Ad Claras Aquas (Quaracchi), ex typ. Collegii S. Bonaventurae 1890 xv + 110pp., 23cm., text in Latin, contemprary hardcover, spine in brown leather, [Bound together with: Statuta Provincialia Fratrum Minorum de observantia recollectorum Provinciae Belgii sancti Josephi, conformata constitutionibus approbatis a capitulo generali, Romae celebrato anno 1889" (Gandavi, Hemelsoet, 1891, 40 + 5pp.)], R108741
Romae [Rome], Ex typogr. Mater Amabilis 1895 199pp., 25cm., text in red and black, text in Latin, hardcover (spine in leather with gilt title, some use at ends), stamp on title page, good condition, R108744