, Brepols, 2022 Hardback, 260 pages, Size:220 x 300 mm, Illustrations:360 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503598949.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Prelude Pieter Roelofs ? Johan Maelwael & the Van Lymborch Brothers: New Perspectives Theme I: The Battle of Nicopolis and Burgundian Art Susie Nash ? The Martyrdom of St Denis, the Chartreuse de Champmol and the Battle of Nicopolis David de Bruijn Kops ? Pseudo-Arabic Inscriptions in the Work of Claus Sluter, Johan Maelwael, Henry Bellechose, and the Van Lymborch Brothers during the Post-Nicopolis Reign of Philip the Bold and John the Fearless, 1398-1419 Theme II: New, Unique Discoveries Rob D ckers ? An Unrecorded Book of Hours for Jean, Duke of Berry? Frits Scholten ? Claus Sluter in the Rijksmuseum Theme III: The Practice of Illuminators, Painters & Margin Decorators Ines Villela-Petit ? Painter versus Illuminator: Looking for Paul van Lymborch Ella Letort ? Plagues and Processions: Re-Examining the Drawings of Ms. Douce 144 Andr Stufkens and Jacobus Trijsburg ? The Seal and Blazon of Johan Maelwael Andr Stufkens ? The Exaltation of the Cross. A High Density of Meanings: From Africans to Zacharias Index