Kessinger Publishing's Rare Reprints (Macmillan) Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 2005 Book condition, Etat : Très Bon paperback, yellow and white printed wrappers grand In-8 1 vol. - 296 pages
REPRINT Contents, Chapitres : Advertisement of the Second edition, Contents, xvi, Text, 280 pages with the addendum - General recognition of the air as the medium which conveys sound - Properties or air, on which the transformation and transmission of sound depend - Theory of undulations, as applied to sound, and investigation on the passage of a wave of air through a cylindrical pipe, or of a plane wave through the atmosphere generally - Investigation of the motion of a wave of air through the atmosphere considered as of two or three dimension - Transmission of waves of soniferous vibrations through different gases, solids and fluids - Experiments of the velocity of sound, and on the pressure accompanying atmospheric waves, and comparison of the experimental results with the results of theory - On musical sounds, and on the manner of producing them - On the elements of musical harmony and melody, and of simple musical composition - On instrumental music and the adaptation of music required by special instruments - On the human organs of speech and hearing - Errata fine copy, no markings - year estimated to 2005, no date inside