Vienna, Mkhit'arean Tparan 1952 [50] + 130pp., 31cm., text in Armenian (with a second title page in German: "Koriun : Biographie des Hl. Mastoc, herausgegeben nebst einer Einleitung und Erläuterungen von Nerses Akinian"), published in the series "Matenagrut'iwnk nakhneats" H.1. brak 1 ("Texte und Untersuchungen der altarmenischen Literatur" I-1), bound in solid modern hardcover in red cloth, original frontcover preserved, text is clean and bright, good condition, X116786
Vienna, Mkhit'arean tparan 1956 [16] + 472pp., illustrated with some genealogical tables (of which one folding), text fully in Armenian (with a second title page in German though), 20cm., firmly bound in modern hardcover, frontcover preserved, in the series "Azgayin matenadaran" volume 179 [Nationalbibliothek 179], text is clean and bright, Very good condition, cfr. OCLC 31136784, [English translation of this title: Nerses of Lambron, Archbishop of Tarsus : Life and work, together with a genealogy of the Pahlawunians and Hethumians of Lambron], X116728
Vienna, Mkhit'arean tparan [Mechitharisten-Buchdruckerei] 1933 280 + 10pp. + one portrait out of text, text fully in Armenian (with a second title page in German though : "Eremia Celebi Kömürdjian, sein Leben und seine literarische Tätigkeit. Eine literarisch-historische Studie"), 20cm., firmly bound in modern hardcover, frontcover preserved, in the series "Azgayin matenadaran" volume 135 [Nationalbibliothek 135], text is clean and bright, good condition, X116753
Vienne, Impr. des PP. Mechitharistes 1928 68pp., 29cm., reliure toile moderne (br.orig. partiellement conservée), Edition bilingue: texte arménien avec traduction en français, bon état, X111501
Wien, Mechitaristen-Buchdruckerei 1949 [7] + 348pp., text in Armenian, bound in modern cloth, original frontcover preserved, 20cm., text is clean and bright, in the series "Nationalbibliothek" Band CLIX (159), very good condition, X111515
Wien, Mechitharisten-Buchdruckerei 1932 387pp., illustrated with some portraits, text in Armenian (with a 23pp. summary in German), bound in modern cloth, original frontcover preserved, 20cm., text and interior are clean and bright, in the series "Nationalbibliothek" Band CXXXIV (134), very good condition, X111521
Wien, Mechitharisten-Buchdruckerei 1951 iii + 112pp., text in Armenian, bound in modern cloth, original frontcover preserved, 20cm., text and interior are clean and bright, in the series "Nationalbibliothek" Band 169, very good condition, X111526
Wien, Mechitharisten-Buchdruckerei 1932-1936-1960 Complete in 3 parts bound in one physical volume, 806 + 604pp., text in Armenian, bound in modern blue cloth, original frontcovers preserved and bound in, 20cm., text and interior are clean and bright, in the series "Nationalbibliothek" Band 133-140-168, very good condition, weight: 1.3kg., X111530
Wien, Mechitharisten-Buchdruckerei 1957 [12] + 2 + [8] + 113pp., text in Armenian, 29cm., ex-library copy (few stamps), with ex-dono ex-libris from the "Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian"), bound in hardcover (label at lower end of spine), text is clean and bright, offprint from "Handes Amsorya" 1953-1956, X111532
AKINEAN [AKINIAN] Nerses, TIMOTHEUS (Archbishop of Alexandria), ACHAREAN Hrach'eay [ACARYAN Hracya]
Reference : X111574
Vienna, Mkhit'arean Tparan [Mechitharisten-Buchdruckerei] 1909 2 parts in 1 volume, 8 + 106 + 6 pp., text fully in Armenian, 20cm., firmly bound in modern hardcover, frontcover preserved, in the series "Azgayin matenadaran" volume 58 [Nationalbibliothek 58], text is clean and bright, Very good condition, cfr. OCLC 504724368, [Complete title: I: Timo'eos Kuz hay matenagrut'ean mej: k'nnakan usumnasirut'iwn handerj yaweluacov : Timot'eos I Alek'sandrac'i (vii + 60pp.), II: Hayeren nor barer Timot'eos Kuzi hakacarut'ean mej (pp.64-106)], X111574
Vienna [Wien], Mkhit'arean Tparan [Mechitharisten-Buchdruckerei] 1914 xlviii + 60pp., 32cm., text is in Armenian (though the title page and introduction are bilingual: German-Armenian), firmly bound in modern hardcover, frontcover preserved, text is clean and bright, very good condition, X111616
Vienna [Wien], Mkhit?arean Tparan [Mechitharisten-Buchdruckerei] 1948 [8] + 93pp., text fully in Armenian (with a double title page though: German-Armenian), published in the series "Nationalbibliothek" Band CLVII (157), bound in nice solid modern hardcover (original frontcover preserved), 20cm., very good condition, [Armenian title: Tesil S. Sahakay : matenagrakan-patmakan k?nnut?iwn], X114309
Vienna, Mkhit'arean tparan [Mechitharisten-Buchdruckerei] 1959 [10] + 184pp., text fully in Armenian (with a second title page in German though), 20cm., firmly bound in modern hardcover, frontcover preserved, in the series "Azgayin matenadaran" volume 186 [Nationalbibliothek 186], text is clean and bright, Very good condition, cfr. OCLC 315111055, [English translation of this title: David Harkazi, the Invincible Philosopher. Life and works], X116736