, Brepols, 2020 Paperback, 380 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:12 b/w, Languages: English, Italian, German. ISBN 9782503589541.
Summary The definition of translation in Renaissance Europe is here proposed as a process of acquisition: the book studies how a number of European languages, finding their identification in the newly evolving concept of nation, shape their countries' vernacular libraries by appropriating ancient and contemporary classics. The emergence of standard modern languages in early modern Europa entailed a competition with the dominant Latin culture, which remained the prevalent medium for the language of science, philosophy, theology and philology until at least the eighteenth century. In this process, translation played a very special role: in a number of significant instances we can identify in the undertaking of a specific translation a policy of acquisition of classical - and by definition authoritative - texts that contributed to the building of an intellectual library for the emerging nation. At the same time, the transmission of ideas and texts across Europe constructed a diasporic and transnational culture: the emerging vernacular cultures acquired not only the classical Latin models, incorporating them in their own intellectual libraries, but turned their attention also to contemporary, or near-contemporary, vernacular texts, conferring on them, through the act of translation, the status of classics. Through the examination of case studies, that take into account both literary and scientific texts, this volume offers an overview of how early modern Europe developed its vernacular national literatures, following the model suggested in the late Middle Ages, through a process of acquisition and translation. TABLE OF CONTENTS Alessandra Petrina (University of Padua) and Federica Masiero (University of Padua) Introduction: acquisition through translation in early modern Europe Biblical and classical literature in translation Camilla Caporicci Translating Solomon's Song: Gervase Markham's Poem of Poems. Or Sions Muse Bryan Brazeau 'I write sins, not tragedies': manuscript translations of Aristotle's hamartia in late sixteenth-century Italy Carla Suthren Iphigenia in English: Reading Euripides with Jane Lumley Angelica Vedelago Plutarch in sixteenth-century France and England: an insight into the Life of Coriolanus as translated by Amyot and North Marta Balzi Lodovico Dolce's Italian translation of Ovid's Metamorphoses and the canonization of the Orlando furioso Francesco Roncen Stesso corpo in 'cangiate forme': traduzione fedele e ottava rima nelle Metamorfosi di Fabio Marretti (1570) Ilaria Pernici The revolution of Ovid's Metamorphoses in Golding's translation: the case of Thomas Lodge Petr Valenta Virgil in Czech seventeenth-century translations and Pastý?ské rozmlouvání o narození Pán? by Václav Jan Rosa Horizontal translation and the definition of literature Valentina Gallo Dall'Agrigento del III sec. a.C. alla Londra di Jonathan Swift Giulio Vaccaro Tra traduzione, tradizione e identità: il Libro dell'Aquila Lucia Assenzi Übersetzen für die Muttersprache. Übersetzung und Fremdwortpurismus in der barocken Sprachreflexion am Beispiel der Verdeutschung des Novellino (1624) Andrea Rado?evi? - Marijana Horvat Translation strategies in the Sermon Collection Besjede (1616) written by the Franciscan Matija Divkovi? Alice Equestri The first English translation?of Tommaso Garzoni's Ospidale De' Pazzi Incurabili: cultural context and representation of idiocy Heritage and archives at the close of the early modern period Dominika Bopp Das Sprachlehrbuch Janua linguarum reserata von J.A. Comenius (1592-1670) und seine ersten deutschsprachigen Übersetzungen Roberto De Pol Il contributo dell'editore Georg Müller e del traduttore Johann Makle alla ricezione della letteratura italiana in Germania nel XVII secolo Anna Just Übersetzungstexte aus der ehemaligen Bibliotheca Zalusciana (1747-1795) als Indikator einer transnationalen Literatur im frühneuzeitlichen Polen