Tübingen Berlin, Ernst Wasmuth Verlag 2009 Photographies de Stephan BECKERS - Edité par Achim SIBETH
Entièrement illustré en couleurs. Très bon état d’occasion
, 5 Continents, 2012 Hardcover with dust jacket, 192 pages, 215 ills. 27,1 x 30,9 cm. Text in English. *new. ISBN 9788874396269.
The nearly 300 precious works shown here are artifacts of a once-flourishing jewelry tradition The first book to examine the rich jewelry traditions of the Batak people in Indonesia is a gorgeous tribute to a vanishing way of life. Batak jewelry is characterized by a wide variety of materials and forms and has many functions: Jewels can be status symbols, badges of rank, attributes of membership of a certain age group, amulets and talismans, or simply ornaments. Men, women, small children, and even babies were once adorned with gold, silver, brass, bronze, or the gold-and-copper alloy known as suasa.
Wasmuth Ernst Verlag 2009 1 vol. relié in-4, cartonnage sous jaquette illustrée, 323 pp., nombreuses photos en couleurs, bibliographie. Texte en allemand. Très bon état.
Frankfurt am Main: Museum für Völkerkunde, 2000 in-4, 189 pages, illustrations. Bibliographie, glossaire. Broché, bon état.
Batak. Kunst aus Sumatra. (Frankfurt am Main: Museum für Völkerkunde, 2000) [M.C.: Indonésie, art tribal, Batak]
Milan: 5 continents, 2012 in-4, 192 pages, 215 illustrations en couleurs. Bibliographie. Rel. d'éd., jaquette, bon état. Envoi.
Gold, silver and brass. Jewellery of the Batak in Sumatra Indonesia. (Milan: 5 continents, 2012) [M.C.: Indonésie, art tribal, bijoux]
Genève, éd. Olizane, 1991, Première Edition en français, in-4 oblong, cartonnage toilé bleu éd., jaquette photo coul. éditeur, 240 pp., papier glacé, très nb. photos en coul. et en noir, 1 carte en noir,traduction par Helen Loveday, table des matières, bibliographie, glossaire, Un beau voyage au pays des Batak de l'île de Sumatra. Leur mode de vie, les coutumes, leur art, leure religion … un Indispensable pour connaître ce peuple. Pas courant Très bon état, comme neuf
Singapore: Editions Didier Millet, 2007 in-4, 368 pages, nombreuses illustrations en couleurs. Bibliographie, index. Cartonné, jaquette avec lég. marques, bon état.
Batak sculpture. (Singapore: Editions Didier Millet, 2007) [M.C.: Art tribal, Indonésie, Sumatra, Batak]
Olizane, coll. « Éloge du beau » 1996 In-4 relié 25,0 cm sur 23,0. 242 pages. Comme neuf. Très bon état d’occasion.
Très bon état d’occasion
Frank, Museum der Weltkulturen, 2010 Hardcover, cloth with dustjacket, 210 x 280mm., 323 p. with 210 color illustration. ISBN 9783803033383.
Cultures contribute to the richness of this world through their uniqueness and variety - as do their material products. This is reflected in the ethnographic collections from Africa, the Americas, Southeast Asia, Oceania and East Asia at the Museum of World Cultures in Frankfurt am Main. Using exceptional photographs, 130 works are presented from a total of approximately 67,000 objects in the museum?s collection. Based on their own individual and subjective points of view, the authors have selected particularly unusual 'ethnographica,' everyday objects or ritual items from an abundance of mostly similar objects made by indigenous societies. The objects in this volume are not only elucidated in their ethnological contexts, but are simultaneously described and interpreted as works of art. In order to better understand these works of art, the authors question the environment in which a work was created and which ideas about color, form, symmetry, balance, etc., might have influenced their artists. The common goal is to present what it is about these works that are exceptional, elaborate, other, perfect or in fact imperfect, harmonious or disturbing. However, the significance of an object is not invariably determined by its original heritage and purpose. Ideas and thoughts associated with an object also alter with a change of viewers and owners. Consequently, the effect of a work of art can only be comprehended within the analysis of aesthetic ideas and a prior knowledge by its respective viewers. Here, the various aesthetic concepts of indigenous and Western societies collide and ideally will lead to reactions that mediate between the differing perspectives.