9 books for « barbara de coninck »Edit

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‎Barbara de Coninck‎

Reference : 54219

‎Monastic Performance - The Mystic Contract - The Ecstatic Recording Jan Fabre in St Augustine's Church in Antwerp‎

‎, mercaterfonds - fondsmercator, 2018 Softcover, 124 pages ill. 24,1 x 17 x 1,1 cm. ISBN 9789462302433.‎

‎As part of the city-wide 'Antwerp Baroque 2018' festival, artist Jan Fabre has been invited to create three new altarpieces for Antwerp's Church of St Augustine, now the home of the international cultural and music centre AMUZ. In fulfilling this prestigious commission Fabre is following in the illustrious footsteps of Peter Paul Rubens, Jacob Jordaens and Anthony van Dyck, who were asked to produce an altarpiece each in 1628. This handsomely illustrated book brings to life the origin, history and richness of these works of art in all their subtlety. Fabre's extraordinary triptych, The Monastic Performance, The Mystic Contract and The Ecstatic Recording is truly breathtaking. Specially conceived, the works form an apotheosis of core elements from his oeuvre, including the lamb, fire, woman, spirituality, and his love of Antwerp, represented by the diamond motif. In this sumptuous Mercatorfonds publication, Barbara De Coninck, Joanna De Vos, Jenke Van den Akkerveken and Els Wuyts take an investigative trip through the iconography and meaning of the individual altarpieces. Starting from Fabre's preparatory collage drawings we follow the construction and metamorphosis of the mosaics. Paul Huvenne's connective essay makes a detailed comparison between Fabre's contemporary interpretations and the Baroque originals, with reference to the particular history of St Augustine's Church. And Joost Vander Auwera discovers surprising parallels between Fabre, Jordaens and Van Dyck.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR29.00 (€29.00 )

‎BARBARA et CONINCK (Christine de).‎

Reference : 59009


ISBN : 2707301736

‎La Partagée.‎

‎Paris Editions de Minuit, coll. "Autrement dites" 1977 1 vol. in-8 (220 x 135 mm) broché 190 pp. Témoignage de Barbara à la tête du mouvement des prostituées de Lyon, qui occupa l'église Saint-Nizier en juin 1975. Titre épuisé. Couverture légèrement salie, sinon bon état. ‎

Vignes Online - Eymoutiers

Phone number : 05 55 14 44 53

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎Barbara De Coninck, Filip Luyckx‎

Reference : 64036

‎Fabrice Souvereyns Erased and Not Erased‎

‎, Posture Editions Nr 50, 2023 PB, 300 x 210 mm, 256 pages, EN-NL edition, Illustrated. ISBN 9789491262555.‎

‎Armed with pencil, eraser and breaker knife, FabArmed with pencil, eraser and breaker knife, Fabrice Souvereyns ( 1995 Tongeren) creates a detailed world from intense observations and perceptions. Souvereyns's young oeuvre draws inspiration from the physical world, from fauna and flora and from what is visible to humankind in the skies. In addition, more 'invisible' themes also play a substantial role in the work. The influence of, for example, science cannot be denied, while art history also serves as inspiration for the artist's eccentric plant world. Vegetal scenes in art reflect how humans relate to subjects such as nature, religion, philosophy or science at the time. Souvereyns makes use of this frame of reference but also leaves room for his personal formal language. As a result, a certain universality and restraint always hangs around his drawings: although they are based on centuries-old natural landscapes, we cannot exactly find them in reality. The line between reality and the (sub)consciousness blurs. While working, he is guided by spontaneity yet the drawings are not simply the result of automatism. Each movement, whether adding or omitting, leaves a unique trace, and is a deliberate choice by the artist. Posture Editions N 50 brings together these diverse landscapes, making the book function as the young artist's first survey work. rice Souvereyns ( 1995 Tongeren) creates a detailed world from intense observations and perceptions. Souvereyns's young oeuvre draws inspiration from the physical world, from fauna and flora and from what is visible to humankind in the skies. In addition, more 'invisible' themes also play a substantial role in the work. The influence of, for example, science cannot be denied, while art history also serves as inspiration for the artist's eccentric plant world. Vegetal scenes in art reflect how humans relate to subjects such as nature, religion, philosophy or science at the time. Souvereyns makes use of this frame of reference but also leaves room for his personal formal language. As a result, a certain universality and restraint always hangs around his drawings: although they are based on centuries-old natural landscapes, we cannot exactly find them in reality. The line between reality and the (sub)consciousness blurs. While working, he is guided by spontaneity yet the drawings are not simply the result of automatism. Each movement, whether adding or omitting, leaves a unique trace, and is a deliberate choice by the artist. Posture Editions N 50 brings together these diverse landscapes, making the book function as the young artist's first survey work. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )

‎Melania Rossi. texts by: Dimitri Ozerkov, Melania Rossi, Sara Liuzzi, Barbara De Coninck‎

Reference : 61012

‎JAN FABRE : Allegory of Caritas (An Act of Love)‎

‎, Silvana Editoriale, 2022 HB, 320 x 240 mm, 196 p, 120 Coloured illustr. , ENG, . ISBN 9788836653522.‎

‎Jan Fabre's latest series of works includes brilliant coral sculptures, as if ready to be offered to a temple, and blood drawings. The practice of comprehension of the mystery makes him dialogue with the artists and alchemists of the Renaissance, who tried to explain both the enigma of human formation and the origin of art on the basis of laboratory research, as well as with those religious writers who tried to understand the essence of the sacrament of marriage, one of the five (or seven) great sacraments, through the detailed study of sanctified texts. Dimitri Ozerkov In Fabre artistic universe, beauty is a daimon that takes on a thousand forms, some even uncomfortable, disturbing, and acts as a bait to communicate a profound sense of life. The tension in his works and the astonishment they arouse are always infused with a spirituality that harmonizes contrasts. The narrated caritas by Fabre is the universal act of love, which survives over the centuries and is all that matters.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎BARBARA , CONINCK ( Christine de ) ‎

Reference : 67528


‎La partagée‎

‎ 1977 Paris, les éditions de Minuit ,1977, In huit , 187 pp, très bon état, ‎

‎. ‎


Phone number : 01 42 96 06 24

EUR19.00 (€19.00 )

‎De Coninck, Barbara De Vos, Joanna Huvenne, Paul Van den Akkerveken, Jenke Vander Auwera, Joost Wuyts, Els‎

Reference : 53677

‎monastieke optreden . Het mystieke contract . De extatische opname. Jan Fabre in de Sint-Augustinuskerk van Antwerpen‎

‎, mercaterfonds - fondsmercator, 2018 softcover, 107 pages, illustraties in kleur. ISBN 9789462302426.‎

‎In het kader van het stadsfestival Antwerpen Barok 2018 ontving kunstenaar Jan Fabre het eervolle aanzoek om drie nieuwe altaarstukken te ontwerpen voor de Antwerpse Sint-Augustinuskerk, tegenwoordig het ontmoetings- en muziekcentrum AMUZ. Fabre plaatst zich hiermee in de roemruchte traditie van Peter Paul Rubens, Jacob Jordaens en Antoon van Dyck. Zij kregen in 1628 dezelfde vraag. Mercatorfonds brengt in een rijk ge llustreerd boek het ontstaan, de geschiedenis en de rijkdom van deze kunstwerken in al zijn finesses tot leven. Fabres drieluik Het monastieke optreden, Het mystieke contract en De extatische opname verbluft de toeschouwer. De speciaal geconcipieerde kunstwerken vormen een apotheose van kernelementen uit zijn oeuvre, waaronder het lam, het vuur, de vrouw, spiritualiteit en Fabres liefde voor Antwerpen, verbeeld in het motief van de diamant.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎CONINCK Christine de / BARBARA‎

Reference : R160009373


ISBN : 2707301736


‎LES EDITIONS DE MINUIT Autrement Dites. 1977. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 190 pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 840-Littératures des langues romanes. Littérature française‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 840-Littératures des langues romanes. Littérature française‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR19.80 (€19.80 )


Reference : RO20152039


ISBN : 2707301736


‎LES EDITIONS DE MINUIT. 1977. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 190 pages - légère mouillure sur les plats.. . . . Classification Dewey : 840.091-XX ème siècle‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 840.091-XX ème siècle‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR19.80 (€19.80 )

‎Barbara. Christine de Coninck‎

Reference : 29423


‎La partagée‎

‎Paris, Les Editions de Minuit, 1977, Broché, 190 pages. Bon état. ‎

Phone number : (+32) 470 87 87 88

EUR12.00 (€12.00 )
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