Leyden, A. en J.Honkoop, 1804. 2 parts in one, [5]; [26] pp. 8vo (13,5 x 23 cm.). Modern blue wrappers with new end-papers, uncut.
Very rare. 1: Observations of an internal Hydrocephalus, with extremely large bones of the pelvis; 2: Two observations on monsters and the conclusions derived thereof. (Separated from: Verhandelingen en Waarneemingen t.b.d. Genees- Heel- Verlos- en Scheikunde, Uitgegeven door H.A. Bake, R. de Kruyff, en J. Logger; volume II, pp. (79)-110, 1804).
Edité par Jean Jacquot. Etudes de Jeannine Auboyer - A.A. Bake - Jeanne Ciusinier - Anne-Marie Esnoul - Liang Pal-Tchin - Li Tche-Houa - MA Hiao-Tsin
Reference : 62942
Paris, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1978, Reliure toilée sous rhodoïd. Bon état., 308 pages. Ill. photographiques, reproductions...Index, table.