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‎Anonymous, Colin McAllister (ed)‎

Reference : 65559

‎Cambridge Gloss on the Apocalypse. Cambridge University Library Dd.X.16‎

‎, Brepols, 2020 Paperback, 167 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:1 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503582405.‎

‎Summary The Glossa in Apocalypsin (Cambridge Gloss on the Apocalypse) is a recently-discovered anonymous Hiberno-Latin (that is, authored by an Irish cleric writing in Latin) commentary on the Apocalypse of John found in a tenth-century manuscript at Cambridge University Library. This gloss is written in a similar style to other Irish-authored exegetical texts of the same period. That is, the author proceeds verse by verse through the entire Apocalypse, citing short phrases or even single words of the biblical text, followed by brief explanations that serve to clarify meaning and are often moral or allegorical in nature, as well as offering alternative interpretations of a given passage. The text has a marked dependence on the hermeneutical method of the fourth-century Donatist Tyconius as laid out in his Liber Regularum (Book of Rules), and applied in his Exposition on the Apocalypse. The Cambridge Gloss promotes an ecclesiological and spiritual interpretation of the Apocalypse, muting speculation about an imminent endtime scenario. The gloss contains numerous references to heretics, emphasises the hierarchy and the privileged role of teachers within the church, and likely dates from the eighth century, the 'Northumbrian Golden Age', exemplified by the works of Bede the Venerable and Alcuin of York. This English translation (accompanied by numerous notes) is intended to give readers an insight into understanding the viewpoint that medieval exegetes held in explaining the Apocalypse of John. The source text of this volume appeared in Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina as Glossa in Apocalypsin e codice Bibliothecae Vniuersitatis Cantabrigiensis Dd.X.16 (CC SL, 108G). References to the corresponding pages of the Corpus Christianorum edition are provided in the margins of this translation.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )


Reference : 5589


‎Le jeu de l'hombre, comme on le joüe présentement à la Cour & à Paris ; où l'on voit comment se joüe espadile forcé, l'hombre à deux, à trois & à cinq. Avec l'explication des termes dont on se sert en le joüant.‎

‎Paris, Vve Claude Barbin, 1699. 1699 1 vol. in-12 (170 x 100 mm) de: [5] ff. (titre, avis au lecteur, table); 129 pp.; [7] ff. (table des lois, extrait du privilège); Figures dans le texte. (Ex libris à lencre sur la deuxième page de garde: «Joannis Bap»). Plein veau époque, dos à nerfs orné, titre doré. (reliure frottée, coins et mors usés).‎

‎Rare édition originale de cet ouvrage exposant les règles du jeu de lHombre, dauteur anonyme bien quattribué à Marie Cochart (1643-1707), imprimeur et autrice, veuve de Claude Barbin (1628-1698). Ce jeu est le plus ancien jeu de levées avec enchères connu, il est donc notamment précurseur du Bridge. Dans ce type de jeu, les joueurs exposent tour à tour une carte sur la table et celui qui a joué la plus forte s'empare de l'ensemble en le levant et en le pliant devant lui, le joueur fait une levée ou un pli. Le jeu de lHombre est inventé en Espagne au début du XVIIe avant darriver en France vers 1650. Toutefois, il semble que son inspiration provienne de «La piazza universale di tutte le professione del mondo»(Venise, 1585) de Tommaso Garzoni, ouvrage traduit par Cristóbal Suárez de Figueroa, «Plaza universal de todas ciencias y artes (Madrid, 1615). En France, on y joue dans la deuxième moitié du XVIIe (attesté dès 1657) et jusqu'au début du XVIIIe siècle où il est finalement remplacé par le quadrille (variante à quatre joueurs). Bien quil existe des variantes à 5 joueurs (le quintille), 4 joueurs (le quadrille, puis le médiateur) et 2 joueurs (le piquemédrille), il se joue originellement à 3 joueurs. L« Hombre » («homme» en espagnol) correspond au joueur qui remporte les enchères, aussi appelé «déclarant», ce dernier devant réussir son contrat. De nos jours, le jeu de lHombre est toujours joué au Danemark sous son ancienne forme ainsi quen Espagne sous la forme du jeu de tresillo, apparu au début du XIXe. Exemplaire bien conservé dans sa reliure dépoque. 1 vol. 12-mo (170 x 100 mm) of : [5] ff. (title, notice to the reader, table); 129 pp. ; [7] ff. (table of laws, excerpt from the privilege); Figures in the text. (Ex libris in ink on the second flyleaf : " Joannis Bap "). Full contemporary calf, spine gilt, gilt title (binding rubbed, corners and spines worn). Rare first edition of this work exposing the rules of the game of Hombre, of anonymous author although attributed to Marie Cochart (1643-1707), printer and author, widow of Claude Barbin (1628-1698). This game is the oldest known game of tricks with bids, and is therefore the precursor of Bridge. In this type of game, the players take turns exposing a card on the table and the one who has played the strongest card takes possession of the set by raising it and folding it in front of him, the player makes a trick or a trick. The game of Hombre was invented in Spain at the beginning of the 17th century before arriving in France around 1650, but it seems to have been inspired by Tommaso Garzoni's "La piazza universale di tutte le professione del mondo" (Venice, 1585), translated by Cristóbal Suárez de Figueroa, "Plaza universal de todas ciencias y artes" (Madrid, 1615). In France, it was played in the second half of the 17th century (attested as early as 1657) and until the beginning of the 18th century when it was finally replaced by the quadrille (a variant with four players). Although there are variants with 5 players (the quintille), 4 players (the quadrille, then the mediator) and 2 players (the piquemédrille), it is originally played with 3 players. The "Hombre" ("man" in Spanish) is the player who wins the bidding, also called the "declarer", who has to pass his contract. Today, the game of Hombre is still played in its old form in Denmark and in Spain in the form of tresillo, which appeared in the early 19th century. A well preserved copy in its original binding.‎

J-F Letenneur Livres Rares - Saint Briac sur Mer

Phone number : 06 81 35 73 35

EUR450.00 (€450.00 )


Reference : 2741


‎Chang and Fak-Hong's United Magicians presents The Bhuda ‎

‎Valencia Hija de E. Mirabet 1928 Affiche lithographique couleur anonyme, marouflée sur toile de lin. "Les magiciens unis de Chang et Fak-Hong présentent le Bhuda". 63,5 x 44 cm. Chang et Fak Hong étaient un duo illusionniste populaire des années 1920 et 1930, renommé dans toute l'Europe et les États-Unis. Très bonne condition. Quelques rousseurs sur les bords blanc et crème. Légère effilochage au bord du lin dévêtu. Globalement très attractif.‎

‎An anonymous colour lithographic poster, mounted on linen. "Chang and Fak-Hong's United Magicians presents The Bhuda". 63.5 x 44 cm. Chang and Fak Hong were a popular illusionist duo of the 1920s and 1930s, renowned throughout Europe and the United States. Very good condition. A few foxing spots to the white and cream edges. Slight fraying to the undressed linen edge. Overall very attractive.‎


Phone number : +33 7 84 03 12 53

EUR290.00 (€290.00 )


Reference : 61091


‎The state of the present rebellion, wherein the unreasonableness and injustice of it is demonstrated. - [DEFENSE OF THE THRONE FOLLOWING THE JACOBITE RISING OF 1715]‎

‎London, Printed for J. Baker and T. Warner, 1716. 8vo. In a contemporary Cambridge-style mirror binding with five raised bands. Small paper-label pasted on to top of spine. Light wear and miscolouring to extremities, corner bumped. A few corrections and cross-outs in text. Small worm-tract to lower outer corner of last 20 ff. (16), 206 pp. (Pp. 50-63 misnumbered).‎

‎The rare first edition of this anonymously published political and religious treatise that addresses the dangers posed by the ongoing rebellion against the British monarchy during a period of political and religious turmoil following the Jacobite rising of 1715. “The following Discourse was occafion'd by a Sermon preach'd Nov. 15. 1715. It was some time before I refolved upon the Publication of it, and then thought fit to add in proper Places, the Substance of several other Sermons which related to the same Subject which with other Thoughts occurring, swell'd the Book to a much larger Bulk than I at first intended. The main Design is, partly to demonstrate the Unreasonableness, Impiety, and Wickedness of those who rife up in Rebellion against our only Rightful Sovereign King George, endeavour to dethrone him, and set up a Popish Pretender to his Crown” (From the preface to the present work). The Jacobite rising of 1715 was the attempt by James Edward Stuart (or the Old Pretender) to regain the thrones of England, Ireland and Scotland for the exiled Stuarts. The English Jacobites allied with Scottish Jacobites under the command of William Gordon they marched into England, where they encountered Government forces at the Battle of Preston on November 12–14. Initially, the Jacobites gained the upper hand, however, the arrival of Government reinforcements the following day turned the luck which lead to the eventual surrender of the Jacobite forces.This main sermon/discourse of this present work was written on November 15th, that is immediately after the fall of the Jacobites. Probably due to the instability and relatively insecure future the author has wished to remain anonymous. The document is structured to provide an analysis of the causes and consequences of the rebellion, underlining the author's position that the monarchy and the Church of England must be upheld to maintain social order and stability. The book criticizes the growing influence of dissenting religious groups particularly those associated with Calvinistic beliefs, arguing that their rebellion against the established order was both treasonous and destabilizing. Terry: A BIBLIOGRAPHY of Jacobite History 1689-1788, P. 288.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK18,000.00 (€2,414.20 )


Reference : 60936


‎Uber die gegenwartige Verfassung des turkischen Staates. - [ON THE CONSTITUTION OF THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE]‎

‎Hermannstadt, Hochmeister, 1790. 8vo. In contemporary (original?) blue paper covered boards with gilt lettering to spine. Corners bumped and boards with scratches. Internally fine and clean. 276, (10) pp.‎

‎Exceedingly rare work on the state of the Turkish/Ottoman empire. The author is anonymous but with a focus on state income, state administration, juristically aspects and visits by foreign ministers and embassies, the author was most likely a diplomat in the Ottoman Empire. The late 18th century was a dire period for the Ottoman Empire which was facing several challenges and undergoing significant changes. Here are some key aspects of its state during that time. It was in a state of decline and facing numerous challenges, both internally and externally. While efforts were made to reform and modernize certain aspects of the empire, they were often met with resistance and were insufficient to reverse the overall decline.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK8,000.00 (€1,072.98 )


Reference : 60868


‎Les ruses d'amour pour rendre les favoris contens. - [""TRICKS OF LOVE""]‎

‎A Ville Franche, Joli Le Franc, 1681. 12mo. In contemporary full calf with richly gilt spine. Small paper-label pasted on to top of spine. Wear to extremities, a few holes to front board, showing the wooden board. Corners bumped. Internally nice and clean. (10), 514 pp. + frontispiece.‎

‎Uncommon first edition of this work containing 31 gallant or facetious tales and stories, also referred to as ‘tricks of love. These short stories was most likely inspired by Boccaccio. The anonymous author announced a sequel which never appeared. Not in Barbier.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK8,500.00 (€1,140.04 )

‎Anonymous [A.J. Rösel van Rosenhof ?],‎

Reference : EL34001

‎Roesel, introduction à la 3° classe des papillons de nuit ou description abrégée des caractères qui distinguent les chenilles, chrisalides et papillons de cette classe.‎

‎n.d. (ca. late 18th century) Anonymous Manuscript. Decorated title-page, 399 p., 4to, black half cloth from around 1900 with marbled boards (wear on extremities). Well written in a regular hand. Lower right corner (blank) of first few pages with some water-damp damage (not affecting the text)Seems to be a translation [complement?] into French from a part of Rösel van Rosenhof’s famous work ‘’Der monatlich-herausgegebenen Insecten-Belustigungen’’. This work was published in German, and Dutch. Although the physician J.F. Isenflamm (1726- is said to has published a translation (without plates?) in 1779, it seems very rare and I could not find a physical trace of that book.Manuscrit anonyme, page de titre décorée, 399 p., 4to, demi-toile noire postérieure (vers 1900) à coins. Belle écriture régulière à la plume sur papier réglé, Très bon état général, quelques traces d'humidité en marge des premiers feuillets (avec un peu de manque de papier au coin inferieur) et sur une page. Semble constituer un complément d'informations à [ou une traduction d’une partie de] l'ouvrage de Roesel von Rosenhof "Der monatlich-herausgegebenen Insecten-Belustigungen", sur les premiers états de papillons nocturnes et diurnes. Ce livre était publié en Allemand et Hollandais. Bien que le Docteur J.F. Isemflamm apparement a publié une traduction en 1779, aucune trace physique de ce livre a était trouvé par moi.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR300.00 (€300.00 )

‎ASPASIUS, Anonymous, MICHAEL OF EPHESUS (& KONSTAN David, transl.)‎

Reference : F78204


‎Aspasius: On Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics 8. Anonymous: Paraphrase of Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics 8 and 9. Michael Ephesus: On Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics 9‎

‎London, Duckworth 2001 vii + 239pp., 1st edition, hardcover (editor's blue cart.cover with gilt lettering), dustwrapper, 24cm., in the series "Ancient commentators on Aristotle", very good condition, ISBN 0-7156-3071-7, F78204‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎Timothy Cole/ anonymous‎

Reference : 21965

‎Old Spanish Masters engraved by Timothy Cole,with historical notes by Charles H.CAFFIN,and comments by the engraver‎

‎ NEW YORK,THE CENTURY COMPAGNY 1907 - Narrow 4to. ix, 175pp. Bw eng frontis plus thirty bw eng ht text. yellowcloth, titles and decoration gilt to front and spine. Top edge gilt. White eps.,‎

‎dos bruni,texte frais,rare ‎

Livres Anciens Komar - Meounes les Montrieux

Phone number : 33 04 94 63 34 56

EUR100.00 (€100.00 )


Reference : 61727


‎Kayser Carls des Sechsten Wahl-Capitulation mit nothigen anmerckungen aus der Historie, des Reichs grund-gesetzen und Actis Publicis erlauter.‎

‎Leipzig, Fritsch, 1725. 4to. In contemporary gilt floral ornamented wrappers. Spine with wear and miscolured. Small paper-label pasted on to top of spine. Inner hinges split. Previous owner's name (Peter Otto Rosenørn - owner of Hersomgård) in contemporary hand to verso of front wrapper. Internally nice and clean. (10), 126 pp. ‎

‎Rare Electoral capitulation (Wahlkapitulation) for Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor and ruler of the Austrian Habsburg monarchy from 1711 until his death in 1740. The Wahlkapitulation was a contract or set of conditions that every Holy Roman Emperor-elect had to agree to before being officially crowned. These conditions defined the powers and limitations of the Emperor in relation to the estates of the empire, essentially functioning as a constitutional agreement. Charles VI faced succession problems due to the lack of a male heir. To secure his daughter Maria Theresa’s inheritance he issued the “Pragmatic Sanction” of 1713, allowing female succession. Despite his efforts to gain European support, his death in 1740 sparked the War of the Austrian Succession. Rivals like Prussia and Bavaria challenged Maria Theresa’s claim, leading to conflict and territorial losses. While Maria Theresa ultimately retained power, Charles’s plans failed to prevent the crisis, leaving her to resolve the instability. Provenance: Valdemar's Castle, Denmark‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK4,500.00 (€603.55 )

‎Anonymous, Ariane Lainé (ed)‎

Reference : 65885

‎Late Fifteenth-Century Commonplace Book. Edited from Cambridge University Library MS Gg.6.16‎

‎, Brepols, 2019 Paperback, 261 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:13 tables b/w., Languages: English, Middle English. ISBN 9782503582917.‎

‎Summary This edition presents the full text of a personal collection of temporale Middle-English sermons, compiled by a parish priest for his own use (preserved in Cambridge University Library MS Cg.6.16). It also includes the notes and fragments of sermons or exempla found at the beginning of the manuscript with a purpose of giving insight into the way a parish priest would compile materials. This manuscript has attracted attention because it perserves versions of these sermons' early stages. The current edition is therefore complementary to editions of later versions of the same sermons. The introduction provides a discussion of these sermons' textual history and the circumstances in which they were possibly preached. Explanatory notes, a glossary, and indexes complete the edition. TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements Manuscripts and Sigla Abbreviations Bibliography Unprinted Primary Sources: Manuscripts Printed Primary Sources Unprinted Editions of Primary Sources Secondary Sources Recapitulary Tables Recapitulary Table of the Contents of the Manuscripts (1) Recapitulary Table of the Contents of the Manuscripts (2) Recapitulary Table of the Contents of the Manuscripts (3) Recapitulary Table of the Contents of the Manuscripts (4) Introduction Description of the Manuscripts Language Layout and Watermarks Quire 1 Quires 2 and 3 Two Sermons for a Wedding Ceremony Quires 4 and 5 Conclusion: A Preaching Tool Editorial Principles and Procedures Quire 1. Ff. 1r-7v [1] [The Three Maries] [2] [Note on Octavian and the Sybil] [3] [Note on the Temple in Rome] [4] [The Apostles' Creed and Citations from the Prophets] [5] [Exemplum of Longinus] [6] [Easter Day Sermon] [7] [Outline of sermon & Citations] [8] [Sermon for Lent 1] [9] [Exemplum of the Bloody Letters and the Lady who Killed her Own Child] [10] [Extract from the Exemplum of St Dunstan's mother] [11] [A Note on the How and Why one Should Say a Pater Noster and an Ave] [12] [A Note on the Letters of Ihesu Crist] [13] [A Note on the Law at the Court of King Arthur] [14] [Exemplum of Three Philosophers] [15] [An Extract from an Exemplum about Two Cripples and a Precious tree] [16] [A Note on Bad Christians Likened to Swine] [17] [Sermon-Like Note on the Three Apostles John, Peter, and Judas and the Sins of Pride, Gluttony and Envy] Quires 2 and 3. Ff. 8r-30v [18] [? Sermon on Mt, 22:37] [19] [? Sermon on 1 Ptrr, 4:7] [20] [? Sermon on Ps, 40:5] [21] [? Sermon on Lc, 19:15] [22] [? Sermon on Io, 11:25] [23] [? Sermon for All Saints Day and All Souls Day] [24] [? Sermon for a Wedding Cermony] Quires 4 and 5. Ff. 32r-59v [25] In Solemnizacione matrimonij [26] Dominica Prima Aduentus Domini [27] In Die Natalis Domini Nostri Ihesu Cristi [28] In Die Circumcicionis Domini Nostri Ihesu Cristi [29] In Die Epiphanie Domini Nostri Ihesu Cristi [30] Dominica Septuagesime Euaungelium [31] Dominica in Sexagesima [32] Dominica in Quinquagesima [33] In die Cinerum et in Capite Ieiunij [34] Domnica Prima Quadragesime [35] Dominica Secunda Quadragesime [36]Dominica iija Quadragesime Euaungelica Luc xjm° Explanatory Notes Glossary Index of Proper Names Index of Biblical Quotations Index of Non-Biblical Quotations Index of Exempla‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR95.00 (€95.00 )


Reference : VZ01278


‎German manuscript atlas on the anatomy of the pelvis area of several monkeys with 14 original drawings, and 13 loose leaves with short explanations of the drawings.‎

‎n.d. (ca. 1880-1900) The drawings are finely executed in pencil and partly coloured. They vary from ca. 14.5 x 19 to 20 x 22 cm in size and are inserted in a red contemporary, roy. 4to (25 x 33 cm) hcloth album (extremities somewhat rubbed, waterstain on back cover). Anatomical parts of the following monkey species are depicted: Cercopithecus sabaeus (4x), Cebus capicinus (1x), Chimpansee (6x), Inuus pileatus (1x), Cynocephalus hamadryas (1x), Rhesus erythraeus (1x).‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR600.00 (€600.00 )

‎Anonymous/ Idema, Wilt L. (EDT)/ West, Stephen H.‎

Reference : SVALIVCN-9781624665233

‎Records of the Three Kingdoms in Plain Language‎

‎Hackett Publishing (9/2016)‎


Bookit! - Genève
EUR38.49 (€38.49 )


Reference : 61700


‎Chronique burlesque, ou recueil D'Histoires divertissantes et d'avantures comiques.‎

‎A Londres, Pierre du Noyer, 1742. 12mo. Bound in a nice contemporary Cambridge-style mirror binding with four raised bands and richly gilt spine. Crowned super ex-libris to front board. Paper-label pasted on to top of spine and boards. A nice and clean copy. (12), 308 pp.‎

‎First edition of this collection of humorous scandalous and entertaining stories, primarily set in Normandy and Picardy, focusing on priests and nuns. Not in Barbier.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,000.00 (€268.24 )


Reference : 5694


‎Construction des vaisseaux du Roy, et le nom de toutes les pièces qui y entrent, marquées en la table par numero. Avec toutes les proportions des rangs, leur explication, et l'exercice du Canon.‎

‎Au Havre de Grace, J.D.G. Faure, 1754. 1754 1 vol. in-12 (170 x 110 mm) de: 158 pp. (dont titre et table); [1] f. (suite de la table). (trace de mouillure au premier cahier). Plein vélin époque à nerfs traversant les coiffes, dos lisse titré à lencre brune ( taches, graffiti).‎

‎Rare exemplaire de ce traité donnant les proportions des coques et des gréements des navires ainsi que la manuvre du canon. Lorsque parait la première édition de cet ouvrage au Havre de Grace, en 1691, la construction navale française est encore empirique. Une grande enquête, entreprise par Colbert en 1664 pour connaître avec précision le nombre de navires existant en France, avait dressé un inventaire de tous les types de bateaux et de leur nombre dans chaque port. Il fait apparaitre une grande disparité dun chantier à lautre et des erreurs de conception aux conséquences parfois graves Le présent ouvrage est produit dans le but de rationaliser la construction des navires de la "Royale". Cependant, il faudra attendre le siècle suivant pour que soit mis en uvre un enseignement scientifique de la construction navale : LÉcole des ingénieurs-constructeurs de vaisseaux royaux, la plus ancienne grande école française, est fondée en 1741 par Henri Louis Duhamel du Monceau (1700-1782). Duhamel juge indispensable cette évolution, ayant observé que la plupart des constructeurs de lépoque travaillaient « au hasard et sans principes » et que, faute dêtre suffisamment instruits, ils "loupaient" beaucoup de vaisseaux. Au sein de cette nouvelle école, les futurs constructeurs reçoivent un enseignement théorique à base de mathématiques et de physique afin de mieux maîtriser le calcul de leurs plans des vaisseaux. Un équilibre entre la formation théorique aboutit à la mutation technique de la marine de guerre qui va progressivement éliminer les vieux modèles et entrer dans luniformisation des séries de vaisseaux, vieux rêve que Colbert avait en vain caressé en son temps. Le contenu de la présente édition, parue en 1754, tiens compte de cette évolution. Louvrage débute par la « table des pièces qui entrent à la construction des Vaisseaux », suivie des noms de toutes les pièces les composant. Sont ensuite données les proportions de la coque et du gréement pour chaque type de navire (Vaisseau de premier, second, troisième et quatrième rang, frégate, brulot. Sont ensuite données les proportions sur la garniture des navires, câbles, cordages, agrès, grosseur des étays, haubans et écoutes. Les ordres de lexercice du canon achèvent louvrage. Bel exemplaire, conservé dans sa reliure dorigine. 1 vol. 12mo (170 x 110 mm) of: 158 pp. (including title and table); [1] f. (continuation of table). (trace of wetness in first quire). Contemporary full vellum, spine titled in brown ink (stains, graffiti). A rare copy of this treatise on the proportions of ships' hulls and rigging, as well as cannon handling. When the first edition of this work appeared in Le Havre de Grace in 1691, French shipbuilding was still empirical. A major survey, undertaken by Colbert in 1664 to ascertain the precise number of ships in France, had produced an inventory of all types of boats and their numbers in each port. The present work was produced with the aim of rationalizing the construction of "Royal" ships. However, it was not until the following century that scientific shipbuilding education was implemented: the École des ingénieurs-constructeurs de vaisseaux royaux, the oldest major French school, was founded in 1741 by Henri Louis Duhamel du Monceau (1700-1782). Duhamel deemed this development essential, having observed that most shipbuilders of the time worked "haphazardly and without principles", and that, lacking sufficient education, they "missed" many vessels. At this new school, future shipbuilders received theoretical instruction in mathematics and physics, to help them better master the calculation of their ship designs. A balance between theoretical and practical training led to the technical transformation of the navy, which gradually eliminated the old models and began to standardize ship series, an old dream that Colbert had vainly cherished in his time. The contents of the present edition, published in 1754, reflect this evolution. The work begins with the " Table des pièces qui entrent à la construction des Vaisseaux ", followed by the names of all component parts. The proportions of the hull and rigging are then given for each type of vessel (first-, second-, third- and fourth-rank vessels, frigates, brulots, etc.). The proportions of ship fittings, cables, ropes, tackle, stays, shrouds and sheets are also given. Cannon drill orders complete the work. A fine copy, preserved in its original binding.‎

J-F Letenneur Livres Rares - Saint Briac sur Mer

Phone number : 06 81 35 73 35

EUR700.00 (€700.00 )


Reference : 5541



‎Imprimerie de Doublet. 1818 1 vol. in-32 (98 x 63 mm) de: 128 pp. ; 4 tableaux dépliants (faux titre au dos du premier tableau); 6 portraits hors texte inclus dans la pagination représentant la famille royale. (quelques pages encore attachées). Cartonnage vert recouvert de papier dominoté dépoque à motifs floraux.‎

‎Édition de 1818 de ce nouveau messager de la cour de Louis XVIII imprimé à Paris chez Caillot. Ces petits messagers étaient imprimés très régulièrement afin de fournir à la cour du roi toutes les informations indispensables sur la France et le monde. Dun format portatif, il pouvait être rangé dans une poche et sorti lorsque nécessaire. On y trouve notamment: un tableau sur les principaux états de lEurope et du monde (capitales, population etc.), un tableau des nouvelles mesures (kilomètre, kilogramme etc.), les signes du zodiac, les éclipses, les différents calendriers dans le monde, les dates des saisons, les planètes du système solaire, le calendrier grégorien complet et les cycles du zodiaque, la liste des membres des familles royales (France, Autriche, Grande-Bretagne, Pays-Bas, Pologne etc.), les demeures de la famille royale française et leur personnel (maison du roi, maison de Madame la duchesse dAngoulême, maison du duc de Berry, maison du duc dOrléans etc.), les ambassadeurs du roi, la liste des pairs de France, les députés par département, les conseillers du roi, les ministères, les administrations générales, la liste des cultes, les commissaires de police, les monuments, les bibliothèques, les musées et une brève histoire de Paris etc. Exemplaire bien conservé de ce nouveau messager de la cour pour lannée 1818. 1 vol. 32-mo (98 x 63 mm) of : 128 pp; 4 folding tables (half-title printed on the back of the first table); 6 out-of-text portraits included in the pagination depicting the royal family (some pages still attached). Green boards covered with contemporary decorated paper with floral motifs. Edition of 1818 of this new messenger of the court of Louis XVIII printed in Paris at Caillot. These small messengers were printed very regularly in order to provide the king's court with all the necessary information about France and the world. Of a portable format, it could be stored in a pocket and taken out when necessary. It includes: a table on the main states of Europe and the world (capitals, population etc.), a table of new measures (kilometer, kilogram etc.), the signs of the zodiac, the eclipses, the different calendars in the world, the dates of the seasons, the planets of the solar system, the complete Gregorian calendar and the cycles of the zodiac, the list of the members of the royal families (France, Austria, Great Britain, Netherlands, Poland etc.), the residences of the French royal family and their staff (the king's house, the house of Madame la duchesse d'Angoulême, the house of the duc de Berry, the house of the duc d'Orléans etc.), the king's ambassadors, the list of the peers of France, the deputies of each department, the king's advisors, the ministries, the general administrations, the list of the cults, the police commissioners, the monuments, the libraries, the museums, and a brief history of Paris etc. A well preserved copy of this new messenger of the court for the year 1818.‎

J-F Letenneur Livres Rares - Saint Briac sur Mer

Phone number : 06 81 35 73 35

EUR350.00 (€350.00 )


Reference : 61495


‎Magazin der neuesten merkwürdigen Kriegsbegebenheiten. 7 vols. (all).‎

‎Frankfurt, Esslinger, 1794 - 1796. 8vo. Seven volumes: Four in contemporary blue paper covered boards, three in purple paper covered boards, otherwise uniformly bound with gilt lettering and small paper-label to spines. Wear to extremities, scratches to boards and edges of boards miscoloured. Internally with occassional light foxing, but generally nice and clean. (4), 268 pp. (4), 332, (1) pp. 336, (1) pp. 340 pp. 334, (2) pp. 336 pp. + 2 folded tables. 311 pp. + 3 folded plates. ‎

‎The scarce first edition, rarely found complete with all seven volumes as here, of this work offering accounts detailing significant and notable events from recent wars supplemented by examples from earlier historical conflicts.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK6,000.00 (€804.73 )


Reference : 3102

‎An attractive Dutch School Landscape Oil Painting ‎

‎A Dutch oil painting of a landscape scene - a water mill by a canal with trees and sky. Probably an amateur artist, it is signed P.M. '85. Assumed 1985. Oil on canvas, and mounted in a wooden and gilt frame. Sold with the frame. Frame size 500 mm width x 420 mm height. Image size 285 mm x 230 mm. The painting is in very good condition, with just a touch of crackle to the glaze. The frame is mainly in good condition, but with a little rubbing to the lower edge.‎


Phone number : +33 7 84 03 12 53

EUR89.00 (€89.00 )


Reference : 61357


‎Les Proces de messieurs le mareschal de Marillac, le duc de Montmorency, de Sainct-Preuil de Cincq-Mars et de Thou.‎

‎Paris, 1650. 12mo. In contemporary limp vellum. Paper-label pasted on to top of spine. Small tear to spine, otherwise a nice and clean copy. (2), 333, (3), 96 pp.‎

‎The uncommon first edition of the account of the trial of Louis de Marillac who was decapitated on 10 May 1632 at the Place de Grève in Paris. The present work function as part two of “Memoires du cardinal de Richelieu”, but is a separate work in itself.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,500.00 (€335.30 )


Reference : 83965


Phone number : (+32) 470 87 87 88

EUR45.00 (€45.00 )


Reference : 61310


‎Dom Henrique de Castro, ou la conqueste des Indes. 2 parts. - [RARE WORK ON CONQUISTADOR DOM HENRIQUE DE CASTRO]‎

‎Paris, Gillaume de Luyne, 1684. 8vo. In contemporary full calf with five raised bands and richly gilt spine. Small paper-label pasted on to top of spine. Light wear to extremities, two small hole to the leather on back board. Internally fine and clean with small number (8), 204 (i.e. 304), 141, (3), 138 pp.‎

‎The rare first edition of this history of the Spanish conquest of South America and the Caribbean Indies in which Castro’s, a relatively unknown conquistador, meeting with Monteczuma II and Fort Tucapel in Chile is vividly described. Only very few contemporary sources describe Don Henrique de Castro’s exploits. In 1617, in what is regarded as being the first novel to be set in Spanish America (Historia tragicomica de Don Henrique de Castro, 1617) a, mostly fictive, knightly romance between Don Henrique and Princess Elisauira set in Chile was published. Not in Barbier. ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK15,000.00 (€2,011.83 )


Reference : 60912


‎Le guide ou Nouvelle description d'Amsterdam, enseignant aux voyageurs, et aux negocians sa splendeur, son commerce (...) (+) Le tarif des droits d'entree & de sortie (...).‎

‎Amsterdam, Paul de la Feuille, 1722 & 1718. 8vo. In contemporary full calf with five raised bands and richly gilt spine. Light wear to extremities, boards with scratches and some of gilting worm off. Internally nice and clean. (6), 198 pp. + 19 folded engraved plates (presumably lacking 1) and the 4 engraved plates with flags, which are often missing 123, (2) pp. ‎

‎Uncommon description of Amsterdam, richly illustrateds, here together with a work, called for on the title of the first work, containing tariff rates for import and export of all kinds of goods imposed by the Seven Dutch United Provinces.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK3,800.00 (€509.66 )


Reference : 61023


‎The Laws concerning travelling, &c viz. 1. robbery, 2. of such accidents as the traveller is liable to upon the road, 3. what satisfaction he shall have where he suffers by bad ways (...) 4. of land-carriage (...) 5. of innkeepers (...) 6. of water-ca...‎

‎Savoy (London), Nutt and R. Gosling, 1718. 8vo. In a contemporary modest full calf binding. Small paper-label to upper part of spine. Wear and soiling to extremities. Leather to lower part of back board with tear and partly detached, showing the wooden boards underneath. Previous owner's name to title-page, but internally fine and clean. (13), 237, (3) pp. ‎

‎Scarce first edition of this legal guidebook, generally accepted to be the first work of its kind in English. It was later reprinted in Bristol. Goldsmiths 5424.2 Kress 3063.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK12,000.00 (€1,609.46 )


Reference : 60748


‎Code des comites de surveillance et revolutionnaire (+) Premier supplément au code des comités de surveillance et révolutionnaires. - [LEGAL CODE FOR THE REIGN OF TERROR DURING THE FRENCH REVOLUTION]‎

‎Paris, Impremerie du depot des lois, An II (1793). 4to. In contemporary half calf with gilt lettering and ornamentation to spine. Wear to extremities. Upper part of back hinge split, with minor loss of letters. Small dampstain to upper inner margin, otherwise a nice copy. (2), VII, (2)-116, 100, 8 pp. ‎

‎Exceedingly rare first edition of this highly interesting document being the Code of the Committees of Surveillance containing 106 regulations and guidelines for the functioning of these committees during the French Revolution. The Committees of Surveillance were established during the Reign of Terror (September 5, 1793 - July 27, 1794), as part of the revolutionary government's efforts to identify and suppress counter-revolutionary activities. These committees were tasked with monitoring individuals' behavior, enforcing revolutionary laws and ensuring loyalty to the revolutionary government. The document outlines the powers, duties, and procedures of these committees, as well as the penalties for those found to be opposing the revolution, providing a unique and fascinating insight into the legal and administrative framework of revolutionary France – arguable one of the most profound and radical moments in modern European history. The Committee of Surveillance in France during 1793 was established as a part of the radical phase of the French Revolution. Its function was to oversee and monitor the activities of suspected counter-revolutionaries and enemies of the Revolution, as well as to enforce laws related to internal security and revolutionary principles. The committee was tasked with identifying individuals or groups deemed to be a threat to the revolutionary government, often leading to arrests, interrogations, and, in some cases, executions by the Revolutionary Tribunal. It played a significant role in the Reign of Terror, a period marked by extreme political violence and repression in France. The present work is of the utmost scarcity. We have not been able to trace a single copy at auction, and OCLC only lists one copy (in Paris). Nadaillac, Catalogue d’une Collection Importante Sur la Revolution Francaise 724 ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK40,000.00 (€5,364.88 )


Reference : 60904


‎Das offt-beehrte, ehmals vermehrte, nun zimlich verheerte Lothringen das ist: Ausführliche alte und neue Beschreibung des alt-berühmten, schönen und großen Hertzogthums Lorreine oder Lothringen (...)‎

‎(No place, nor printer), 1671. 12mo. In contemporary full calf. Small paper-label pasted on to spine. Wear to extremities, with loss of leather to back board and spine. (2), 279 pp. + folded map. ‎

‎Rare work on the Lorraine territory and Duchy of Lorraine describing its history and topography including the then recent devastation and destruction from the French invasion in 1670.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK6,500.00 (€871.79 )
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