, MER - Borgerhoff & Lamberigts, 2019 Hardcover, 228 pages, Illustrated. 32 x 24,8 x 2,5 cm. ENGLISH ISBN 9789463930796.
The publication reflects the core of Ricardo Brey's most recent body of works Adrift (2014-ongoing) as well on the core of the overall aspiration of Ricardo Brey for his exhibitions in Museum De Domijnen in Sittard, the Netherlands (10 February - 10 June 2019) and Gerhard-Marcks Haus, Bremen, Germany (1 December 2019 ? 1 March 2020). While it is not an artist book in the traditional sense, it is definitively a project by an artist. The aim of the publication is to create a sense of the artistic space that Brey wants to offer, with a polyphony of voices and an immersive sphere in which a quality of behavior is of prime importance. It focuses strongly on his most recent body of works, Adrift. __ Ricardo Brey's most recent ongoing body of work lacks the defined cohesiveness of previous artistic projects, which were united by shared formal and thematic concerns. After being confined to a wheelchair for several months due to medical issues, the artist described himself as drifting around ? wandering in my study not working in my total capacity. Discovering that this description??drifting off described his new state of mind, he began to create a series of disparate yet interconnected works from, in his words, fragments that float in my memory, images that have no place in the rigid parameters of my previous work. Ranging in form from sculptures and installations to photographs and drawings, these works recall earlier projects while breaking new ground. (Alexander Gray Associates New YORK ------ Het werk van Ricardo Brey (1955, Havana) bestudeert de verhouding van de mens tot de natuur en de interactie tussen verschillende culturen, religies en culturele identiteit, waaronder zijn eigen Afro-Cubaanse wortels. Het 600 pagina's tellende boek "UNIVERSE" is de weergave van de tentoonstelling Universe die plaatsvond in het SMAK in 2006. Zijn meer dan duizend tekeningen zijn haast een eigen kosmologie waarmee de kunstenaar zijn universum vormgeeft. Het zijn tekeningen met een verweerde textuur van dieren, planten en stenen. vonden veel navolging onder jongere generaties Europese en Cubaanse kunstenaars. Brey werd ontdekt door Jan Hoet op Documenta 92. In de loop van de jaren negentig was zijn werk te zien in tal van individuele en groepstentoonstellingen in een internationale context.