P., Fournier, 1804; 2 tomes reliés en 1 volume in 8, demi-basane, dos orné de fers doré, (reliure romantique de l'époque), (quelques rousseurs), T.1 : (3), 16pp., 350pp., T.2 : (2), 12pp., 330pp., 10 PLANCHES dépliantes.
---- EDITION ORIGINALE --- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- "New experimental tools and methods in the studies of electrophysiology of the nervous system". (MacHenry) ---- "A classical and a standard Work in Neurology". (MacHenry) ---- "Studies of the electrophysiology of the nervous system that had been developed originally in the previous century by Galvani, Aldini, Volta and others received impetus with the introduction of new experimental tools and methods in the early part of the nineteenth century". (MacHenry p. 201/202) ---- "Aldini, the nephew of Galvani, became professor of physics at the University of Bologna in 1794 and earnestly investigated galvanism. He helped organize a society at Bologna to foster the practices of galvanism in opposition to a Volta society established at the University of Pavia. In 1802 Aldini lectured before the Société Galvanique of Paris and in the following year demonstrated galvanic action in England... In the controversy over Galvani's animal electricity and Volta's galvanic current , it was not the modest Galvani but his lusty nephew, J. Aldini, who wrote, lectured and published in italian, french and english on the theories and experiments of both his uncle and himself. Aldini carried on his uncle's work, extended his experiments to the human body and published his best-known work Essai théorique et expérimental sur le galvanisme (1804)". (DSB I pp. 107/108) ---- Honeyman N° 64 - Heirs of Hippocrates N° 1182 (english translation) ---- De la nature et des propriétés générales du galvanisme - Du pouvoir du galvanisme sur les forces vitales - Application du galvanisme à la médecine - ETC**2266/ARM1D-2267/ARB4