Short description: In Russian. Annenkov, Nikolai Ivanovich. Botanical Dictionary or Collection of Names of both Russian and many foreign plants in Latin, Russian, German, French and other languages used by different tribes living in Russia. type. Gracheva and Co. Botanicheskiy slovar' ili Sobranie nazvaniy kak russkikh tak i mnogikh inostrannykh rasteniy na yazykakh latinskom, russkom, nemetskom, frantsuzskom i drugikh, upotreblyaemykh razlichnymi plemenami, obitayushchimi v Rossii. In Russian /Botanical Dictionary or Collection of Names of both Russian and many foreign plants in Latin, Russian, German, French and other languages used by various tribes living in Russia. The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU4439676