Antverpiae, apud Ionnem Cnobbarvm, 1630. Petit in-4, rel. pl. vélin d'époque à recouvrements, [3]ff.-708 pp.Tabl. généal. in-texte.
Miraeus (Aubertus) ou Aubert Le Mire, prélat et érudit belge, né à Bruxelles vers 1560, décédé en 1611. Dos noirci, plusieurs ff. brunis, mouillure sans gravité sur les toutes premières pages, bon ex. dans son vélin d'époque. - Frais de port : -France 6,9 € -U.E. 9 € -Monde (z B : 15 €) (z C : 25 €)
".: 12. Antwerpen, H.Verdussen, 1610, kleine in-folio, 26 x 18 cm, met drukkersmerk in houtgravure op titelpagina, perkamentband uit de tijd , 12 nn pp + 248 pp + 16 nn pp (index & censuurbericht). Band vervuild, sommige pp met nette inkt-onderlijningen uit de tijd. Verder een goed exemplaar. Eerste druk. Met Ex-libris van Comte Charles D'Oultremont de Wegimont. (Pirenne Nr. 1068 ; geeft foutief jaartal)."
".: Antverpiae (Antwerpen), Apud Theodorum Galle, 1608, in-4°, 23,5 x 17 cm, engraved title + engraved coat of arms + 2 engraved text leaves + 57 pages with full page engraved portraits + 1 supplementary portrait. 19th century full brown leather binding with elaborate gilt decoration, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt (Dewatines). The joints have been expertly restored. Funck 362; Hollstein VIII 82, 735-786. First edition of this portrait gallery of which 52 portaits were engraved by Philippe Galle. At the end is bound in the portrait of Plantin engraved by Hubert Goltzius. The portraits are numbered 1-51, further 6b, 12b, 30b, 35b,+ 3 nn at the end. They include pictures of Agricola, Canisius, Josse de Damhoudere, Gemma Frisius, Abraham Ortelius, Andreas Vesalius, Thomas à Kempis,Justus Lipsius...Apart from one tiny hole in plate 3 a very nice near spotless copy of a rare early 17th century portrait gallery or iconography of famous scientist and writers of the Low Countries."
MIRAEUS Aubertus - Aubert LE MIRE ( 1573 - 1640 ) - Famianus STRADA :
Reference : 52248
.: 18. Antverpiae ( Antwerpen ), Guilielmum Lestaenium , 1639, in-4°, 30 x 19 cm, (8) nn pp + 523 pp + (18) nn pp ( index), (complete), bound in contemporary full calf over wooden boards, raised spine with gilt title, with two copper clasps ( in working order), both covers extensively blind tooled. After a very carefull examination one can find that the book has been rebacked. This has been done in such a way that it is hardly discernable. Provenance: With the manuscript ex-libris of the Brussels' Jesuit College, dated 1640. On the verso of the first fly leaf is written '' Dono admodum Rd. D. Auberti Miraei Decani Ecclesia D.V. Antverpiae '' (Ex-dono from the reverend Aubertus Miraeus, canon of Our Lady's [cathedral church] in Antwerp). Tipped in just before the title a broadside, printed on the recto side only. ''Roma, July 1637, no printer, author Faminianus Strada, title :Ivdicivm de Cronico Belgico V.CL. Auberti Miraei''. ( a laudatory letter by Strada on this publication by Miraeus). Alo with the manuscript ex-libris of L. De Rooren, with a note in French on the author (19th c.). Very fine copy of this esteemed chronicle of Dutch history. The laudatory letter by Strada on this publication was probably inserted by the author himself.
.: Antwerpen, Hieronymus Verdussen, 1605, in-8°, 17 x 11 cm, (20) + 199 pp + (8)(index), velijnen band uit de tijd. (eerste en laatste pp. met heldere watervlekken, achterste schutblad met sterke waterschade, randen van de velijnenband beschadigd met materiaalverlies).
.: Bruxelles, M.Hayez, imprimeur de l'Académie Royale de Belgique, 1856, in-8°, (8)nn pp + xvi pp + 202 pp. Bound in contemporary half roan, smooth spine with gilt title. Ex-library with printed ex-libris and cancellation stamp on the first paste down, also a stamp on the title page. Nevertheless a nice copy.