1877 127, cxxix, [1] p., 4 (3 fine hand-coloured) lithographed pls, paperbound (back broken).This volume includes: Alfred Craven, Monographie du genre Sinusigera (22 p., 3 hand coloured plates). In 1842, Alcide d'Orbigny (in Historia fisica, politica, y natural de la isla de Cuba) first figured a strange shell with a tri-lobed aperture as Sinusigera cancellata. Today we know it represents the planktotrophic veliger stage of a Cypraea. This however, was unknown to the Belgian malacologist Alfred Craven, who in 1877 described many new species. Today, his work is forgotten but for no good reason as his clear descriptions and good figures represent valid introductions of new names (in Muricidae, Triphoridae etc.) overlooked or neglected by modern students of these families. The other plate depicts Solen laversinensis and Solen laubreirei.