44 books for « arrhenius svante »Edit

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Reference : 54020


‎Additive Eigenschaften der verdünnten Salzlösungen.‎

‎Stockholm, (P.A. Norstedt), 1887. 8vo. In the original printed wrappers. No. 9, Vol.32 of 'Bihang till K. Svenska Vet.Akad. förandlingar'. A very fine and clean copy. Pp. 561-576.‎

‎First German appearance, published five month later same year as the Swedish original, on the theory of electrolytic dissociation.""Through the influence of Edlund, Arrhenius received a travel grant from the Swedish Academy of Sciences which made it possible for him to work in the laboratories of Ostwald in Riga (later in Leipzig), Kohlrausch in Würzburg, Ludwig Boltzmann in Graz, and van't Hoff in Amsterdam. During these Wanderjahre (1886-1890), he further developed the theory of electrolytic dissociation. Arrhenius' theory was, however, slowly accepted at first, but because of neglect rather than active opposition. It was the enthusiasm and influence of Ostwald and van't Hoff that helped to make it widely known. In 1887 Arrhenius met Walther Nernst in Kohlrausch's laboratory. There, too, he carried out an important investigation on the action of light on the electrolytic conductivity of the silver salts of the halogens.""Svante Arrhenius (1859-1927) was a prominent chemist and one of the founders of the science of physical chemistry. He was awarded the 1903 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the pioneering work which he had done in his famous dissertation on electrolytic conductivity ('Recherches sur la conductivité galvanique des électrolytes', 1884). However Arrhenius is becoming increasingly more known for his discovery of the greenhouse effect and its influence on global temperature.Papers from this supplement series to the 'Proceedings of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences' are often mistakenly identified as offprints or 'first seperate edition' (indicating the existence of a jounal edition) because they have their own title page with the publishers named and their own pagination, but they are not - all publications from this series were printed seperatley in this way and issued with wrappers.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK800.00 (€107.30 )


Reference : 54024


‎Ueber die Bestimmung der elektrolytischen Dissociation von Salzen mittelst Löslichkeitsversuchen. - [PRESENTATION INSCRIPTION]‎

‎(Stockholm, P.A. Norstedt, 1892). 8vo. In the original blank wrappers with dedication from the author to front wrapper: ""Hr. Prof. Gustaf Retzius / med taksamhet / af forf."". No. 10, 'Bihang till K. Svenska Vet.Akad. förandlingar'. A very fine and clean copy. Pp. 481-494.‎

‎First appearance of one of Arrhenius's most important papers, with presentation inscription from the author, on electrolytic dissociation. ""Among Arrhenius’ most important contributions to this theory are his publications [...] on the determination of electrolytic dissociation of salts through solubility experiments [the present paper].The present paper was given to Prof. Gustaf Retzius, professor of histology at the Karolinska Institut in Stockholm, one of the foremost histologists of the nineteenth.Svante Arrhenius (1859-1927) was a prominent chemist and one of the founders of the science of physical chemistry. He was awarded the 1903 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the pioneering work which he had done in his famous dissertation on electrolytic conductivity ('Recherches sur la conductivité galvanique des électrolytes', 1884). However Arrhenius is becoming increasingly more known for his discovery of the greenhouse effect and its influence on global temperature.Papers from this supplement series to the 'Proceedings of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences' are often mistakenly identified as offprints or 'first seperate edition' (indicating the existence of a jounal edition) because they have their own title page with the publishers named and their own pagination, but they are not - all publications from this series were printed seperatley in this way and issued with wrappers.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK4,500.00 (€603.55 )


Reference : 54027


‎Über den gefrierpunkt verdünnter wässeriger lösungen.‎

‎Stockholm, P.A. Norstedt, 1888. 8vo. Uncut, unopened, without wrappers. No. 9, Vol. 14, 'Bihang till K. Svenska Vet.Akad. Handlingar'. A very fine and clean copy. 23 pp. + 1 plate.‎

‎First edition of Arrhenius's paper electrolytic dissociation. Arrhenius was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1903 ""in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered to the advancement of chemistry by his electrolytic theory of dissociation"". Svante Arrhenius (1859-1927) was a prominent chemist and one of the founders of the science of physical chemistry. He was awarded the 1903 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the pioneering work which he had done in his famous dissertation on electrolytic conductivity ('Recherches sur la conductivité galvanique des électrolytes', 1884). However Arrhenius is becoming increasingly more known for his discovery of the greenhouse effect and its influence on global temperature.Papers from this supplement series to the 'Proceedings of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences' are often mistakenly identified as offprints or 'first seperate edition' (indicating the existence of a jounal edition) because they have their own title page with the publishers named and their own pagination, but they are not - all publications from this series were printed seperatley in this way and issued with wrappers.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,200.00 (€160.95 )


Reference : 54021


‎Ueber den Einfluss des Mondes auf den Elektrischen Zustand der Erde (+) Ueber den Einfluss des Mondes auf den Elektrischen Zustand der Erde II‎

‎Stockholm, P.A. Norstedt, 1894 & 1895. 8vo. Both works uncut, unopened in the original printed wrappers. No. 8, Vol.19 of 'Bihang till K. Svenska Vet.Akad. Handlingar & No. 6, Vol.20 of 'Bihang till K. Svenska Vet.Akad. Handlinga. Wrappers with a few nicks, otherwise two very fine and clean copies. 50 pp. + 4 plates 41 pp. + 4 plates.‎

‎First edition of Arrhenius' and Ekholm's two papers on the lunar influences on atmospheric electricity. Svante Arrhenius (1859-1927) was a prominent chemist and one of the founders of the science of physical chemistry. He was awarded the 1903 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the pioneering work which he had done in his famous dissertation on electrolytic conductivity ('Recherches sur la conductivité galvanique des électrolytes', 1884). However Arrhenius is becoming increasingly more known for his discovery of the greenhouse effect and its influence on global temperature.Papers from this supplement series to the 'Proceedings of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences' are often mistakenly identified as offprints or 'first seperate edition' (indicating the existence of a jounal edition) because they have their own title page with the publishers named and their own pagination, but they are not - all publications from this series were printed seperatley in this way and issued with wrappers.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,000.00 (€268.24 )


Reference : 51874


‎Recherches sur la conductibilité galvanique des électrolytes‎

‎Stockholm, P.A. Norstedt, 1884, in-8, 2 parties reliées en un volume de I. (2)-63pp, 1pl. - II. 89pp, Demi-percaline bleue à la bradel, dos lisse avec tire en long (ateliers Laurenchet), Planche lithographiée par Tryckeriet. PREMIERE EDITION de cet ouvrage divisé en deux parties: conductibilté des solutions aqueuses extrêmement diluées déterminées au moyen du dépolarisateur; théorie chimique des électrolytes. Ce mémoire permit à Svante August Arrhenius (1859-1927) d'obtenir son doctorat en 1884, et lui vaudra plus tard le prix Nobel de chimie (1903). Il annonce en effet sa théorie de la dissociation, selon laquelle les composés chimiques en solution dans une solution électrolytique (conductrice de charges électriques) sont dissociés en ions, et ce même en l'absence de courant électrique traversant dans la solution. 56 hypothèses sont présentées et discutées dans sa thèse dont la plupart sont encore acceptées aujourd'hui. Arrhenius émet l'idée que ni les sels purs ni l'eau pure ne sont conducteurs, mais qu'une solution de sels l'est. Pour l'auteur, le sel se dissocie en particules chargées (que Faraday avait nommé « ions » quelques années avant) lors de sa dissolution. Sa théorie, d'abord mal reçue par la communauté scientifique, constitue un des piliers de la chimie physique et de l'électrochimie modernes Couverture rigide‎

‎Bon 2 parties reliées en un‎


Phone number : 331 42 60 21 98

EUR120.00 (€120.00 )


Reference : 96539


‎Les atmosphères des planètes‎

‎Paris, A. Hermann, 1911, in-8, [2]-11 pp, 2 pl, Broché, couverture imprimée de l'éditeur, Texte de la conférence donnée le 8 mars 1911 à la Société de chimie et de physique par Svante August Arrhenius (1859-1927), professeur de physique et directeur de l'Institut Nobel à Stockholm. Deux planches, offrant 6 figures en noir. Arrhenius obtint son doctorat en 1884 avec son mémoire sur la conductibilité galvanique des électrolytes, recherches qui lui vaudront son prix Nobel en 1903. Il s'est intéressé à l'influence de l'acide carbonique, afin d'expliquer l'apparition des périodes glaciaires et d'autres changements climatiques; il sut prévoit la hausse des températures sur terre en raison de l'activité humaine et exposa la théorie de la panspermie, par laquelle il expliquait les origines de la vie sur terre par "contamination" extraterrestre. Bon exemplaire. Couverture un peu insolée. Couverture rigide‎

‎Bon [2]-11 pp., 2 pl.‎


Phone number : 331 42 60 21 98

EUR70.00 (€70.00 )


Reference : 54018


‎Das Leitungsvermögen der beleuchteten Luft.‎

‎Stockholm, (P.A. Norstedt), 1888. 8vo. In the original printed wrappers. No. 1, Vol.32 of 'Bihang till K. Svenska Vet.Akad. förandlingar'. A very fine and clean copy. Pp. 31-37.‎

‎First edition.Svante Arrhenius (1859-1927) was a prominent chemist and one of the founders of the science of physical chemistry. He was awarded the 1903 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the pioneering work which he had done in his famous dissertation on electrolytic conductivity ('Recherches sur la conductivité galvanique des électrolytes', 1884). However Arrhenius is becoming increasingly more known for his discovery of the greenhouse effect and its influence on global temperature.Papers from this supplement series to the 'Proceedings of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences' are often mistakenly identified as offprints or 'first seperate edition' (indicating the existence of a jounal edition) because they have their own title page with the publishers named and their own pagination, but they are not - all publications from this series were printed seperatley in this way and issued with wrappers. ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK800.00 (€107.30 )


Reference : 54022


‎Über die innere reibung verdünnter wässeriger lösungen.‎

‎Stockholm, (P.A. Norstedt), 1887. 8vo. In the original printed wrappers. No. 5, Vol.13 of 'Bihang till K. Svenska Vet.Akad. förandlingar'. A very fine and clean copy. 19 pp. + 1 plate.‎

‎First edition.Svante Arrhenius (1859-1927) was a prominent chemist and one of the founders of the science of physical chemistry. He was awarded the 1903 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the pioneering work which he had done in his famous dissertation on electrolytic conductivity ('Recherches sur la conductivité galvanique des électrolytes', 1884). However Arrhenius is becoming increasingly more known for his discovery of the greenhouse effect and its influence on global temperature.Papers from this supplement series to the 'Proceedings of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences' are often mistakenly identified as offprints or 'first seperate edition' (indicating the existence of a jounal edition) because they have their own title page with the publishers named and their own pagination, but they are not - all publications from this series were printed seperatley in this way and issued with wrappers.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK800.00 (€107.30 )


Reference : 54023


‎Om fluiditetens inverkan på elektrolyters galvaniska ledningsförmåga.‎

‎Stockholm, (P.A. Norstedt), 1885. 8vo. In the original printed wrappers. No. 5, Vol.13 of 'Bihang till K. Svenska Vet.Akad. förandlingar'. A very fine and clean copy. Pp. 121-131.‎

‎First edition.Svante Arrhenius (1859-1927) was a prominent chemist and one of the founders of the science of physical chemistry. He was awarded the 1903 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the pioneering work which he had done in his famous dissertation on electrolytic conductivity ('Recherches sur la conductivité galvanique des électrolytes', 1884). However Arrhenius is becoming increasingly more known for his discovery of the greenhouse effect and its influence on global temperature.Papers from this supplement series to the 'Proceedings of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences' are often mistakenly identified as offprints or 'first seperate edition' (indicating the existence of a jounal edition) because they have their own title page with the publishers named and their own pagination, but they are not - all publications from this series were printed seperatley in this way and issued with wrappers.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK800.00 (€107.30 )


Reference : 54019


‎Zur Theorie der Chemischen Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit.‎

‎Stockholm, P.A. Norstedt, 1898. 8vo. Uncut, unopened, in the original printed wrappers. No. 2, Sec.II, Vol.24 of 'Bihang till K. Svenska Vet.Akad. Handlingar'. A very fine and clean copy. 23 pp.‎

‎First edition.Svante Arrhenius (1859-1927) was a prominent chemist and one of the founders of the science of physical chemistry. He was awarded the 1903 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the pioneering work which he had done in his famous dissertation on electrolytic conductivity ('Recherches sur la conductivité galvanique des électrolytes', 1884). However Arrhenius is becoming increasingly more known for his discovery of the greenhouse effect and its influence on global temperature.Papers from this supplement series to the 'Proceedings of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences' are often mistakenly identified as offprints or 'first seperate edition' (indicating the existence of a jounal edition) because they have their own title page with the publishers named and their own pagination, but they are not - all publications from this series were printed seperatley in this way and issued with wrappers. ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK800.00 (€107.30 )


Reference : 54026


‎Undersökning med rhetom öfver den Galvaniska Polarisationens Försvinnande i et Polarisationskärl, hvars plattor äro förbundna genom en metallisk ledning. - [ARRHENIUS FIRST PUBLISHED WORK]‎

‎Stockholm, P.A. Norstedt, 1883. 8vo. Uncut, unopened, without wrappers. No. 7, Vol. 7, 'Bihang till K. Svenska Vet.Akad. Handlingar'. A very fine and clean copy. 36 pp. + 1 plate.‎

‎First edition of Arrhenius very first published work. ""After attending the Cathedral School in Uppsala, Arrhenius entered the University of Uppsala at the age of seventeen. He studied mathematics, chemistry, and physics, and passed the candidate's examination in 1878. Arrhenius chose physics as the principal subject for his doctoral study, but he was not satisfied with his chief instructor, Tobias Robert Thalén, Although Thalén was an eminent and competent experimental physicist and lecturer, he was interested only in spectral analysis. Arrhenius went to Stockholm in 1881 with the intention of working under Erik Edlund, physicist of the Swedish Academy of Sciences. The results of his first independent research, entitled ""The Disappearance of Galvanic Polarization in a Polarization Vessel, the Plates of Which Are Connected by Means of a Metallic Conductor"" [The present work]. (DSB)‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,500.00 (€201.18 )

‎ARRHENIUS (Svante).-‎

Reference : 9577


‎L'évolution des mondes. Traduction française de T. Seyrig.‎

‎ 1910 Paris, Beranger, 1910, in 8° relié pleine percaline verte de l'éditeur, V-246 pages ; 60 figures. ‎

‎Bel exemplaire. Svante Arrhenius, scientifique suédois (1859-1927), auteur de la Théorie des Ions et de l'Hypothèse de la pansmermie, fut Prix Nobel de Chimie en 1903. ...................... Photos sur demande ..........................‎


Phone number : 04 77 32 63 69

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )

‎Arrhenius, Svante‎

Reference : 9122343

‎Khimiya i sovremennaya zhizn'. In Russian /Chemistry and Modern Life ‎

‎Short description: In Russian. Arrhenius, Svante. Chemistry and Modern Life. Moscow: State Publishing House, 1925. The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU9122343‎

Biblioaxes - Plainview
USD399.00 (€344.50 )

‎Arrhenius, Svante‎

Reference : 9122337

‎Zhiznennyy put' planet. In Russian /The life path of the planets ‎

‎"Short description: In Russian. Arrhenius, Svante. The life path of the planets. Moscow; P: State Publishing House, 1923: Mospolygraph 1st Model Type. The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU9122337"‎

Biblioaxes - Plainview
USD399.00 (€344.50 )

‎Arrhénius, Svante (1859-1827)‎

Reference : 8488


‎Conférences Sur Quelques Thèmes Choisis De La Chimie Physique Pure et Appliquée Faite à l'Université De Paris Du 6 Au 13 Mars 1911‎

‎ Librairie Scientifique A. Hermann & Fils 14 x 22 Paris 1912 In-8, reliure demi-basane fauve, dos à quatre nerfs, pièce de titre , auteur et titre dorés, plats et gardes marbrées, 112 p. Couverture conservée. Thèmes abordés : La théorie moléculaire / Les suspensions et les phénomènes d'absorption / L'énergie libre / Les atmosphères des planètes / Les conditions physiques sur la planète Mars. Rare plaquette reprenant les conférences données à Paris par le savant suédois Svante Arrhénius, prix Nobel de chimie en 1903, qui fut un des premiers à analyser l'effet de serre et ses variations sur le climat terrestre. Très bon exemplaire bien relié.(Home11) PHOTOS NUMERIQUES DISPONIBLES PAR EMAIL SUR SIMPLE DEMANDE-DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPS MAY BE AVAILABLE ON REQUEST ‎

Phone number : 06 23 64 99 61

EUR90.00 (€90.00 )

‎ARRHENIUS (Svante)‎

Reference : 11511


Phone number : 33 (0)6 77 77 12 33

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )


Reference : 35028


‎Recherches sur la Conductibilité Galvanique des Électrolytes. I: La conductibilté des solutions aqueuses extrêmement diluées déterminée au moyen du dépolarisateur. II: Théorie chimique des électrolytes. - [ELECTROLYTIC THEORY OF DISSOCIATION]‎

‎Stockholm, P.A. Norstedt, 1884. 8vo. (215x145 mm). No.13+14, Vol.8 of 'Bihang till K. Svenska Vet.Akad. Handlingar'. 63,(1)"89,(1) pp. and 1 lithographed plate. Fine and clean. Uncut and mostly unopened. Custom cloth box. Papers from this supplement series to the 'Proceedings of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences' are often mistakenly identified as offprints or 'first separate edition' because they have their own title page with the publishers named and their own pagination, but they are not - all publications from this series were printed separately in this way and issued in a wrapper mentioning number and volume (not present here).‎

‎First edition of Arrhenius' famous dissertation, in which he first presented his theory of electrolytic dissociation. Arrhenius was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1903 ""in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered to the advancement of chemistry by his electrolytic theory of dissociation"". See Dictionary of Scientific Biography, I:p.296-302 and Partington, IV:p.672-81.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK8,000.00 (€1,072.98 )


Reference : 35680


‎Recherches sur la Conductibilité Galvanique des Électrolytes. I: La conductibilté des solutions aqueuses extrêmement diluées déterminée au moyen du dépolarisateur. II: Théorie chimique des électrolytes. - [ELECTROLYTIC THEORY OF DISSOCIATION]‎

‎Stockholm, P.A. Norstedt, 1884. 8vo. (224x145 mm). Offprint in origianal printed wrappers. Exlibrary stamps and sticker on front wrapper. (Journal version printed in 'Bihang till K. Svenska Vet.Akad. Handlingar'. 63,(1)"89,(1) pp. and 1 lithographed plate. Fine and clean. Uncut and unopened. A fine copy.‎

‎First edition, offprint issue of Arrhenius' famous dissertation, in which he first presented his theory of electrolytic dissociation. Arrhenius was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1903 ""in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered to the advancement of chemistry by his electrolytic theory of dissociation"". A German translation was published in 'Ostwald's Klassiker'. See Dictionary of Scientific Biography, I:p.296-302 and Partington, IV:p.672-81.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK12,000.00 (€1,609.46 )


Reference : 54035


‎Ueber die Bestimmung der elektrolytischen Dissociation von Salzen mittelst Löslichkeitsversuchen.‎

‎(Stockholm, P.A. Norstedt, 1892). 8vo. In the printed wrappers. No. 10, 'Bihang till K. Svenska Vet.Akad. förhandlingar'. A very fine and clean copy. Pp. 481-494.‎

‎First appearance of one of Arrhenius's most important papers on electrolytic dissociation. ""Among Arrhenius’ most important contributions to this theory are his publications [...] on the determination of electrolytic dissociation of salts through solubility experiments [the present paper].‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,000.00 (€268.24 )


Reference : 54036


‎Ueber die Gleichgewichtsverhältnisse zwischen Elektrolyten.‎

‎(Stockholm, P.A. Norstedt, 1892). 8vo. In the printed wrappers. No. 10, 'Bihang till K. Svenska Vet.Akad. förhandlingar'. A very fine and clean copy. Pp. 619-646.‎

‎First appearance of one of Arrhenius's most important papers on electrolytic dissociation. ""Among Arrhenius’ most important contributions to this theory are his publications [...] the condition of equilibrium between electrolytes [the present paper].‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,800.00 (€241.42 )


Reference : 54038


‎Ueber die Ursache der Nordlichter.‎

‎(Stockholm, P.A. Norstedt, 1900). 8vo. In the printed wrappers. No. 5, 'Bihang till K. Svenska Vet.Akad. förhandlingar'. A very fine and clean copy. Pp. 545-580‎

‎First printing of Arrhenius's paper on northern lights (aurora). he auroral theory was based on radiation pressure of electromagnetic waves and eruptions from the sun. He proposed that during great eruptions on the sun, large quantities of matter, in the form of droplets or dust, are ejected in a radial direction from the sunspots and are pushed out from the sun by radiation pressure. With this theory Arrhenius could explain the high correlation existing between occurence of the northern lights and sunspot activity. ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,200.00 (€160.95 )

‎ARRHENIUS (Svante)‎

Reference : 161


‎L'évolution des mondes. Traduction française de T. Seyrig‎

‎P., Béranger, 1910, un volume in 8 relié en cartonnage éditeur, 9pp., 246pp., figures dans le texte‎

‎---- PREMIERE EDITION FRANCAISE ---- TRES BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- "ONE OF THE FOUNDERS OF MODERN CHEMISTRY" ---- "ARRHENIUS développa en 1900 une théorie de la queue des comètes, fondée sur l'existence de la pression de radiation, émit l'hypothèse de la panspermie, selon laquelle la vie pourrait se transmettre d'un astre à un autre par des germes vivants très petits, se déplaçant dans les espaces intersidéraux et élabora une théorie cosmogononique expliquant l'évolution des astres" ---- "During the last twenty-five years of his life, ARRHENIUS'interests were diverted to other fields of science, especially to the physics and chemistry of cosmi and meteorological phenomena... and devoted most of his later years to popularizing science. His books and articles had a simple but always scientific approach and were worldwide successes... He received the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1903". (DSB I, pp. 296/302) - Partington IV pp. 672/681**161.L3-CAV.F5(2).CAV.E4(1)‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )


Reference : 54011


‎Ueber die Innere Reibung Verdünnter Wässeriger Lösungen. (i.e. English: ""On the dissociation of substances dissolved in water"")‎

‎Stockholm, P.A. Norstedt, 1887. 8vo. (215x145 mm). Uncut, partly unopened in the original printed wrappers. No. 5, Sec.1, Vol.13 of 'Bihang till K. Svenska Vet.Akad. Handlingar'. Light miscolouring to margins of wrappers. A very fine and clean copy. 19 pp. + 1 plate.‎

‎First printing of Arrhenius's paper on on the dissociation of substances dissolved in water.Papers from this supplement series to the 'Proceedings of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences' are often mistakenly identified as offprints or 'first seperate edition' (indicating the existence of a jounal edition) because they have their own title page with the publishers named and their own pagination, but they are not - all publications from this series were printed seperatley in this way and issued with wrappers. ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,000.00 (€134.12 )


Reference : 54037


‎Iakttagelser rörande Klotblixt.‎

‎(Stockholm, P.A. Norstedt, 1883). 8vo. In the printed wrappers. No. 7, 'Bihang till K. Svenska Vet.Akad. förhandlingar'. A very fine and clean copy. Pp. 77-90.‎

‎First printing of Arrhenius's paper on ball lightning.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK950.00 (€127.42 )

‎ARRHENIUS Svante (Wyk 1859 - Sockholm 1927).-‎

Reference : ORD-496

‎L'Évolution des Mondes.-‎

‎Traduction française de T. SEYRIG. Paris. Ch. Béranger. 1910. Première édition française. In-8 (150 x 223mm) bradel percaline verte de l'éditeur, titre or sur le dos et le 1er plat, 2ff., IX, 246 pages, nombreuses figures dans le texte. Percaline du dernier plat lgt plissée sinon très bel exemplaire, exempt de rousseurs.‎

‎Arrhenius, surtout connu par sa théorie de l'ionisation des électrolites (1887), développa en 1900 une théorie de la queue des comètes, fondée sur l'existence de la pression de radiation, émit l'hypothèse de la panspermie, selon laquelle la vie pourrait se transmettre d'un astre à un autre par des germes vivants très petits, se déplaçant dans les espaces intersidéraux, et élabora une théorie cosmogonique expliquant l'évolution des astres. (D'après le Grand Larousse de 1960). ‎

Phone number : 0494895924

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )
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