Arctic - Journal of the Arctic Institute of North America - McCULLOUGH, Karen M. (Editor) - STONKUS, Ona M. (Production Editor)
Reference : 120153
1991 Volume 44 - Supplement 1 - 1991 -Remote Sensing of Arctic Environments - In-4, broché - 171 pages - Illustrations et reproductions photographiques en N&B - Texte en anglais
Bon état - Couverture légèrement frottée - Dos quelque peu insolé - Légère trace de mouillure sur le bord des dernières pages (sans incidence)
Calgarry - Alberta Canada, Symposium Committee, 1960. (102 x 115 cm.). Large colourprinted circular map of the Arctic Regions. Folded. Well-preserved.
1992 Volume 6 - Spring 1992 - In-4, broché couverture illustrée - 136 pages - Illustrations et reproductions photographiques en N&B - Texte en anglais
Bon état - Couverture légèrement frottée et quelque peu salie
Department of Marine and Fisheries Cloth Ottawa 1911
Fine Large octavo. 101 pages. Complete with the three folded maps. Interesting relation of the voyage of the "Arctic" in the north part of Canada. Numerous illustrations. Crisp copy.
(London, W.Bulmer and W. Nicol, 1821). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1821 - Part I. Pp. 164-190 a. 5 folded tables.
First appearance of the paper in which Sabine relates his discoveries with the pendulum on his 2 voyages, the first on John Ross' expedition in 1818 - relating observations from Island of Brassa, Shetland, Hare Island, London - and from the second voyage with William Parry on the arctic expedition - relating observations from Melville Island. From these observations he estimated the figure of the earth.""An artillery officer, Sabine was a graduate of the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. While retaining his commission - Sabine eventually reached the rank of general - the started scientific work at the close of the Napoleonic Wars. On the recommendation of the Royal Society, he accompanied John Ross on an expedition to seek the Northwest Passage in 1818 and was with William Edward Parry on his 1819-1820 Arctic expedition. From the latter voyage. he said, came the idea of a great ship-borne expedition of “physical discovery” to the southern hemisphere.""(DSB).
1949-1969 Volumes/issues: 2(1), 5(4), 6(1, 3-4), 7(1, 3-4), 8(1-3), 10(1), 15(4), 19(1, 4), 20(2-4), 21(1, 3) & 22(1-2). Collection of 22 issues of this journal.
1987-1994 Including: MIzdalski, Weight and length data of zooplankton in the Weddell Sea (72 p.) / Beckmann, The zooplankton community in the deep bathyal and abyssal zones of the eastern North Atlantic (57 p.) / Richter, Regional and seasonal variability in the vertical distribution of the mesozooplankton in the gReenland Sea (88 p.) / Reinke, Zur Nahrungs- und Bewegungsphysiologie von Salpa thompsoni und Salpa fusiformis (86 p.,). All paperbound, library stamps. Published in: Berichte zur Polarforschung. Reports on Polar Research.
1991-2000 Rauschert, Ergebnisse der faunistischen Arbeiten im Benthal von King George Island 75 p.) / Seiler, Struktur und Kohlenstoffbedarf des Makrobenthos am Kontinentalhang Ostgrönlands (96 p.) / Gutt, J. et al (eds), Biodiversity of the Weddell Sea: macrozoobenthic species sampled during the Polarstern Expedition (103 p.). All paperbound, library stamps. Published in: Berichte zur Polarforschung. Reports on Polar Research.