[Arman] Reifenscheid, Beate (sous la direction de)
Reference : 22782
ISBN : 3933040604
Kerber Verlag 2001 In-8 cartonné, couv. illustrée en coul., 192 pp. 114 reproductions en coul., 80 en deux tons., toutes légendées. Texte en Anglais et en Allemand.
Essay by Beate Reinfenscheid. Afterword Urs Roeber. Inspired by the work of Kurt Schwitters that he saw in Paris in 1954, Arman began experimenting with printmaking during the 1950s, and prints and other works on paper have been an essential part of his oeuvre since then. This is the first extensive retrospective and documentation of his works on paper, and as such, will be an essential publication on the artist's work. Très bon état d’occasion