London, Thames and Hudson, 1963. 1 volume in-12, 371 pp., grey cloth hardback, flat spine, some minor black spots on the upper edge, one Chinese stamp on the title page, very good condition.
Brookings Institution 1974 387 pages in8. 1974. Broché. 387 pages. en anglais
Bon Etat bords un peu frottés intérieur frais
USA, University of Washington Press, 1972. 1 volume, soft covers, in-8, xxvi+620pp., 52 tables, 11 figures, 11 maps, 9 pictures, good copy.
Content: Introduction - Part I. Historical Roots of Organizational and Behavioral Patterns - Part II. Leadership Characteristics and Problems at the Local Level - Part III. Personality and Politics - Part IV. Rural Control and Mobilization - Part V. Policies toward Youth, the Bourgeoisie, and the Workers - Appendix.
Washing D.C., The Brookings Institution,1974. 1 volume, soft-cover, in-8, XVI-387 pp., 4 tables, a very good copy.
Contents: Values and Institutions in Crisis - The Changing Political Roles of the Military - Strategies for Economic Development - Problems of Future Leadership - China and the World - Summary and Implications for U.S. Policy.