, spines gilt and with gilt lettering. In: ""Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de L'Academie des Sciences"", Tome 122 a. 127. - 1633 pp. + 1302 pp. Both with halftitle and title-page. Title-pages with a punched stamp to lower margin. The papers (tome 122:) pp. 420-421, 501-503, 559-564, 689-694, 762-767, 1086-1088. (Tome 127:) pp. 175-178, 1215-1217, 1218. Internally clean and fine.
First appearance of the landmark papers in which Becquerel documents his discovery of Radio-activity, PROMPTING THE NUCLEAR AGE, and the papers which the Curies announced the discoveries of the 2 elements Polonium and Radium.Becquerel was an expert in fluorescence and phosphorescence, continuing the work of his father and grandfather. Follwing the discovery of X-rays by Röntgen, Bexquerel investigated fluorescent materials to see if they also emitted X-rays. He exposed a fluorescent uranium salt, pechblende, to light and then placed it on a wrapped photographic plate.He found that a faint image was left on the plate, which he believed was due to the pichblende emitting the light it had absorbed as a more penetrating radiation.. However, by chace, he left a sample that had not been exposed to light on top of a photographic plate in a drawer. he noticed that the photographic plate also had a a faint image of the pechblende. After several chemical tests he concluded that these ""Becquerel rays"" were a property of atoms. He had, by chace, discovered radio-activity and prompted thee beginning of the nuclear age. He shared the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903 with Marie and Pierre Curie. The ""Becquerel Rays"" were later discovered to be a composite of three forms of emanation, distinguished by Rutherford as alpha, beta and gamma rays.Dibner: 163 (the later Mémoire from 1903) - PMM: 393 (1903- Mémoire) - Garrison & Morton: 2001 (only the first paper). - Magie ""A Sourve Book in Physics"" p. 610 ff. - Norman:157. ""The Curie's owned their success to an extremely sensitive electroscopic apparatus constructed by Pierre and his brother Jacques, which made possible a ""new method of chemical analysis based on the precise measurement of radium emitted, a method still in use.""(DSB).Becquerel's discovery of the radioactive properties of uranium (1896) inspired Marie and Pierre Curie to investigate radiation. They reported their researches in a series of papers from 1897 in the Comptes rendus. First they isolated a new substance about three hundred times as active as radium. This they called Polonium in honour of Marie's native Poland. A further examnination of the residue of Pitchblende after the removal of uranium and polonium disclosed residual radio-activity far greater than was possessed by either substance alone. To this material the name Radium was given. The radium was found to be about two million times as radio-active as uranium.Garrison & Morton: 2003. - Magie ""A Source Book in Physics"" p. 613 ff.
Paris, A. Lahure, 1881. Orig. clothbacked boards. (4),174 pp., textillustrations. Slightly brownspotted.
First edition. With papers By Ed. Becquerel (1) and Henri Becquerel (2) and others.
Reference : 47430
(Paris, Gauthier-Villars), 1901. 4to. No wrappers. In: ""Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de L'Academie des Sciences"", Tome 133, No 24.. Pp. (969-) 1044. (Entire issue offered). Becquerel's paper: pp. 977-980.
First appearance of this historical paper in which Becquerel relates THE FIRST EVIDENCE OF A RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATION. ""Nothing that Becquerel subsequently accomplished (after his discovery of radioactivity in 1896) was as important as this discovery, by which he opened the way to nuclear physics. Nevertheless, there were two other occasions on which he stood directly on the path of history: when he identified electrons in the radiations of radium (1899 - 1900) and when he published the first evidence of a radioactive transformation (1901). (The paper offered).""(DSB).""To prove his supposition that the uranium would recover its activity, Becquerel set aside some of the inactive uranium solution and its radioactive barium sulfate precipitate for a period of 18 months. Late in 1901, he found that the uranium had completely regained its activity, whereas the barium sulfate precipitate had become completely inactive. Becquerel wrote: ""The loss of activity ... shows that the barium has not removed the essentially active and permanent part of the uranium. This fact constitutes, then, a strong presumption in favor of the existence of an activity peculiar to uranium, although it is not proved that the metal be not intimately united with another very active product.""
P., Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 1946, un volume in 4, broché, couverture imprimée, 1 portrait, 55 pages, planches hors texte
---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- J. Becquerel. La découverte de la radioactivité - De Broglie (M. Le Duc). Les conséquences de la découverte de la radioactivité dans le domaine de la physique - Le Grand (Y.). Les applications de la radioactivité à la physique du globe - Lamothe (M.). La lignée des Becquerel - Strohl (A.). Les applications de la radioactivité dans le domaine de la biologie et de la médecine**5486.M1
Paris Typographie de Firmin Didot 1883. In-4 carré broché 50pp. Orné de 42 tableaux synoptiques à pleine page. Petites coupures et manques de papier discrets en bordure de la couverture, pliures sur les pages 39 à 45 sinon exemplaire complet et en bon état.
Tableaux météorologiques représentant les observations faites au Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris du 1er décembre 1880 au 1er décembre 1881. Ces observations font suite à celles publiées vers 1863 par Antoine Becquerel (1788-1878) dont les Auteurs sont respectivement le fils (1820-1891) et le petit-fils (1852-1908).
Reference : 46854
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1896. 4to. Near contemp. full cloth. Spine gilt and with gilt lettering. Bookmark, ""The Chemists Club"" in gold on lower part of spine. Light wear along edges. In: ""Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de L'Academie des Sciences"", Tome 122 (Entire volume offered).1633 pp. The papers: 420-421, pp. 501-502, pp. 559-564, pp. 689-694, pp. 762-767 and pp. 1086-1088.
First appearance of the six landmark papers in which Becquerel documents his discovery of Radio-activity, PROMPTING THE NUCLEAR AGE.Becquerel was an expert in fluorescence and phosphorescence, continuing the work of his father and grandfather. Follwing the discovery of X-rays by Röntgen, Bexquerel investigated fluorescent materials to see if they also emitted X-rays. He exposed a fluorescent uranium salt, pechblende, to light and then placed it on a wrapped photographic plate.He found that a faint image was left on the plate, which he believed was due to the pichblende emitting the light it had absorbed as a more penetrating radiation.. However, by chace, he left a sample that had not been exposed to light on top of a photographic plate in a drawer. he noticed that the photographic plate also had a a faint image of the pechblende. After several chemical tests he concluded that these ""Becquerel rays"" were a property of atoms. He had, by chace, discovered radio-activity and prompted thee beginning of the nuclear age. He shared the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903 with Marie and Pierre Curie. The ""Becquerel Rays"" were later discovered to be a composite of three forms of emanation, distinguished by Rutherford as alpha, beta and gamma rays.Dibner: 163 (the later Mémoire from 1903) - PMM: 393 (1903- Mémoire) - Garrison & Morton: 2001 (only the first paper). - Magie ""A Sourve Book in Physics"" p. 610 ff. - Norman:157.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1896. 4to. Bound in contemporary half cloth with marbled boards. ""Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de L'Academie des Sciences"", Tome 122 (Entire volume offered). Two title labels with gilt lettering to spine. Minor wear to extremities, upper title label with a few nicks. Library stamp to title page, otherwise a fine and clean copy. Pp. 420-421" Pp. 501-502 Pp. 559-564 Pp. 689-694 Pp. 762-767" Pp. 1086-1088.
First appearance of the six landmark papers in which Becquerel documents his discovery of Radio-activity, PROMPTING THE NUCLEAR AGE.Becquerel was an expert in fluorescence and phosphorescence, continuing the work of his father and grandfather. Follwing the discovery of X-rays by Röntgen, Bexquerel investigated fluorescent materials to see if they also emitted X-rays. He exposed a fluorescent uranium salt, pechblende, to light and then placed it on a wrapped photographic plate.He found that a faint image was left on the plate, which he believed was due to the pichblende emitting the light it had absorbed as a more penetrating radiation.. However, by chace, he left a sample that had not been exposed to light on top of a photographic plate in a drawer. he noticed that the photographic plate also had a a faint image of the pechblende. After several chemical tests he concluded that these ""Becquerel rays"" were a property of atoms. He had, by chace, discovered radio-activity and prompted thee beginning of the nuclear age. He shared the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903 with Marie and Pierre Curie. The ""Becquerel Rays"" were later discovered to be a composite of three forms of emanation, distinguished by Rutherford as alpha, beta and gamma rays.Dibner: 163 (the later Mémoire from 1903) - PMM: 393 (1903- Mémoire) - Garrison & Morton: 2001 (only the first paper). - Magie ""A Source Book in Physics"" p. 610 ff. - Norman:157.
BECQUEREL (Henri)] DARBOUX (Gaston), PERRIER (Edmond), VIEILLE et PASSY (Louis)
Reference : 61224
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1908, in-4, de 12 pages, exemplaire broché, sans couverture, Rare tiré à part des différents discours prononcé lors de l'enterrement d'Henri Becquerel le 29 août 1908. Bon état. Couverture rigide
Bon de 12 pages
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1900, in-8, 32 pp, Broché, couverture imprimée de l'éditeur, Rare édition originale, en tiré à part, de ce discours prononcé par Henri Becquerel (1852-1908) à l'occasion du Congrès International de Physique réuni à Paris. C'est l'un des premiers documents publiés sur la radioactivité, découverte fortuitement en 1896 alors qu'il cherchait à approfondir les travaux de Wilhem Röntgen sur les rayons X. Il était alors parvenu à démontrer le rayonnement pénétrant émis par l'uranium, les "rayons uraniques" ; cette découverte sera complété 1898 par Marie et Pierre Curie qui feront, à l'occasion du même Congrès, un rapport sur "Les nouvelles substances radioactives". Tous les trois partageront ainsi, en 1903, le Prix Nobel ; Becquerel pour la découverte de la radioactivité spontanée, et les Curie pour leurs recherches sur les phénomènes de radiation. Superbe état. Exemplaire non coupé. DSB I, 561. Poggendorff IV, 88. Couverture rigide
Bon 32 pp.
Stockholm, Imprimerie royale, 1900, in-8, de 22 et (2) pages, , Première édition française, rare, de la "traduction officielle" du statut et des règlements qui furent à l'origine de la création du Prix Nobel en 1900. Très bon exemplaire dans son brochage bleu d'origine imprimé en noir, portant, sur la première de couverture, une étiquette au numéro "B-82" attestant qu'il provient de la bibliothèque de la famille Becquerel, en l'occurrence qu'il s'agit de l'exemplaire d'Henri Becquerel, premier prix Nobel français, en 1903, avec Pierre et Marie Curie. Couverture rigide
Bon de 22 et (2) pages
(Paris, Gauthier-Villars), 1899. 4to. No wrappers. In: ""Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de L'Academie des Sciences"", Tome 128, No 13. Pp. (753-) 852. (Entire issue offered). Becquerel's paper: pp. 771-777.
First appearance of Henri Becquerel last paper on radio-activity in the first period, two years after his monumental discovery of radioactivity.
Reference : 47427
Paris, G. Masson, 1877. 8vo. Contemp. hcalf, raised bands, gilt spine. Light wear along edges. Small stamps on verso of titlepage. In: ""Annales de Chimie et de Physique"", 5e Series,Tome 12. - 576 pp. a. 1 folded plate. (The entire volume offered). Becquerel's paper: pp. 5-87.
First edition of Henri Becquerel's importent study of the magnetic substances in which he sets forth his discovery that ""the magnetic rotation of the bodies is connected with their refractive index and with another function that varies with their specific magnetism"". For the first time it was showed that there is a connexion between the rotatory power and the magnetic properties of matter.The volume contains other importent papers, more than 10 papers by , MARCELLIN BERTHELOT, mainly on Thermo-Chemistry.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1883, in-8, de 68 pages et 1 planche, exemplaire broché, sous couverture d'attente, non coupé, Très rare tiré à part d'une des premières études de Becquerel sur les phénomènes de phosphorescence. Treize ans plus tard, en février 1896, Becquerel découvrira la radio-activité grâce aux étranges "radiations émises par phosphorescence". Très bon exemplaire, sous couverture d'attente. Couverture rigide
Bon de 68 pages et 1 planche
(Paris, Gauthier-Villars), 1897. 4to. No wrappers. In: ""Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de L'Academie des Sciences"", Tome 124, No 15. Pp. (797-) 838. (Entire issue offered). Becquerel's paper: pp. 800-803.
First printing. In 1896 Becquerel made his landmark discovery of radioactivity and in this follow-up paper he further established some of the properties of the radiation so that it could be identified unambiguously.
(Paris, Gauthier-Villars), 1899. 4to. No wrappers. In: ""Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de L'Academie des Sciences"", Tome 129, No 24. pp. (985-) 1047. (Entire issue offered). Becquerel's paper: pp. 996-1001. 1 textillustr. Clean and fine.
First printing of an early importent investigation on the newly (1896) discovered phenomenon of radioactivity.""Toward the end of 1899 (his first report is dated 11 December), he began to investigate the effects on the radiation from radium of magnetic fields in various orientations to the direction of its propagation (in modern terms, the magnetic deflection of the beta rays from shortterm decay products in equilibrium with the radium). In this work he united two descriptive traditions, the magneto optics of his own experience and a line of qualitative studies of the discharge of electricity through gases. He soon moved from these to J. J. Thomson’s more radical program of quantitative observations on collimated beams, in which Thomson had shown (1897) that the cathode rays were corpuscular and consisted of streams of swiftly moving, negatively charged particles whose masses were probably subatomic. By 26 March 1900, Becquerel had duplicated those experiments for the radium radiation and had shown that it too consisted of negatively charged ions, moving at 1.6 × 1010 cm./sec. with a ratio of m/e = 10-7 gm./abcoul. Thus Thomson’s ""corpuscles"" (electrons) constituted a part of the radiations of radioactivity."" (DSB).
(Paris, Gauthier-Villars), 1899. 4to. No wrappers. In: ""Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de L'Academie des Sciences"", Tome 129, No 26. Pp. (1201-) 1296. (Entire issue offered). Becquerel's paper: pp. 1205-1207. Clean and fine.
First printing of an early importent investigation on the newly (1896) discovered phenomenon of radioactivity.""Toward the end of 1899 (his first report is dated 11 December), he began to investigate the effects on the radiation from radium of magnetic fields in various orientations to the direction of its propagation (in modern terms, the magnetic deflection of the beta rays from shortterm decay products in equilibrium with the radium). In this work he united two descriptive traditions, the magneto optics of his own experience and a line of qualitative studies of the discharge of electricity through gases. He soon moved from these to J. J. Thomson’s more radical program of quantitative observations on collimated beams, in which Thomson had shown (1897) that the cathode rays were corpuscular and consisted of streams of swiftly moving, negatively charged particles whose masses were probably subatomic. By 26 March 1900, Becquerel had duplicated those experiments for the radium radiation and had shown that it too consisted of negatively charged ions, moving at 1.6 × 1010 cm./sec. with a ratio of m/e = 10-7 gm./abcoul. Thus Thomson’s ""corpuscles"" (electrons) constituted a part of the radiations of radioactivity."" (DSB).
(Paris, Gauthier-Villars), 1897. 4to. No wrappers. In: ""Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de L'Academie des Sciences"", Tome 124, No 9. Pp. (429-) 480. (Entire issue offered). Becquerel's paper: pp. 438-444. A small tear to inner lower margin. Disbound.
First printing. In 1896 Becquerel made his landmark discovery of radioactivity and in this follow-up paper he further established some of the properties of the radiation so that it could be identified unambiguously.
Stockholm, P. A. Norstedt, 1905, in-8, 15 pp, 4 pl, Broché, Rare discours prononcé à Stockholm, le 11 décembre 1903, à l'occasion de la remise du prix Nobel de physique qu'Henri Becquerel partagea avec Pierre et Marie Curie. 4 planches comprenant 20 figures montrant principalement les effets du rayonnement du radium et des sels d'uranium. Couverture rigide
Bon 15 pp., 4 pl.
Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1901, in-4, 96 pages, broché, non coupé, Rapport peu courant rédigé par Henri Becquerel pour l'exposition universelle de 1900 (Rapports du jury international, classe 24. Exposition universelle internationale de 1900. Ministère du commerce, de l'industrie, des postes et des télégraphes). Couverture rigide
Bon 96 pages
Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1910, in-8, de XXXII et 312 pages, demi-percaline noire à coins de l'époque, dos lisse (dos et coins frottés), Exemplaire portant un envoi de l'éditeur des oeuvres de Hertz, P. Lenard, à Henry Becquerel? Seconde édition, après une première publiée en 1894. Ce texte reste important car il traite des implications théoriques des équations d'électrodynamique de Maxwell pour l'ensemble de la physique. Bon exemplaire à l'intérieur propre. Couverture rigide
Bon de XXXII et 312 pages
S.l. [Paris] s.d. [1879] in-4 broché sous couverture d'attente de papier bleu, non coupé
11 pp.Aucun exemplaire au CCFr. Seule la BnF possède un Mémoire sur les températures observées sous le sol, au Muséum d'Histoire naturelle, pendant l'hiver 1890-1891, de Henri Becquerel seul, qui montre que ces observations se sont étagées sur plus de dix ans
London, 1902, in-8, 10 pp. et 7 pl, Agrafé, sans couverture, Rare plaquette du texte lu par Becquerel lors d'une conférence faite à Londres à la Royal Institution of Great Britain (Weekly Evening Meeting) en présence de William Crookes. Quelques rousseurs sur les première et dernière pages Couverture rigide
Bon 10 pp. et 7 pl.
Paris, Didot, 1907, in-4, 15-[1] p, Broché, Rare première édition d'un des derniers textes de Becquerel dans lequel, il tisse un lien entre la théorie de la matière des anciens et celle toute moderne de la physique nucléaire. Exemplaire non coupé. Couverture rigide
Bon 15-[1] p.