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Reference : 24925

‎Andrea Mantegna : l'oeuvre du maître, tableaux, gravures sur cuivre : ouvrage illustré de 200 gravures. Collection : Nouvelle collection des classiques de l'art. Paris : Hachette, 1911.‎

‎1 volume in-4° relié pleine toile rouge décorée des fers spéciaux de la collection. Tête dorée. 185 p. - Illustrations en noir et blanc. Petites rousseurs éparses sinon très bon état. ‎

Phone number :

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎COLLECTIF sous la direction de D'Andrea Giardina‎

Reference : 29489

‎L'homme romain. Collection L'univers historique. Paris. Seuil. 1992.‎

‎1 volume in-8° relié pleine toile sous jaquette illustrée. 477 p. - Rousseurs en tête sinon très bon état d'occasion. ‎

Phone number :

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )

‎NERCIAT, Andrea de‎

Reference : 14092

‎Félicia ou mes fredaines, préface de Pierre Josserand. Le livre de Poche. 1977.‎

‎1 vol. in-12° br. format poche couv. illustrée pelliculée, 319 p. Très bon état d'occasion. ‎

Phone number :

EUR4.00 (€4.00 )

‎CALMO Andrea‎

Reference : 692



‎in Vinegia ( Venise ) s. n. ( Camillo Pinzi ) 1580 4 livres en 1 vol. petit in-8 ( 14,5 x 10 cm ) T. , 43 ff. + 56 ff. + t. , 65 ff. + t. , 79 , (1) ff. . Chaque livre est folioté et non paginé . Chacun a son titre ( sauf le Libro II ) avec sous-titre " Nel quale si contiene varij, & ingeniosi discorsi filosofici, in piu lettere a diuersi indrizzate, compresi " , le dernier " Residuo delle lettere di m. Andrea Calmo, libro quarto. Indrizzate a diuerse donne, sotto molte occasioni de inamoramenti, ne la vulgar antiqua lengua veneta composte. Con cinquanta stanze al proposito dell'opera" . En italien vénitien . Contient : Al Clarissimo e dignissimo Procvrator il Mag. M. Julio Contarini , lettres à Paolo Lombardini, Antonio Cocco , Matteo Usper , Bartolomeo Salis , Michele Parrasio , Marino Venier , Lorenzo Contarini , Bernardo Tiepolo , Gabriele Gradenigo , Soretta Pomposi , Tuffonia di Altieri , Antonio Molino , Paolo Mazzante , Benedetto Soranzo , Caterina da Lodi , Piero Nani , francesco Michiel , Daniele Querini , Francesco Venier , Ludovico Dolce , Zaccaria Dolfin, Isabetta M. , Giambattista Giustiniani , A le honorandissime stampe + à Giovanni Corner , Pandolfo Guoro , Luigi Pisani , Zaccaria Barbarigo , Giambattista Dovizi abate Bibiena , Giovanni Donà , Paolo Giovio , Cristoforo Da Canale , Marin Zane , Beneto Pesaro , Bartolomeo Vitturi , GirolamoVenier , Marino Mocenigo , Leonardo Emo , Giovanni Rizzo , Giovanni Abioso , Cornelia Madonna , Fioravante Avogaro , Francesco Vedova , Valerio Zuccato , Girolamo Parabosco , Gianmaria Dal Cornetto , Luigi Artemio Giancarli , Hebrea Madonna Bellina , Ippolito Tromboncino , Moscardina di Ganzanti , Honorando mio spettacolo moderno ,Giovanni da Bruolo , Jacopo Tintoretto , Piero Beltrame , Alvise Dolfin , Sebastiano di Franceschi , Bartolomeo de Salis , Ranuccio Farnese , Federico Badoer , Francesco da Castello , Francesco Dall'Orso , Alle Signore Comedie + à Stefano Trevisan , Bartolomeo Paruta, Girolamo Morosini , Marin Pasqualigo, Francesco Zorzi , Marco Gussoni, Andrea Da Legge , Giovanni Francesco Priuli ,Domenico Marcello, Giovanni Cavalli , Andrea Contarini, Domenico Bon, conte di Val Marin , Pietro Aretino , Severino de Draghi , Lucio Maggio , Don Dona[t]o, Vicario in S. Spirito , Camillo Melle, Benetto Ragazzoni , Hadrian Wil[l]aert , Antonio Secco , Michelangelo Buonarroti , Francesco Bressan , Francesco da Burano , Anton Francesco Doni , Scipione Ziliol[i], Giovanni Andrea Gromio , Ventura Salvatronda, Bartolomeo de Salis , Francesco Morello , M.[esser] Giovanni, ingener de M. Fantin , Gian Paolo Rizzo , Giacomo Doria , Lunardo Gabardo , Bernardin di Schieti , Giambattista Sura , Francesco Savioni , Christopher Mielich , Filippo Maurici , Annibale Raimondi , Angela Sarra , Vienna Rizzi , Alla gloriosa Fama +à Silvio di Porcia , Signora Delizia , Tullia [Balino?] , Signora Balzana ,Signora Lucida , Signora Spagnoleta , Signora Florida ,Signora Basilica , Letizia [Parisotta?], Signora Ortensia ,Signora Virgilia,Signora Thesorina , Signora Laurina , Signora Romana , Signora Circenia , Signora Griseida , Signora Brunela , Signora Honoria , Signora Cavriola , Signora Galandra , Signora Ardelia , Signora Porzia , Signora Fulgenzia , Signora Leonoria , Signora Oliveta , Signora Celestina , Signora Vitruvia , Signora Fasana, Imperia [Zotta?], Signora Camilla , Signora Borghese , Signora Egidia , Signora Biancarda , Signora Calidonia , Signora Mesalina , Signora Violina , Signora Orsolina , Signora Telura , Signora Oriental , Signora Ferina, Signora Palmeria , Signora Corniola , Signora Frondosa , Signora Pompilia , Signora Alba , Signora Silvia , Signora Serpilia , Signora Cerviera , Signora Aquilina , Signora Fausta , Signora Fontana , Alle ottime e sacratissime Muse , Tavola . Aux titres , marque typographique Charitas tenant un serpent " Vigillae virus fel " . Lettrines , cul-de-lampe . Reliure plein parchemin ancien . Dos lisse, titre , nom de l' auteur , date . Toutes tranches rouges. ( Reliure du XIX s ) . Mouillure claire sur les quatre ou cinq premiers ff. . ( Collat. complet , sauf titre du Livre II ) . ‎

‎Andrea CALMO ( Venise 1510 - id 1571 ) était un écrivain polygraphe , poète , dramaturge et comédien , proche d' Anton Francesc Doni , de Pierre l' Arétin , du Tintoret . Il appartenait au courant de pensée des Polygraphes . " Lasciò briose finte Lettere (4 libri , 1547-56 ) scritte in dialetto veneziano misto di slatinature spropositate , faceti storpiamente di parole , elementi gergali . " ( Enciclopedia Treccani ) In questo, che è uno dei più interessanti e singolari documenti del costume cinquecentesco non soltanto veneziano, sono fantasiosamente e bizzarramente mescholati scherzi, freddure, spiritosaggini, tirate', chiacchere, fiabe e chimere', il tutto esposto in forma di lettere indirizzate da pescatori appartenenti a una stessa famiglia, nel corso di più generazioni, a destinatari per lo più illustri o fittizi: e sono in tutte, anche in quelle dell'ultimo, che si indirizzano, senz'alcuna sottoscrizione a varie cortigiane di Venezia, un'intima arguzia e una sottile ironia, [] che permette all'autore, calcolatamente, di passare dai pettegolezzi delle calli e dei campielli all'allusione ai maggiori pubblici avvenimenti, e anzi alla loro ironizzazione variamente giocata nelle sfumature del linguaggio. Alla fortunata raccolta - dal 1547 al 1610 se ne fece una ventina di edizioni - il Rossi riconosce un primo autentico pregio d'arte, oltre che un notevole valore storico, per i frequenti ricordi di avvenimenti, feste, giochi, balli, canzoni, proverbi e per la ripresa di nomerosi motivi della letterarura popolare [...] Le Lettere del Calmo divennero un repertorio fondamentale per i comici dell'arte e costituirono il modello per altri repertori apparentemente epistolari ( N. Vianello, Per un'edizione delle opere di Andrea Calmo. Saggio di bibliografia, in: Letteratura e critica. Studi in onore di Natalino Sapegno, Roma, 1976, III, pp. 224-225 ). " Ad alcuni dei maggiori artisti allora attivi a Venezia il Calmo dedicò delle lettere; ma, dietro agli elogi iperbolici che egli indirizza all'Aretino o al Tintoretto, si intuisce la scarsa confidenza e il sentimento di soggezione che l'autore dové nutrire verso quei sommi. Più familiari appaiono invece i rapporti con artisti minori, quali il Doni e il Parabosco, e con colleghi versati come lui nell'arte comica, quali il Giancarli e il Molino detto il Burchiella ." ( Ludovico Zorzi , Dizionario Biografico degli Italianii , Vol. 16 , 1973) ‎

Librairie ancienne Tonon - Saint-Hilaire de Lusignan

Phone number : 05 53 48 62 96

EUR400.00 (€400.00 )

‎ROHLOFF, Andrea en NURNBERGER, Anne;‎

Reference : 17912


‎, Amsterdam, Arena, 2004, Paperback onder foto - kartonomslag, 150 x 235mm., 287pp.‎

‎Andrea Rohloff woont samen met haar familie in Berlijn. Ze zit nog op school, maar droomt ervan om haar eigen geld te verdienen en verre reizen te kunnen maken. Wanneer haar vriendin Jenny haar voor haar achttiende verjaardag een vakantie naar Turkije cadeau doet, is ze dan ook door het dolle heen. Andrea geniet met volle teugen van haar eerste vakantie zonder haar ouders, tot haar vriendin plotseling eerder vertrekt en een tas bij haar achterlaat. Met het laatste geld dat Jenny haar heeft gegeven, rijdt Andrea naar het vliegveld. Daar wordt ze door de Turkse politie gearresteerd met zes kilo heroine in haar tas. Andrea is verbijsterd, ze kan niet geloven dat haar vriendin haar zo heeft bedonderd. Ver van haar familie en onder de meest verschrikkelijke omstandigheden moet Andrea in een Turkse gevangenis op haar proces wachten; haar hangt dertig jaar gevangenisstraf boven het hoofd. Verloren tijd is het onthutsende verhaal van een jonge vrouw die door haar eigen naiviteit in een Turkse gevangenis belandde. Andrea Rohloff vertelt op eerlijke en aangrijpende wijze hoe het heeft kunnen gebeuren dat zij met zes kilo heroine op zak werd gearresteerd, en hoe zij haar tijd in de gevangenis wist te overleven. In prima staat.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR14.00 (€14.00 )

‎[Andrea Locatelli] - ‎ ‎Busiri Vici, Andrea‎

Reference : 014685


‎Andrea Locatelli e il Paesaggio Romano del Settecento / Andrea Locatelli and Roman Landscape Painting of the Eighteenth Century‎

‎Busiri Vici, Andrea: Andrea Locatelli e il Paesaggio Romano del Settecento / Andrea Locatelli and Roman Landscape Painting of the Eighteenth Century. Rome: Ugo Bozzi, 1974. xi, 465pp with 81 colour and over 500 monochrome illustrations. Cloth. 29x26cms. Catalogue raisonné of this rococo landscape painter (1695-1741) divided into biography, paintings of archaeological sites, marine views, the Latium countryside, figures and drawings. With bibliography, critical anthology, concordance and indices. Text in English and Italian. Text in Italian.‎

‎Catalogue raisonné of this rococo landscape painter (1695-1741) divided into biography, paintings of archaeological sites, marine views, the Latium countryside, figures and drawings. With bibliography, critical anthology, concordance and indices. Text in English and Italian. Text in Italian‎


Phone number : +44(0)20 7930 9223

GBP40.00 (€44.28 )

‎Palladio, Andrea‎

Reference : 5330379

‎Chetyre knigi ob arkhitekture Andrea Palladio, v koikh posle kratkogo traktat...‎

‎Short description: In Russian. Palladio, Andrea. Andrea Palladio's Four Books on Architecture, which, after a brief treatise on the five orders and instructions most needed for construction, deals with private houses, roads, bridges, squares, xists, and temples. Moscow: Publishing House of All Acad. Architecture, MCMXXXVIII. 1938: Vorovsky Type-Lite. Chetyre knigi ob arkhitekture Andrea Palladio, v koikh posle kratkogo traktata o pyati orderakh i nastavleniy naibolee neobkhodimykh dlya stroitel'stva, traktuetsya o chastnykh domakh, dorogakh, mostakh, ploshchadyakh, ksistakh i khramakh. In Russian /Andrea Palladio's Four Books on Architecture, which, after a brief treatise on the five orders and instructions most needed for construction, deals with private houses, roads, bridges, squares, xists, and temples. The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU5330379‎

Biblioaxes - Plainview
USD299.00 (€258.16 )

‎Terryn, Dirk; Provo, Walter; Van Hulle, Jenoff; Wauters, Rebecca Bekaert, Geert Branzi, Andrea Fran ois, Eddy‎

Reference : 58460

‎Andrea Branzi things, thoughts & territories Made in Belgium. /SIGNED by Andrea Branzi:‎

‎Gent, Vision Publishers,/ Casa Argentaurum , 2021 Softcover, 128 pages 30 x 23 cm English text. SIGNED by Andrea Branzi:. ISBN 9789079881123.‎

‎SIGNED by Andrea Branzi: Andrea Branzi ( 1938, Firenze, I) is een ontwerper, architect, theoreticus, docent, uitgever en tentoonstellingsmaker die opereert vanuit Milaan. In zijn debuutjaren speelde hij een vooraanstaande rol in de ontwikkeling van de radicale Italiaanse architectuursc ne die de design- en de architectuurgeschiedenis vanaf de jaren zestig grondig hervormde. Hij lag mee aan de basis van de groep Archizoom die van 1964 tot 1974 tal van experimentele activiteiten opzette in de vorm van manifesten, installaties en happenings. Vanaf de jaren zeventig legde hij zich toe op de meer theoretische kwesties van het nieuwe Italiaanse design. Hij zou hierover veelvuldig publiceren in tijdschriften als Casabella, Modo, Domus, Interni, L?Unita, Terrazo, ... en dat tot op vandaag. Als docent en medeoprichter van de Domus Academy oefende hij in de jaren tachtig en negentig een bijzondere invloed uit op verschillende generaties ontwerpers. Met zijn indrukwekkende hoeveelheid vernieuwende idee n en creaties is hij ondertussen meer dan veertig jaar aanwezig op internationale manifestaties als de designtri nnale van Milaan (I), de architectuurbi nnales van Veneti (I) en Documenta in Kassel (D). Daar werkte hij als co rdinator of curator, of hij werd vertegenwoordigd door zijn werk.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR124.00 (€124.00 )

‎Andrea Polcaro, Juan Ramon Mu iz, Alessandra Caselli (eds)‎

Reference : 64279

‎Jebel al-Mutawwaq. A Fourth Millennium BCE Village and Dolmen Field. Six Years of Spanish?Italian Excavations (2012?2018)‎

‎, Brepols, 2024 Paperback, xiv + 270 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:161 b/w, 6 col., 43 tables b/w., 1 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503609393.‎

‎Summary The Early Bronze Age site of Jebel al-Mutawwaq, located on a hill overlooking the Zarqa River in Jordan, was a thriving centre of population from the second half of the fourth millennium into the third millennium BCE. During this time, the settlement developed both in population and social complexity, undergoing the beginnings of an urbanization process that fundamentally changed the relationship between this community of the Transjordanian Highlands with the surrounding landscape, until it was completely abandoned around 2900 BCE. This volume offers a new assessment of the site by combining data from the first surveys of the site, under a Spanish team led by J. A. Fernandez-Tresguerres, with the new results from six seasons of excavations led by teams from Perugia in Italy, and San Esteban in Spain. In doing so, this work sheds new light on this walled settlement and its huge megalithic necropolises, and offers a fresh understanding of the site. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations An Introduction to the Volume ANDREA POLCARO & JUAN RAMON MU IZ 1. Jebel al-Mutawwaq: History of Investigations JUAN RAMON MU IZ 2. The Historical Framework: EB I in Jordan ANDREA POLCARO 3. The Site of Jebel al-Mutawwaq: Architecture, Settlement Planning, and Space Organization ANDREA POLCARO & JUAN RAMON MU IZ 4. The Pottery: Function and Typologies ELOISA CASADEI & JOAQUIM DEL RIO 5. The Lithics: Function and Typologies ALESSANDRA CASELLI 6. Biomolecular Archaeology: Preliminary DNA Analysis of Skeletal Remains from Jebel al-Mutawwaq CHIARA PANICUCCI, SARA SILVESTRINI, GIORGIO GRUPPIONI, DONATA LUISELLI, ELISABETTA CILLI & PATRIZIA SERVENTI 7. The Development of Olive Growing at the Jebel al-Mutawwaq Site: Preliminary Data ALESSIA D'AURIA & GAETANO DI PASQUALE 8. Conclusions: The Importance of the Jebel al-Mutawwaq Settlement at the Beginning of the First Urbanization in the Southern Levant ANDREA POLCARO Works Cited‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR95.00 (€95.00 )

‎Devoto (Andrea)‎

Reference : 72538


‎I precedenti psicologici dello schizofrenico (Inscribed by Andrea Devoto) , with 3 other offprint from Andrea Devoto (La svalutazione psicologica delle parole - Risultati del Pigem-test in soggetti schizofrenici - Aspettativa e frustrazione) ‎

‎Leo S. Olschki Editore , Academia Toscana di Scienze e Lettre La Colombaria Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1960 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback, editor's printed wrappers grand In-8 1 vol. - 83 pages‎

‎ 1st edition Contents, Chapitres : I precedenti psicologici dello schizofrenico (Leo Olschki, 1960), 83 pages - We join 3 other offprints from Andrea Devoto : 1. La svalutazione psicologica delle parole (estratto dall' Archivio Glottologico Italiano, Felice Le Monnier, 1959, 10 pages) - 2. Risultati del Pigem-test in soggetti schizofrenici (Congress Report of the IInd International Congress for Psychiatry, September 1957, vol. III, 6 pages) - 3. Aspettativa e frustrazione (estratto vol. Atti XII congresso degli psicologici italiani, 1958, 6 pages). The 3 offprints are under original printed wrappers, with specific title - cf : schizophrénie The first book (Precedenti psicologici dello schizofrenico) is inscribed by Andrea Devoto to the French philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty, we join 3 other offprint from the author without signature, the 4 publications are under original printed wrappers, in fine or near fine condition, no markings, except the one to Merleau-Ponty‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎PALLADIO, Andrea.‎

Reference : 100656


‎ Sans date, ni mention d'imprimeur (page de titre manquante), 1 volume in-12 de 165x100 mm environ, divisé en 2 parties : 1. Antichita di Roma, 256 pages avec 85 vignettes + 1 planche composée de 10 figures - 2. Roma moderna : 142 pages avec 97 vignettes et 42 planches de médailles, demi-basane bordeaux, titre doré sur dos lisse. Notes manuscrites sur le premier contreplat, petits défauts de marge, des pages brunies avec quelques taches et auréoles, frottements d'usage sur la couverture. Texte en italien. Il s'agit ici d'une édition non identifiée du texte d'Andrea PALLADIO, "L'Antichita di Roma".‎

‎Andrea di Pietro della Gondola, dit Andrea Palladio né à Padoue le 30 novembre 1508 et mort à Vicence le 19 août 1580 est un architecte de la Renaissance italienne. Il est l'auteur d'un traité intitulé Les Quatre Livres de l'architecture.Son uvre a eu une influence considérable et influence encore aujourd'hui de nombreux architectes. Vers 1554, à Venise et à Rome : L'Antichita di Roma avec de nombreuses rééditions (1557), (1560), (1600), (1606), (1629), etc. Merci de nous contacter à l'avance si vous souhaitez consulter une référence au sein de notre librairie.‎

Phone number : 33 04 78 42 29 41

EUR450.00 (€450.00 )


Reference : 5844



‎Ne' quali, dopo un breve trattato de' cinque ordini, & di quelli avertimenti, che sono più necessarii nel fabricare; si tratta della case private, delle Vie, dei Ponti, delle Piazze, de i Xisti, et de Tempij. appresso Bartolomeo Carampello, Venetia, 1581. In-4 p. (mm. 310x210), 4 voll. in 1 tomo, p. pergam. coeva, titolo manoscritto su dorso a cordoni, pp. 67; 78,1c.b.; 46,(2); 133,(1),1 c.b. Con quattro bei frontespizi architettonici inc. su legno - che incorporano la marca tipografica Regina Virtus di Franceschi - e 221 xilografie nel testo di differente formato, delle quali 156 a piena pagina, eseguite da Giovanni e Cristoforo Chrieger, Cristoforo Coriolano, e altri, da Andrea Palladio. Al colophon, marca tipografica silografata. Il testo è ornato da graziosi capilettera figurati a vignetta, pure inc. su legno."Seconda edizione" di questo fondamentale trattato di architettura pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1570, a Venezia. Questa edizione, praticamente identica alla prima sia per il testo che per le straordinarie illustrazioni, è stata supervisionata dal figlio di Andrea Palladio, Silla."The Four Books of Architecture" contain the principles of the architectural style which later became known as Palladianism. Andre Palladio was born at Padua as Andrea di Pietro. It was his patron Giangiorgio Trissino, the Italian humanist, who gave him the name Palladio after the angel in Trissinos epic poem "LItalia liberata da Goti", Rome, 1547-8, who signifies the beauty of classical architecture. Palladios lasting influence on architectural style in many parts of the world was exercised less through his actual buildings than through his textbook. This is divided into four sections: orders and elementary problems, domestic building, public building and town planning and temples.. At the end of his life he left plans for that "tour de force of trompe loeil", the Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza, which was finisched by his pupil Vincenzo Scamozzi. Palladio also provided illustrations for D. Barbaros edition of Vitruvius (Venice, 1556) and he published a guide-book to the antiquities of Rome, "LAntichità di Roma", 1554, often reprinted, which was related to the earlier "Mirabilia Romae" which it extended and helped to replace (così PMM,92)Cfr. Fowler,213 - Adams,II, p.39-n.101 - Cicognara,595 - Graesse,V ,p. 340 - Berlin Kat., 2594 - Millard,66.Esemplare ben conservato..‎


Phone number : +39 02 804607

EUR7,000.00 (€7,000.00 )

‎ANDREA DE NERCIAT (André-Robert).‎

Reference : 228107


Phone number : 06 46 54 64 48

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )

‎[ANDREA (Pat)] HENRIC (Jacques).‎

Reference : L13526

‎Pat Andrea.‎

‎ Galerir Rachlin Lemarié Beaubourg, 1997. In-4 br. Catalogue de l'exposition qui a eu lieu du 12 avril au 17 mai 1997. Texte de J. Henric. Illustrations en couleurs de Pat Andréa. E.O.‎


Phone number : 01 43 26 95 18

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎Andrea Japp‎

Reference : 400013174


‎Andrea h japp La parabole du tueur Le Masque Grand format‎

‎Editions du Masque 1996 1996. Andrea H. Japp: La parabole du tueur/ Le Masque Grand Format 1996 . Andrea H. Japp: La parabole du tueur/ Le Masque Grand Format 1996‎

‎Très bon état‎

Démons et Merveilles - Joinville

Phone number : 07 54 32 44 40

EUR3.00 (€3.00 )

‎Andrea Japp‎

Reference : 400025002


‎Andrea h japp la voyageuse J'ai lu‎

‎Éditions J'ai lu 2001 2001. Andrea H. Japp: la voyageuse/ J'ai lu 2001 . Andrea H. Japp: la voyageuse/ J'ai lu 2001‎

‎Bon état‎

Démons et Merveilles - Joinville

Phone number : 07 54 32 44 40

EUR1.50 (€1.50 )

‎[Leon Kossoff] - ‎ ‎Rose, Andrea‎

Reference : 121226


ISBN : 9781916347410

‎Leon Kossoff: Catalogue Raisonné of the Oil Paintings‎

‎Rose, Andrea: Leon Kossoff: Catalogue Raisonné of the Oil Paintings. London: 2021. 640 pages, 566 colour; 69 black and white illustrations. Hardback in a slipcase. 31.5 x 29.5cms. Catalogue of 510 known works, 3 unfinished paintings, 25 destroyed paintings, 20 unidentified paintings and 2 destroyed pieces reassembled by others, all illustrated and discussed in detail. Chronology, list of exhibitions. With an introduction by Andrea Rose, an essay on Kossoff's relationship with the old masters by Dr Barnaby Wright, an extensive chronology and a short essay by Rose on Kossoff's materials, technique and studio practice.‎

‎Catalogue of 510 known works, 3 unfinished paintings, 25 destroyed paintings, 20 unidentified paintings and 2 destroyed pieces reassembled by others, all illustrated and discussed in detail. Chronology, list of exhibitions. With an introduction by Andrea Rose, an essay on Kossoffs relationship with the old masters by Dr Barnaby Wright, an extensive chronology and a short essay by Rose on Kossoffs materials, technique and studio practice. Text in English‎


Phone number : +44(0)20 7930 9223

GBP175.00 (€193.74 )

‎APOLLINAIRE (Guillaume)]. NERCIAT (Chevalier Andréa de).‎

Reference : 98963


‎L'œuvre du Chevalier Andréa de Nerciat. Comprenant une Oeuvre entière, des morceaux ignorés avec des documents nouveaux et des pièces inédites. Introduction, essai bibliographique, analyses et notes par…‎

‎Paris Bibliothèque des Curieux, coll. "Les Maîtres de l'amour" 1911 1 vol. in-8, broché, 321 pp., portrait-frontispice, bibliographie. Deuxième édition reprenant l'introduction et les notes d'Apollinaire. Petites mouillures au dos, sinon bon état.‎

Vignes Online - Eymoutiers

Phone number : 05 55 14 44 53

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )

‎[Alessandro Vittoria] - ‎ ‎Bacchi, Andrea et al‎

Reference : 069448


ISBN : 8886602081

‎'La Bellissima Maniera'. Alessandro Vittoria e la Scultura Veneta del Cinquecento.‎

‎Bacchi, Andrea et al: 'La Bellissima Maniera'. Alessandro Vittoria e la Scultura Veneta del Cinquecento. Exhibition: Trento, Castello del Buonconsiglio, 1999. 471pp with 184 colour and 186 monochrome illustrations. Wrappers. 28x21cms. Major assessment of Venetian Mannerist sculpture, concentrating on the multi-faceted oeuvre of Trento-born Alessandro Vittoria. The catalogue of 94 exhibits also includes works by Vincenzo and Gian Gerolamo Grandi, Jacopo Sansovino, Bartolomeo Ammannati, Tiziano Aspetti detto Minio, Agostino Zoppo, Danese Catanio, Andrea di Alessandro Bresciano, Francesco Segala, Girolamo Campagna, Francesco Terilli and Nicolò Roccatagliata and Sebastiano Nicolini. With bibliography.‎

‎Major assessment of Venetian Mannerist sculpture, concentrating on the multi-faceted oeuvre of Trento-born Alessandro Vittoria. The catalogue of 94 exhibits also includes works by Vincenzo and Gian Gerolamo Grandi, Jacopo Sansovino, Bartolomeo Ammannati, Tiziano Aspetti detto Minio, Agostino Zoppo, Danese Catanio, Andrea di Alessandro Bresciano, Francesco Segala, Girolamo Campagna, Francesco Terilli and Nicolò Roccatagliata and Sebastiano Nicolini. With bibliography‎


Phone number : +44(0)20 7930 9223

GBP42.00 (€46.50 )

‎DEL SARTO ( Andrea ) ‎

Reference : 69764


‎Hommage à Andrea Del Sarto 88 ème exposition du Cabinet des Dessins‎

‎ 1988 Paris, Réunion des Musées Nationaux, 1988, 16 x 24 cm,128 pp,+ planches broché, couverture illustrée,comme neuf ‎

‎préface de Roseline Bacou ,exposition du cabinet des dessins des Dessins de la Collection du Musée du Louvre. ‎


Phone number : 01 42 96 06 24

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Andrea Lindmayr-Brandl, Paul Kolb (eds)‎

Reference : 65904

‎Gaspar van Weerbeke. New Perspectives on his Life and Music‎

‎, Brepols, 2019 Paperback, 332 pages, Size:190 x 290 mm, Illustrations:6 b/w, 14 col., 18 tables b/w., 39 music examples, Language: English. ISBN 9782503584546.‎

‎Summary In memoriam Gerhard Croll (1927-2019) Gaspar van Weerbeke was one of the most successful Franco-Flemish musicians of the second half of the fifteenth century, holding prestigious positions in the Sforza court in Milan, the Burgundian court chapel, and the papal chapel in Rome. His compositions were widely transmitted in manuscript and print sources throughout Europe, and he was one of the best represented composers in the early Italian music prints of Ottaviano Petrucci. Despite the high esteem of his contemporaries, Gaspar has up to now played only a peripheral role in Renaissance music historiography. This book is the first collection of research articles dedicated exclusively to the life and works of Gaspar. While the basic facts of Gaspar's life have long been known, the book fleshes out the details, presenting a more differentiated and complex picture of his biography. Analysis of a wide range of Gaspar's compositional output leads to new interpretations of his approach to different genres: masses, motets, and motet cycles. His relatively small quantity of songs is revisited in light of the confusion-both then and now-over the meaning and validity of their attributions. This book seeks to promote further research on this composer and place him in his appropriate place in music history. TABLE OF CONTENTS Andrea Lindmayr-Brandl & Paul Kolb, Introduction Part I. Biographical aspects Klaus Pietschmann, Seven Reasons for Italy: Gaspar van Weerbeke's Career between Flanders, Milan, and Rome Paul A. Merkley, Weerbeke in Milan: Court and Colleagues Sean Gallagher, Belle promesse e facti nulla: A Letter to Weerbeke and the Treatment of Singers in Florence and Milan Laurence Fagnart, Gaspar Depicted? Leonardo's Portrait of a Musician Grantley McDonald, Gaspar van Weerbeke as a Member of the Burgundian Chapel Jeannette DiBernardo Jones, Gaspar van Weerbeke and France: The Poetic Witness of Guillaume Cr tin Part II. Masses and Motets Fabrice Fitch, 'Under the Radar' or 'Caught in the Crossfire'? The Music of Gaspar van Weerbeke and its Reception History Agnese Pavanello, Weerbeke's Stylistic Repertoire: New Insights from the Marian Motets Fabrice Fitch, The Cycle as Modular Composition: The Motetti missales of Gaspar van Weerbeke Wolfgang Fuhrmann, Another 'Most laudable competition'? Gaspar, Josquin, Regis, and the Virgin in Distress Paul Kolb, A New Mass and its Implications for Gaspar's Late Mass Style Andrea Lindmayr-Brandl, Petrucci's Gaspar: Sources, Editing, and Reception Part III. Secular Music David Fallows, Gaspar and Japart: The Secular Works, with Particular Reference to Basevi 2442 and a Word about Fridolin Sicher Carlo Bosi, Caught in the Web of Texts: The Chanson Family Bon vin/Bon temps and the Disputed Identity Eric Jas, La stangetta Reconsidered: Weerbeke, Isaac, and the Late Fifteenth-Century Tricinium Bibliography, General Index, Index of Works‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR55.00 (€55.00 )

‎Andrea Massironi, Atria Larson (eds)‎

Reference : 66058

‎Fourth Lateran Council and the Development of Canon Law and the ius commune‎

‎, Brepols, 2019 Hardback, 331 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Languages: English, French, Italian. ISBN 9782503583013.‎

‎Summary This volume collects essays from an international group of scholars who treat various aspects of the Fourth Lateran Council's placement within the development of the ius commune. Topics include the canon law about armsbearing clergy, episcopal elections, heresy, degrees of affinity within marriage, the oversight of relic veneration; two essays highlight the council's reaction to the Fourth Crusade's sack of Constantinople in trying to incorporate the eastern church into the ecclesiastical structure and liturgical norms of the Roman Church; several essays concentrate on the usage of Roman or civil law in some of Lateran IV's constitutions and emphasize issues of private and procedural law. Collectively, and headed by an essay by Anne J. Duggan on the relationship of Pope Alexander III's pontificate to the Lateran IV constitutions, the essays create a fuller picture of Innocent III and his curia's reliance on developments within the jurisprudence of the preceding half century, but they also reveal the ways in which they forged new paths and made significant contributions to guide canon law in the years following the council. TABLE OF CONTENTS Atria A. Larson & Andrea Massironi, Introduction Part I: The Canon Law Background to the Fourth Lateran Council Anne J. Duggan, The Ghost of Pope Alexander III: "Following Closely in the Footsteps of Pope Alexander, Our Predecessor of Good Memory, so Great is our Veneration for Him ..." Lawrence G. Duggan, Armsbearing by the Clergy and the Fourth Lateran Council Part II: Canon Law and Canonistic Jurisprudence for Regulating Clerics and the Liturgy Thomas Izbicki, The Lateran Council and the Greeks: c.4 Licet Graecos Steven A. Schoenig, S.J., The Popes and the Patriarchs: The Fifth Constitution of Lateran IV Fabrice Delivr , Une constitution lectorale : Th ories et pratiques au miroir de Quia propter Giles Constable, The Fourth Lateran Council's Constitutions on Monasticism Part III: Canon Law and Canonistic Jurisprudence for Governing the Faithful Vito Piergiovanni, Eresia e lesa maest nella normativa di Innocenzo III e nel Concilio Lateranense del 1215 Alejandro Morin, The Fourth Lateran Council's Non debet (c. 50) and the Abandonment of the System of Derived Affinity Christine Oakland, The Legacy of Canon 62 on Relics in the Diocese of Sens in Northern France (1215-1469) Anthony Perron, Grave Concerns: Law, Miracles, and the Cemetry, 1100-1300 Part IV: The ius commune of Contracts, Rights, and Procedure Piotr Alexandrowicz, Canon Plerique (c.56) of the Fourth Lateran Council within the Development of the Principle pacta sunt servanda Lukasz Korporowicz, Roman Law Behind the Decrees 39-41 of the Fourth Lateran Council Andrea Massironi, Prescrizione e buona fede acquisitiva: la costituzione Quoniam omne (c.41) nell'interpretazione della canonistica medievale Giovanni Chiodi, La costruzione Qualiter et quando (c.8) e l'ordo inquisitionis nella canonistica medievale Index of Legal Citations, Papal Letters and Important Texts Index of Proper Names and Places Index of Manuscripts‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR95.00 (€95.00 )

‎MENDO Andrea‎

Reference : 105307



‎Documenti politici e morali corredati d'emblemi del P. Andrea Mendo della Compagnia di Gerù, voltati dall'idioma castigliano. presso Vincenzo Foggioli, Roma, 1816. In-8 gr. (mm. 272x192), p. pelle bazana coeva, elegante cornice floreale dorata ai piatti, decoraz. e tit. oro su due tasselli al dorso, pp. XXIV,472, con una bella tavola, disegnata da Agostino Tofanelli ed incisa in rame da Giovanni Folo, in cui è raffigurato Carlo II che presenta il libro a sua madre Maria Luisa di Borbone, Duchessa di Lucca, cui è dedicata l'opera; il volume è illustrato da 80 pregevoli vignette (inc. in rame da G. Mochetti) che raffigurano emblemi, ciascuna posta all'inizio di altrettanti Documenti. Il gesuita Andrea Mendo (1608-1684) compose l'opera per dare buoni consigli al Principe' (Filippo IV) in merito al buon governo, alla politica, alla diplomazia, ecc., sulla scia del Machiavelli. "Prima edizione della traduzione italiana", effettuata da Carlo Luigi di Borbone.Cfr. Palau,V, p. 151 che cita le numerose ediz. (a partire dalla prima di Leon de Francia, 1642), inclusa la versione in italiano - Praz Studies in XVII century imaginery, p. 420 - De Backer,II, p. 406.Alone al margine bianco della tavola con i ritratti; qualche lieviss. fiorit., altrimenti esempl. ben conservato, su carta forte.‎


Phone number : +39 02 804607

EUR600.00 (€600.00 )

‎SCOTO Andrea‎

Reference : 53446



‎Nella quale si ha piena notitia di tutte le cose più notabili, & degne d'esser vedute di Andrea Scoto. Novamente tradotto dal latino in lingua italiana, & accresciuto di molte cose, che nel latino non si contengono. appresso Francesco Bolzetta, Vicenza, 1615. In-24 gr. (mm. 143x95) - 3 parti in 1 vol. - mz. pelle ottocentesca, fregi e titolo oro al dorso, pp. (10),20, 1 c.b., 153 cc.num., 1 c.b.; 112 cc.num.; 72 cc.num.; marca tipografica ai 3 frontesp., testat. e iniziali ornate, tutto in xilografia.<br> La I parte descrive l'Italia settentrionale e parte di quella centrale (al fine sta scritto: In Vicenza, nella Stamparia di Dominico Amadio Libraro all'Ancora) - La II parte è dedicata alla descrizione di Roma (curioso il cenno sul conservarsi sano in Roma e sulle qualità dei vini che vi si bevono) - La III parte riguarda un viaggio da Roma a Napoli, da Napoli a Pozzuoli e ritorno a Tivoli, con l'aggiunta di Frà Girolamo Capugnano; in fine una poesia in lingua italiana sulle città d'Italia. "Mancano le tavole fuori testo".<br>Cfr. Cat. Piantanida,1367: "Interessante guida, assai diffusa nel '600 e '700.. L'opera risultò più tardi scritta da Francesco Scotti, senatore di Anversa, e non da Andrea suo fratello. La I ediz. di questa traduz. è di Venezia, 1610" - Cat. of the British Library,II, p. 835. Queste due bibliogr. non citano l'esistenza di tavole fuori testo che sono invece precisate da Fossati Bellani,I,308 e da Borroni,II,3051(9).<br> Corto del marg. sup., altrimenti esemplare ben conservato.‎


Phone number : +39 02 804607

EUR450.00 (€450.00 )

‎[EROTISME] NERCIAT (Andréa de).‎

Reference : L15318

‎La matinée libertine ou Les moments bien employés.‎

‎ A Versailles pour les amis du bon vieux temps, s.d. [Circa 1928]. In-8 br. Texte d'Andréa de Nerciat. dessins de Marcel Jeanjean d'après Jean-Gilles Legendre. 8 illustrations en couleurs hors texte et 81 dessins au trait dans les marges rehaussés en couleurs au pochoir. Ex. num. sur vergé de Rives. ‎


Phone number : 01 43 26 95 18

EUR150.00 (€150.00 )
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