".: Paris, chez Basan et Poignant , 1781, small in-folio, 31 x 23 cm, title with wood-engraved vignette + (4) nn pp + 22 pp . BOUND AFTER the following; Tableaux du Cabinet de Mr. Poullain mise au jour par Mr. Basan à Paris. Collection of 120 copper engravings on 116 leaves (title included). Bound in old boards. Both items are uncut, the plates printed on large paper (365 x 260 mm). Nice copy allthough the first 15 plates have some foxing spots. The plates were executed under the direction of François Basan and are interpretation copper-engravings of the paintings in the collection of Mr. Poullain. Among the painters are Brueghel, Blanchard, Veronese , Lorrain , van Everdingen , Gerard Dou , Houbraken , Lairesse , Rembrant , Rubens , Van Dyck...The text , bound in at the end, contains short biographies. (Lewine p.46). Plate 14 represents a painting by Jacques Blanchard, now in the Metropolitan Museum. It was sold in 1780 in the LeBrun sale and acquired by the Comte d'Orsay. In 1790 it was in the Basan sale. So all three persons involved in this catalogue owned this painting at some point. This provenance history is probably exemplary for other paintings in the collection."
.: 19. Paris, chez Basan et Poignant , 1781, small in-folio, 31 x 23 cm, title with wood-engraved vignette + (4) nn pp (with copper engraved vignette, signed Choffard) + 22 pp + 120 copper engravings on 116 leaves, 19th century dark green half leather binding, raised gilt back, marbled end-papers, nice uncut copy. The plates were executed under the direction of François Basan and are interpretation copper-engravings of the paintings in the collection of Mr. Poullain. Among the painters are Brueghel, Blanchard, Veronese , Lorrain , van Everdingen , Gerard Dou , Houbraken , Lairesse , Rembrant , Rubens , Van Dyck...The text at the beginning contains short biographies. (Lewine p.46). Plate 14 represents a painting by Jacques Blanchard, now in the Metropolitan Museum. It was sold in 1780 in the LeBrun sale and acquired by the Comte d'Orsay. In 1790 it was in the Basan sale. So all three persons involved in this catalogue owned this painting at some point. This provenance history is probably exemplary for other paintings in the collection.
objets curieux qui composaient le cabinet de feu Pierre-François Basan Père, graveur et ancien marchand d'estampes. Par L. F. Regnault, peintre et graveur.- Paris. Chez l'Auteur. An VI de la République. (1797-1798). In-8 (135 x 210 mm) broché, couverture muette d'attente d'origine, Ordre de la vente, 16 pages, puis 2ff (fx-titre et titre)., frontispice gravé par Choffard, XV pages (Abrégé historique de la vie de Basan avec gravure de Choffard en bandeau, et Avant-propos), Catalogue 288 pages, prix manuscrits dans les marges. Bords de feuilles de l'Ordre de la vente, chiffonnés mais ouvrage non rogné, des rousseurs claires, plutôt bon exemplaire.
Paris, Chez l'Auteur & rue et maison Serpente, An VI (1797 -1798). 219 x 132 mm, (3) ff. : blanc, faux-titre, titre, 1 frontispice gravé, XV-(1)-288-(2) pp. Broché sous couvertures d'attente bleues, dos avec manques de papier, première de couverture de couverture détachée sur 13 cm, trous de vers dans la marge de quelques feuillets, essentiellement non-coupé.
chez l'Auteur, Paris, 1771. In-4 gr. (mm. 335x225), p. vitellino coevo (dorso restaur.), cornici a secco e oro impresse ai piatti. Il volume contiene: frontespizio figurato di Choffard con una dedica incisa al verso, un ritratto del Duca di Choiseul (non firmato), una descrizione dei quadri in 12 pagine, pure incise, e 129 tavole numerate da 1 a 123 (ma i numeri 68, 69, 76, 78 e 101 sono bis); inoltre nel ns. esempl. il 47 Hachis d'oignon è in 2 stati: il primo riproduce esattamente il quadro, il secondo, in formato ridotto. La tav. 74 è a doppia pagina.Le tavole sono incise da: Baquoy, Binet, Daudet, Delvaux, Dunker (acqueforti), Germain, Guttenberg, Halbou, de Launay, Lebas, Levesque, Lingée, Maillet, Maleuve, Massard, Ponce, Romanet, Saint-Aubin, e altri.Cfr. Cohen, pp. 115-116 (cita l'ediz. del 1774): Très belle collection bien gravée, d'après les magnifiques tableaux que le Duc de Choiseul vendit après sa disgrace en 1772 - Lewine, pp. 45-46.Fioriture o lievi aloni ai margini bianchi delle tavv. ma complessivam. buon esemplare.