Antverpiae ( Antwerpen ) , Apud haeredes Arnoldi Birckmanni, printed by Aegidius van Diest (in colophon), 1564, in-4°, 21 x 16 cm, (4)nn pp (title with large woodcut globe) + 128 pp (numbered fol.1-64) + (3)nn pp (tabella) + (1)(bl), with 45 woodcuts in the text, a double page worldmap (Shirley 96) and 4 volvelles (complete). Bound in brown coloured and blindtooled vellum, spine renewed. Nice complete copy , and with, which is very rare, the four volvelles or Apian wheels in perfect shape and absolutely complete. The only negative remark to be made for completeness sake is that the worldmap has been very slightly shaven at the top, resulting in the loss of the head of a few letters. Bound in at the end is '' Himmels lauffs wirckung und natuerliche influentz der Planeten, Gestirn und Zeychen...''. Frankfurt, 1564, haer. Christian Egenolff. (8)nn pp + 108 pp, with woodcut ills.. Unfortunately this book lacks four leaves ( Cii , Ei, Oiii and Yiiii). (USTC 663722). The first edition of Apianus' major work on astronomy , geography and cartography was published in Landshut in 1524. In 1533 was published in Antwerp a reworked edition incorporating the triangulation method developped by Gemma Frisius which opened the way to modern cartography. Indeed the first map with accurate distances was made in the Southern Low Countries based upon triangulations made by Gemma Frisius who climbed the Sint-Rombauts cathedral tower in Mechelen and started measuring the distances to Lier, Antwerpen, Gent , Brussel, Bergen op Zoom, Leuven. (Explanation on pages 51-53). USTC 404413 (Apian) .