The plates engraved by W.B. Cooke, George Cooke, Henry Moses, and Cosmo Armstrong. Murray / Taylor / Arch / Booth / Colnaghi and Co., London, 1819. In folio (mm. 543x379), mz. pelle coeva con ang., titolo oro al dorso, pp. (8),67, molto ben illustrato da 4 vignette nel testo e, come da Indice, da 10 stupende tavole, protette da velina (di cui 2 contrassegnate Proof, in basso a dx), tutte inc. in rame, su disegni di Allason. Le tavole rappresentano: Antiquities of Pola (drawn by J.M.W. Turner from the original sketches by Tho. Allason) - View of Trieste - General view of Pola - The Amphitheatre - The Temple of Augustus - Posterior view of the two temples - The Arch of the Sergii - Side view of the Arch of the Sergii - Gateway - Plans of the Buildings at Pola (Arch. Amphitheatre. Temple of Augustus). L'opera, divisa in due parti, inizia con una Introduction (pp. 1-10), seguita dal testo descrittivo di The Amphitheatre, The Two Temples (Augustus and Diana), Arch of the Sergii, Gateway (pp. 11-22). Da pag. 25 alla fine: Remarks on the ancient and modern history of Istria and Dalmatia, elucidatory of the origin, manners, and customs of their present inhabitants. "First edition", complete of text and plates. Cfr. Borroni,7445 - Brunet,I,188: Bel ouvrage - Graesse,I,79 - Combi Saggio di bibliografia istriana,3028 - Fossati Bellani,7445. Allason, an architect, travelled in Greece, 1814-15, as draughtsman to John and Edward Spencer Stanhope, and he produced the drawings for their works on Plataea, Olympia and Elis.. The journey to Pola, the only maritime town of Istria to retain its ancient buildings, was made via Trieste while he was travelling with the Stanhopes.. The many surviving ancient Roman buildings and structures of Pola include its famous first century amphitheatre, one of the six largest surviving Roman arenas in the world, the Arch of Sergii, the temple of Rome and Augustus, and the Gate of Hercules, all of which are illustrated in the plates. Cfr. Blackmer, 25. Solo qualche lieviss. fiorit. o traccia d'uso margin., altrimenti esemplare ben conservato.
Paris-Limoges, Charles Lavauzelle, vers 1895. 102 pages. (21,5x14cm). Demi-basane. Dos insolé. Rousseurs aux premiers 4 feuillets et aux dernières trois. Papier bruni. Très bon état. Extrait de la "Revue d'Infanterie".
PARIS, BOULEVARD MONTMARTRE. 1898. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. Paginé de 127 à 137 . Ce fascicule ne contient pas d'illustration. Une page photocopiée. Livré sans couverture.. . . . Classification Dewey : 70.4-Journalisme, chronique
Tome cent treizième. Vingtième année Classification Dewey : 70.4-Journalisme, chronique
PARIS, BOULEVARD MONTMARTRE. 1899. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. Paginé de 673 à 688 . Ce fascicule ne contient pas d'illustration. Une page photocopiée. Livré sans couverture.. . . . Classification Dewey : 70.4-Journalisme, chronique
Tome cent seizième. Vingt-et-unième année Classification Dewey : 70.4-Journalisme, chronique