[Giorgio Barbarelli da Castelfranco called Giorgione] - Anderson, Jaynie
Reference : 057213
ISBN : 2909752119
Anderson, Jaynie: Giorgione. Peintre de la 'Brièveté Poétique'. Paris: Lagune, 1996. 392 pages with 1 monochrome and 45 colour plates, 257 colour and monochrome illustrations. Hardback. 33 x 24.5cms. Both monograph and catalogue raisonné, this work is based on detailed analysis of archive material and unpublished inventories and features new interpretations of the paintings. Chapters supporting the catalogue raisonné cover such topics as myths and the truth about the scientific analysis of the paintings, and the representation of women. With notes, documents and sources, bibliography, index. Text in French.
Both monograph and catalogue raisonné, this work is based on detailed analysis of archive material and unpublished inventories and features new interpretations of the paintings. Chapters supporting the catalogue raisonné cover such topics as myths and the truth about the scientific analysis of the paintings, and the representation of women. With notes, documents and sources, bibliography, index. Text in French
Paris, Editions de la Lagune 1996, 330x245mm, 390pages, reliure d'éditeur sous jaquette. Très bel exemplaire.
planches en couleurs, photos n/b in texte, Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal
Art Data 1996 In-4 relié 33,4 cm sur 25. 390 pages. Bon état d’occasion.
Bon état d’occasion
aris, Lagune, 1996. In-4, toile éditeur sous jaquette illustrée, 390 pages, nombreuses illustrations en noir et en couleurs. Bibliographie, index. On joint en coupure de presse et une carte postale en rapport. Poids 3KG. TRES BON ETAT
Livre(s) Lourd(s): Supplément postal possible. FRANCE : Expédition par Mondial Relais ou Chronopost.
Paris, Editions de la Lagune, 1996. Fort in-4, 390-(2) pp., reliure éditeur toile, jaquette illustrée
Entièrement illustré en couleurs et en noir. Bel exemplaire. * Voir photographie(s) / See picture(s). * Membre du SLAM et de la LILA / ILAB Member. La librairie est ouverte du lundi au vendredi de 14h à 19h. Merci de nous prévenir avant de passer,certains de nos livres étant entreposés dans une réserve.
Paris Éditions Du Regard 1997 Grand In 8 Traduit de l'anglais par Bernard Turle . Illustrations en couleurs et noir et blanc . Bibliographie . Beaux Arts . - 92 p. , 550 gr.
Couverture rigide Comme neuf 1ère Édition
, Hannibal Kannibaal , 2019 Hardcover , 160 pages, Illustrated. 28,4 x 22,5 cm, text in English. ISBN 9789492677007.
Topwerk van Titiaan ontleed door specialisten Al in zijn eigen tijd was de status van de Venetiaanse schilder Titiaan (1488-1576) legendarisch. Hij werkte op de grens tussen de renaissance en de barok en werd vereerd op gelijke voet met de groten der aarden. Zijn picturale stijl, buitengewone kleurgebruik en virtuoze techniek waren en zijn nog steeds een onuitputtelijke inspiratiebron voor generaties kunstenaars. Onder meer Rubens en Van Dyck hadden een grote bewondering voor Titiaans werk en bestudeerden het uitvoerig. Portret van een dame en haar dochter is wellicht een van de fascinerendste werken van Titiaan. Hij begon aan het wonderbaarlijke schilderij in het midden van de zestiende eeuw, maar stierf voor hij het kon afwerken. Deze verbeelding van de relatie tussen een moeder en haar kind is onge venaard. Ondanks de monumentaliteit van het schilderij is de blik waarmee de dochter haar moeder aankijkt wellicht een van de tederste uit de hele kunstgeschiedenis. De identiteit van de geportretteerden is onzeker, maar sommige kunsthistorici beweren dat Titiaan een portret maakte van zijn minnares, Milia, en hun buitenechtelijke dochter, Emilia. Het schilderij beleefde van bij zijn ontstaan een wonderbaarlijke geschiedenis. Zijn omzwervingen beginnen in Veneti , waarna het werk passeert bij de Russische tsaren en dan via Parijs in Londen terechtkomt, waar het op miraculeuze wijze de bombardementen van de Tweede Wereldoorlog overleeft. Vandaag is het na een twintig jaar durende restauratie weer volledig in ere hersteld. Met essays van topkunsthistorici als Andrea Bayer (The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York), Jaynie Anderson (University of Melbourne), Larry Keith (National Gallery, Londen) en Irina Artemieva (Hermitage, Sint-Petersburg). Portret van een dame met haar dochter wordt een hoogtepunt in de tentoonstelling From Titian to Rubens ? Masterpieces from Flemish Collections in het Palazzo Ducale in Veneti (5 september 2019 ? 1 maart 2020), een samenwerking tussen Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia (MUVE) en het Rubenshuis in Antwerpen.
Melbourne, Miegunyah Press, 2009. A very thick in-4 book of 276 x 194 mm for (6) vii, xvii, 1108 pp. Coal black hardbinding, title in bronze on the cover and spine, abstract in bronze on the back cover. Printed on couché paper, profusely illustrated with a majority color images. No dust jacket as issued. "Crossing Cultures: Conflict, Migration and Convergence is an in-depth examination of the effect of globalism on art and art history. Covering all aspects of art—including traditional media, painting, sculpture, architecture and the crafts, as well as design, film, visual performance and new media—it explores the themes of conflict, migration and convergence in the visual, symbolic and artistic exchanges between cultures throughout history. Crossing Cultures is a compilation of the conference papers from the 32nd International Congress in the History of Art organized by the International Committee of the History of Art (CIHA), edited by conference convenor Professor Jaynie Anderson. This volume contains more than 200 papers presented at the congress by art historians from twenty-five countries, including Homi K Bhabha (Harvard University), Michael Brand (Director of the John Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles), Marcia Langton (Chair of Australian Indigenous Studies, University of Melbourne), Ronald de Leeuw (Director of the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam), Neil McGregor (Director of the British Museum, London) and Ruth B. Phillips (Canada Research Chair in Modern Culture and Professor of Art History, Carleton University, Ottawa). Never before has the state of art history in our polycentric world been demonstrated so well. Crossing Cultures encourages fresh thinking about global art history." (Abstract)
In good condition. A bit of wear and tear on the covers and hinges, slight yellowing on the margins, aside from that the inside is clean and crisp. Book is well bound.
, Hannibal Books , 2023 Hardcover HB, 284 x 225 mm, 160 pages, ENG edition Illustrated. ISBN 9789463887007.
Even in his own time, the status of Venetian painter Titian (1488- 1576) was legendary. He worked on the border between Renaissance and Baroque and was revered on par with the greats of the world. His pictorial style, extraordinary use of colour and virtuoso technique were and still are an inexhaustible source of inspiration for generations of artists. Rubens and Van Dyck, among others, greatly admired Titian's work and studied it extensively. Portrait of a lady and her daughter is perhaps one of Titian's most fascinating works. He began the miraculous painting in the mid-16th century, but died before he could finish it. This depiction of the relationship between a mother and her child is unparalleled. Despite the monumentality of the painting, the look with which the daughter looks at her mother is perhaps one of the most tender in all of art history. The identity of those portrayed is uncertain, but some art historians claim Titian painted a portrait of his mistress, Milia, and their illegitimate daughter, Emilia. The painting experienced a prodigious history from its inception. Its wanderings began in Venice, after which the work passed by the Russian tsars and then, via Paris, ended up in London, where it miraculously survived the bombings of World War II. Today, it has been fully restored after a 20-year restoration. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
, Hannibal, 2019 Hardcover, 176 pages, ENG. edition, 290 x 230 x 20 mm, NEW !!, illustrated dustjacket, illustrated in color / b/w. ISBN 9789463887014.
When the painter Jacopo Tintoretto (1518-1594) around 1560-1570 Saint Catherine painted, a 0monumental altarpiece for the Venetian church San Geminiano, his fame had reached a peak. 'Capriccioso, presto, e risoluto', that is how the Italian art historian Giorgio Vasari described him at the time. Fickle, fast and determined. Vasari found Tintoretto's style difficult places but still found it one of most fascinating painters of all time. The emotionally charged work of Tintoretto inspired many artists and also had a special one, among other things place in the private collections of baroque painters such as Rubens and Van Dyck. So it is not surprising that Tintoretto's Saint Catherine one of the first art purchases was from it British pop icon David Bowie and that's it a new owner after his death he received it on long-term loan gave to the Palazzo Ducale in Venice. Recently, researchers discovered the KIK (Royal Institute for... Art heritage) a drawing below the paint layer of Saint Catherine, which sheds new light on both process of creation as the iconography of the painting. The work is the culmination of Tintoretto's expressive imagery, are living colorful and explosive test, with which he knows strong emotions to trigger the viewer. In this book, essays by specialists such as Stijn Alsteens (Christie's and The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York), Christina Currie (KIK, Brussels), Xavier F. Salomon (The Frick Collection, New York) and Ben Van Beneden (Rubenshuis, Antwerp) Tintoretto's Saint Catharina completely back to life
Lagune 1996
in4, cartonne, 1996, 390p, jaquette etat correct d'usage (accroc avec manque au verso et coins un peu frottes), livre bon etat, coins des plats et coiffes du dos un peu enfonces, petits chocs sur bord quatrieme de couverture, legeres salissures sur les tranches, interieur tres propre avec belles illustrations en noir et blanc et en couleurs, Editions de la Lagune
Paris, Editions du Regard, 1997, 15,5 x 23,5, 92 pages sous cartonnage illustré de l'éditeur. Iconographie en couleurs. Traduit de l'anglais par Bernard Turle.