San Francisco, 1922 64pp.+ bl/w plates out-of-text, signed by author and with the handwritten mention of "with appreciation", 26cm., nice modern hardover (marbled plates, spine in cloth with gilt title, original wrappers preserved), very good conditoion, S87772
Chicago, 1926 55pp.with bl/w illustrations, 31cm., softcover, good condition, [Contains a description and illustration of 21 tapestries, of which 19 Flemish], S87786
New York-London-Toronto, Oxford University Press 1933 xi + 451pp.+ 48 bl/w plates out-of-text, 24cm., editor's hardcover in red cloth, dustwrapper with a few tears, good condition, S87965
Tokyo, Meiji-Sgobo / Oxford University Press, s.d. [1964]. In-4, rel. d’éditeur, demi-percaline ivoire à la Bradel, dos titré, premier plat orné en doré, XI-pp. 2257-2817 + 63 pp. d’index. Texte anglais.
Reissued with corrigenda & addenda from the original edition by Oxford University Press, 1938-1939. Spine slightly soiled. Fine condition. - Frais de port : -France 8,45 € -U.E. 13 € -Monde (z B : 23 €) (z C : 43 €)