, Brepols, 2019 Hardback, viii + 332 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:2 b/w, 4 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503566733.
Summary This volume offers an in-depth exploration of the cultural connections between and across Britain, Ireland, and Iceland during the high and late Middle Ages. Drawing together new research from international scholars working in Celtic Studies, Norse, and English, the contributions gathered together here establish the coherence of the medieval Insular world as an area for literary analysis and engage with a range of contemporary approaches to examine the ways, and the degrees to which, Insular literatures and cultures connect both with each other, and with the wider European mainstream. The articles in this collection discuss the Insular histories of some of the most widely read literary works and authors of the Middle Ages, including Geoffrey of Monmouth and William Langland. They trace the legends of Troy and of Charlemagne as they travelled across linguistic and geographical borders, give fresh attention to the multilingual manuscript collections of great households and families, and explore the political implications of language choice in a linguistically plural society. In doing so, they shed light on a complex network of literary and cultural connections and establish the Insular world not as a periphery, but as a centre. TABLE OF CONTENTS Insular Connections and Comparisons in the Later Middle Ages - AISLING BYRNE AND VICTORIA FLOOD The Red Book and the White: Gentry Libraries in Medieval Wales - HELEN FULTON Medical Texts in Welsh Translation: Y Pedwar Gwlybwr and Rhinweddau Bwydydd - ELENA PARINA Early Tudor Translation of English Prophecy in Wales - VICTORIA FLOOD Propaganda or Parody? Latin Abuse Poetry from the Hundred Years War - JOANNA BELLIS Contrapuntal Alliteration in Piers Plowman and Skaldic Poetry - RORY MCTURK Gabh ltais Shearluis Mh ir in its Irish and Insular contexts - ERICH POPPE Translating the Crusades in Late Medieval Ireland - AISLING BYRNE Removing the Muses: Responses to Statian Subjectivity in the Middle Irish Thebaid - MARIAMNE BRIGGS Heroic Traditions in Dialogue: The Imtheachta Aeniasa - JULIE LEBLANC Iceland and the Land of Women: The Norse Gl sisvellir and the Otherworld Islands of Early Irish Literature - MATTHIAS EGELER Empire of Emotion: The Formation of Emotive Literary Identities and Mentalities in the North - SIF RIKHARDSDOTTIR The Latin Connection: Geoffrey of Monmouth in Iceland - SARAH BACCIANTI An Ideal Nobleman: Transformations of the Classical Hero Hercules in the Old Norse Tr jumanna saga - SABINE HEIDI WALTHER