Vienne : JohannThomas Trattner pour Peter Conrad Monath, 1749 In-8, frontispice dépliant, (16)-155-(4) pages et 7 planches dépliantes. Broché, couverture muette, exemplaire non coupé.
Petits manques au dos ; papier jauni. Première édition viennoise de cet important traité de métallurgie. Elle propose une nouvelle traduction en allemand, fondée sur la première édition française publiée à Paris en 1730 sous le titre : Traité de l'art métalique [sic]. La préface de Matthias Godar souligne l'étendue de la célébrité de Barba au sein de la communauté scientifique européenne. La page de titre attire l'attention sur les cuivres gravés spécifiquement pour cette traduction.Le premier livre donne une théorie générale des pierres, métaux et minéraux, de leur genèse et de leur composition. Le second est centré sur le processus d'extraction, en particulier sur le procédé du "patio", ainsi que sur les usages et les propriétés du mercure. Dans le troisième, Barba décrit sa méthode d'amalgamation à chaud permettant d'extraire l'argent à partir du minerai de fer grâce au mercure. Le quatrième traite de la fonte des métaux, et le cinquième, de leur purification."Alvaro Alonso Barba was born in Lepe (Huelva, Spain) in 1569. He served as a priest in Tiahuacano, viceroyalty of Peru […] ; there is little known about him. In 1640, he published Arte de los metales, which immediately became a classic, essentially a practical treatise on silver mining and metallurgy in colonial Peru. The book had several editions in many countries […]. As recently as the nineteenth century, the book was considered the main contribution to the development of mineral knowledge in Spain and the Spanish America. […] Barba was the last practitioner of the alchemical tradition that persisted in Spanish America into the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries." (Gary D. Rosenberg, The revolution in geology from Renaissance to the Enlightenment, 2009) Norman n° 115 et Duveen p. 42 pour la seconde édition anglaise ; Sabin 3255.
Franckfurt am Mayn, Johann Friedrich Fleischer, 1739. Small 8vo. Recent hvellum. 2 old names on titlepage. (4),198,(3) pp., some textillustr. in woodcut showing chemical apparatus.
Scarce fourth German edition. The first part of the book deals with the generation of metals...the second with the extraction of silver by mercury. He cites alchemical literature on the origin of the earth, minerals, salts, adding clear descriptions. He excelled in the ""Treatment of silver ores by amalgation, using processes that he himself had discovered and that were in large measure responsible for the wealth of the province."" (DSB).""Barba was a native of the village of Lepe in Andalusia. He entered the church and became pastor of St. bernards at Potosi, in South America. While there he had the opportunity of studying minerals and mining, extraction of silver and assaying, and became very skilful in these branches of science. He embodied his knowledge and experience in the treatise ""El arte de los metallos"", published in Madrid in 1640 in 4to, with illustrations. It was kept as secret as possible by the Spaniards, but when Edw. Montagu, Earl of Sandwich, was ambassador extraordinary to Spain, he obtained a copy and translated two of the five books into English in 1669. The first book appeared at London in 1670, and the two together in 1674. Two German translations followed, one from the English, and long after, another from the French"" and two in French from the Spanish."" (Ferguson I: p.70-71). - Duveen p.42-43 (but not this edition). Thorndike VII: pp. 257-61.