Barto A. Poems to Children. In Two Volumes Vol. 1. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Barto A. Stikhi detyam. V dvukh tomakh. T.1.. 1966. 368 p.Pg. SKUalbd89ac1dcf132a3d6.
Barto A. I know what to come up with. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Barto A. Ya znayu chto nado pridumat.. Drawings by D. Jeremina Detgiz in 1956. SKUalb58dd1f79ad499211.
Barto A. To school. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Barto A. V shkolu.. Sketches by B. Mikhailov Mari KI 1983. SKUalb765b4a746bd49c13.
Barto A. and P. The Revenant Girl. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Barto A.i P. Devochka-revushka.. Hud. Kanevsky A. M. Ogiz-Detgiz. 1934. SKUalb8b03bf3918c977b0.
Barto A. Your holiday. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Barto A. Tvoy prazdnik.. Sketches by A. Bray Children 1957. SKUalb9556d995279175f1.
Barto A. About puppies. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Barto A. Pro shchenkov.. Drawings by Semyonov I. M Childrens Literature. 1971. SKUalbb8b279f87080b94e.
Barto A. Snegir. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Barto A. Snegir.. Sketches by K. Rotov. M.L. Detizdat of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Youth League. 1939. 31c. SKUalb01dff2ac796c13be.
Barto A. Poetry. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Barto A. Stikhi.. Sketches by A. Borovskaya. M.-L. Detgiz. 1935. 160s. SKUalb138da696fbb18e58.
Barto A. Lantern. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Barto A. Fonarik.. Picture of Kuznetsova Moscow Detgiz 1944. SKUalb22e5e5d7da90e9c1.
Barto A. and P. Chumazaya Girl. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Barto A. i P. Devochka chumazaya.. Drawings by Vera Ivanova. L. Giz 1930. 12 p. SKUalb4c9d3f3371e2007b.
Barto A. At the checkpoint. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Barto A. Na zastave.. Autolithographs by A. Suvorov M.-L. Detizdat 1937. SKUalb5293e3d41216a4a7.
Barto A. Over the sea of stars. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Barto A. Nad morem zvezdy.. With photo illustrations by M.-L. 1938. 32 pages from S.Pb. 19 526 sm. SKUalbbbf36e8d5e07cb59.
Barto A. Learn to count. In German (ask us if in doubt)/Barto A. Uchis schitat.. Illustrations of Savitsky. In German. 1936. 23 p. SKUalbcece6c7d3abf39c5.
Barto A. Over the sea of stars. Poems about the children of Spain. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Barto A. Nad morem zvezdy. Stikhi o detyakh Ispanii.. M.: Detizdat. 1938. 30s. SKUalbc22667e712be9c58.
Barto A. Toys. Artist K.Kuznetsov. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Barto A. Igrushki. Khudozhnik K.Kuznetsov.. Moscow Detizdat 1937 10 p. Ill. SKUalbca8512ec03968ac4.
Barto A. The house has moved. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Barto A. Dom pereekhal.. First edition with drawings by K. Rotov. M. Detizdat of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Youth League. 1938. 16s. SKUalbec3b3cd11d98a46f.