, Coletiva, 2013 Hardcover, 250 pages, ENG / POR, 260 x 200 x 27 mm, NEW, illustrated in colour / b/w. ISBN 9788599247303.
The book ?Paulo Climachuska?, from the series Arte e Tecnologia, sponsored by Oi Futuro, presents the work of artist Paulo Climachuska, with texts by Alberto Saraiva, Fernando AQ Mota and Tales Ab'S ber. The book is part of the "Paulo Climachuska Re-subtractions" project, which included the Oi Futuro Flamengo exhibition and marked a new stage in the artist's career, in which the use of subtraction beads as a line - a feature that has become an icon has become his work ? has been replaced by references to games and clocks. In these works, Climachauska deepens her exploration of rationalism and mathematical precision, incorporating chance and time into her conceptual universe. In it he returns to numerical systems, which he sees as order and regulation of the world, but without clear figures.