Amsterdam, K.N.A.G., 1885. 8vo. In recent paper wrappers with brown title label pasted on the front wrappers. As extracted from ""Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap"". Vol. II. Very fine and clean. Pp. 213-228.
First printing of the first report on the The Berlin Conference (of 1884-85), also known as the Congo Conference or West Africa Conference. It sought to regulate European colonisation and trade in Africa during the New Imperialism period. The General Act of the Berlin Conference, can be seen as the formalization of the Scramble for Africa and is by far the most severe infringement ever on African sovereignty. The conference ushered in a period of heightened colonial activity by European powers, while simultaneously eliminating most existing forms of African autonomy and self-governance.""For at a time when an estimated 80% of Africa remained under traditional and local control, the purpose of the Berlin Conference had been for the Great Powers to establish rules amongst themselves for the colonization of Africa and the exploitation of Africa's resources. Including the division of territory, the drawing of maps, and the establishment of Congo -- as a personal possession of the Belgian King. Not surprisingly, no Africans had been invited to the Conference."" (Calmettes, Berlin 1885: The Division of Africa). ""Owing to the upsetting of Bismarck's carefully laid balance of power in European politics caused by Leopold's gamble and subsequent European race for colonies, Germany felt compelled to act and started launching expeditions of its own which frightened both British and French statesmen. Hoping to quickly soothe this brewing conflict, King Leopold II was able to convince France and Germany that common trade in Africa was in the best interests of all three countries. Under support from the British and the initiative of Portugal,Otto von Bismarck, German Chancellor, called on representatives of Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden-Norway (union until 1905), the Ottoman Empire and the United States to take part in the Berlin Conference to work out policy."" (Ngoyo, Federation of the Free States of Africa).The boarders drawn in Africa during the Berlin Conference had devastating consequences for Africa:"" ""The Berlin Conference was Africa's undoing in more ways than one. The colonial powers superimposed their domains on the African Continent. By the time Africa regained its independence after the late 1950s, the realm had acquired a legacy of political fragmentation that could neither be eliminated nor made to operate satisfactorily. The African politico-geographical map is thus a permanent liability that resulted from the three months of ignorant, greedy acquisitiveness during a period when Europe's search for minerals and markets had become insatiable."" (Ibid). See The Mountains of the Moon, Mapping African Exploration, Princeton University.
Uppsala, Joh. Edman, 1788-93. 8vo. Four beautiful, excellently preserved contemporary half calf bindings. Gilding and gilt title-labels to spines. (26), 389, (1) (32), 384" (14), 414, (30), 341 pp.Engraved vignette and 10 engraved plates (og which two are folded). With all four half titles (inserted). Printed one fine, good paper and internally very nice and clean. Indbundet i 4 ensartede, smukke og velbevarede samtidige hldrbd. Rygforgyldning og med forgyldte titeletiketter i skind på rygge. Kobberstukket vignet (Goda Hoppet Udda) samt 10 kobberstukne plancher (hvoraf 2 udfoldelige). Med alle 4 halvtitelblade, som dog er indsatte. Trykt på skrivepapir og indvendig meget rene.
First edition, in a very fine copy, of Thunberg's account of his famous naturalist and ethnographical travels in Europa, Asia and Africa. Thunberg is sometimes called ""the father of South African botany"" and ""the Japanese Linnaeus"". In the first two volumes he vividly decribes the botanical and ethnographical features of South Africa around the Cape.""Thunberg’s description of his great voyage, published in four parts in Swedish in 1788-1793 and soon translated into English as Travels in Europe, Africa and Asia (1793-1795), as well as in French and German, contains material of great ethnographical interest."" (DSB).
London: Safari (Africa) Limited, s. d. plaquette in-4, 16 pages, illustrations. Broché, pages reliées par un cordon, couverture estampée, très bon état. Plaquette de luxe présentant les activités de Safari Limited, organisant des safaris au Tanganyika.
The Call of the Bush. (London: Safari (Africa) Limited, s. d.). [M.C.: Afrique noire, Tanganyika, chasse]
Hydrographic Department reliure Rigide Décorative London 1939 494 pages en format 15 - 24 cm - croquis hors texte - reliure rigide en percalineavec tite en dorure
Bon État
1950 Vers 1950. In-folio oblong, pleine toile beige dont le premier plat brodé d'une frise géométrique. Très bel album de souvenirs d'Afrique, contenant 27 feuillets sur lesquels sont contrecollées 150 photos de divers formats, la plupart en noir : paysages, portraits, militaires, safaris, défilés militaires, scènes urbaines... Il fut composé sans doute par un militaire (on retrouve son portrait et celui de sa femme), avec un certain souci esthétique : quelques photos de très grand format, des portraits aux contours découpés...Jointes sous enveloppe 16 photographies de divers formats sur l'Afrique.------Circa 1950. Oblong folio, full beige cloth, the first cover embroidered with a geometric frieze. A very fine album of memories of Africa, containing 27 leaves on which are pasted 150 photos in various formats, mostly in black: landscapes, portraits, soldiers, safaris, military parades, urban scenes, etc. It was probably composed by a soldier (there is a portrait of him and his wife), with a certain concern for aesthetics: some very large format photos, portraits with cut-out outlines... Enclosed in an envelope are 16 photographs of Africa in various formats.
CURTIS Natalie C. Kamba Simango ( Portuguese Eat Africa) Madikane Cele (South Africa)
Reference : 2337
1920 G. Schirmer. New-York, Boston 1920. XXV pp. et 170 pp., avec des photographies hors-texte en sépia, des partitions musicales et en appendice un glossaire et des indications phonétiques. Bel exemplaire dans son cartonnage d'éditeur illustré.
Paris, chez le Sr Desnos, (ca 1783). 46,5x64,5 cm. Engraved map of Africa with the Mediterranean Sea at north. Contemporary handcoloured. Cartouche uncoloured. A few tears showing in right grade-scale, no loss.
Jaillots fine impressive map of the continent of Africa from 1695 in Brion de la Tours revision from 1783 giving much new information and details of this continent.
Broché Parow 1950 482 pages en format 15 - 24 cm
Très Bon État
South African Tourism Corporation broché Bristol illustré Petroria édition ( 1950 ) - +/- 40 pages en format 18.5 - 15 cm - nombreuses photographies en couleurs hors texte
Bon État
, Paquet, 2006; petit in-4, 150 pp., broché. EO de l'édition française.
EO de l'édition française.
Hodder & Stoughton (5/2024)
Reference : SVBLIVCN-9782940415274
Amis Du Musée Royal D'afrique Centrale broché Couverture Illustrée 1964 pages 29 à 56 en format -4 - Le soulèvement des Babua ( 1900-1901 )
Bon État
Reference : 1341493
[v. 1928], pet. in-4, br., couv. ill., 68 pp., illustrations, photos, cartes dont une dépl., plan, tableaux en noir et en couleurs. (GM33C)
Publicado com autorizaçao do Conselho de Administraçao da Companhia do Caminho de Ferro de Benguela. Texte en portugais. Bords de la couv. légèrement effrangé.
Bruxelles, Imprimerie J.Janssens, 1899, in-8°, 19 x 12,5 cm, 110 pp, avec des illustrations photogr. à pleine page. Relié en pleine toile orange, dos lisse avec titre doré. Couverture conservée. Le reliure, non signée est sans doute de l'atelier de Jacques Weckesser parce que le livre porte une dédicace manuscrite de l'auteur '' à son bon camarade Jacques Weckesser. Bel exemplaire d'un livre rare sur Tervueren et son Musée du Congo ( aujourd'hui Africa Museum). Le livre contient e.a. 7 vues de l'interieur du musée..
Paris, Claude Jean-Bapt. Bouche, 1757. 4to. Cont. full calf. Gilt boders on covers. Old professional rebacking to style. Back gilt. A few nicks to leather at edges. (8),190XCVI,275 pp., 1 large folded engraved map (Carte Generale du Senegal) and 19 fine engraved plates, each with many figs of conchs (M.T. Reboul sc.). Broad margins, printed on good paper. Light scattered brownspotting.
Scarce first edition of this early, and perhaps the first scientific, travel expedition in Senegal - an example of a new scientific attitude and method in travel litterature. The author was primarely a botanist, and the results of the expedition was planned to be published in further volumes. Only this volume, relating to conchology and molluscs was published. The first part gives an account of the voyage in the years 1749 to 1753, and the second part describes the conchs and molluscs (conquillages) in fine engravings. - Not in Brunet and Graesse. - Nissen ZBI No. 27 - Casey A. Wood p. 180.
KEARTLAND PRESS. Non daté. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur acceptable. 157 pages. Nombreuses illustrations et photos, en couleurs et en noir et blanc, dans le texte et en planches.. . . A l'italienne. Classification Dewey : 968-Afrique du Sud
Classification Dewey : 968-Afrique du Sud
aquarelle seule : 89*166mm. Contre-collée, titrée en dessous, notée à l'angle "aquarelle anglaise achetée au Cap" Rare vue du Cap qui n'était pas encore l'immense ville actuelle. [236]
aquarelle seule : 89*166mm. Contre-collée, titrée en dessous, notée à l'angle "aquarelle anglaise achetée au Cap" Rare vue du Cap qui n'était pas encore l'immense ville actuelle. [236]