Hong Kong, Oxford University Press, 1985. 1 volume, hard-cover with illustrated dust-jacket, in-8, xxiii+302 pp., 3 maps, 8 tables, 20 plates, very good copy.
Contents: Foreword by Dr N. J. Miners - Preface - Plates - Maps and Tables - The British Come to Weihaiwei - British Administration, circa 1900-1910 - Economic and Social Developments at Weihaiwei During the Last Years of The Ch'ing - Weihaiwei and the 1911 Revolution - Weihaiwei in the Wake of Revolution - Nationalism and the Growing Pressure for Rendition - The End of an Era - Hsü Tsu-Shan and the Early Years of Chinese Administration - Weihaiwei and the Slide Towards War - Conclusion - Appendices - Notes - Bibliography of Sources Cited - Glossary - Index.