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‎Adriano Pedrosa, Estudio Campo‎

Reference : 63705

‎FOREIGNERS EVERYWHERE : Biennale Arte 2024 ‎

‎, Silvana Editoriale, 2024 2 VOL BOXED, 270 x 210 mm, 670 p. ENG edition. Illustrated in color. . ISBN 9788836657735.‎

‎The 60th International Art Exhibition, curated by Adriano Pedrosa, which will be held from April 20th to November 24th 2024 in Venice, is titled Foreigners Everywhere. The Exhibition takes its name from a series of artworks made in 2004 by the Claire Fontaine collective, and will be, as the Curator himself explained, "a celebration of the foreign, the distant, the outsider, the queer, as well as the indigenous". It "will focus on artists who are themselves foreigners, immigrants, expatriates, diasporic, migr s, exiled, and refugees- especially those who have moved between the Global South and the Global North" (Adriano Pedrosa). The Catalogue, published by Edizioni La Biennale di Venezia, is as always printed in two volumes, and follows the Exhibition route to accompany visitors and art lovers through the exhibition spaces of the Giardini and the Arsenale. It also presents the other projects on display in various locations around the city of Venice and at Forte Marghera, in Mestre. Volume I of the Catalogue is dedicated to the International Exhibition, curated by Adriano Pedrosa. The first pages of the book open with two short introductions by President Pie-trangelo Buttafuoco and President Roberto Cicutto, followed by an interview with Adriano Pedrosa by Julieta Gonz lez. Part One of the book is dedicated to the critical essays and a number of "Conversations", including interviews with Anna Maria Maiolino and Nil Yalter, Golden Lions for Life-time Achievement of the Biennale Arte 2024, and one with the Claire Fontaine collective. Part Two is dedicated to the presentation of the artists on exhibit and is divided into two main sections: Nucleo Storico and Nucleo Contemporaneo. The Catalogue includes essays by Jaider Esbell, Kobena Mer-cer, Luce Delire, Naine Terena, Ranajit Guha, Ticio Escobar and Walter Mignolo. Each artist is introduced by a critical essay that explores their work, and is illustrated with a rich iconographic apparatus. The book ends with a detailed listing of the artworks on display. The National Participations and the Collateral Events partici-pating in the 60th International Art Exhibition are gathered in Volume II, and are presented by texts illustrated with images that explore the works on exhibit in the Pavilions, the Giardini and the Arsenale, and the collateral events located in various venues throughout Venice.‎


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