Academie Impériale et Royale des Sciences et des Belles Lettres de Bruxelles ( publisher ) - Georg Adam Graf von Starhemberg ( provenance ) :
Reference : 43286
".: Bruxelles, Academie Impériale et Royale des Sciences et des Belles Lettres de Bruxelles (publisher) ; Antoine d'Ours, J.L. De Boubers , Imprimerie Académique (printers) , 1773-1788, 6 vols in-4°, 25,5 x 19,5 cm ; Year 1773 larger size ( 30 x 21,5 cm). Bound in full red morocco, all edges gilt, spines raised and richly decorated, two green title labels on spine (except for year 1773). Both cover with gilt fillets and floral gilt fillet decoration, marbled endpapers (except year 1779 which has plain blue colored endpapers). Apart from some scratches and some minor use at the extremeties very finely preserved bindings. Nice impressive set of 6 full red morocco bindings. Provenance. All the volumes have a 19th century blue ex-libris stamp of the Starhemberg library at Eferding (near Linz in Austria) in the upper corner of the first fly leaf. The last volume (1787-1788) has bound in a nice calligraphed ex-dono leaf ( 22 x 18 cm) to Georg Adam Graf von Starhemberg signed by '' l'Academie de Bruxelles''. Georg Adam Graf von Starhemberg ( London 1724 - Wien 1807) became in 1770 in Brussels ''ministre plénipotentiaire'' for emperor Joseph II at the court of Charles of Lorraine in succesion of Count Cobenzl. He was called back to Vienna in 1783. It is known he was particularly interested in the economic development of the Southern Low Countries. The manuscript ex-dono leaf in the 1787/1788 volume proofs that these volumes belonged to the Prince and were collected by him when he was serving in Brussels as a plenipotentiary minister to emperor Joseph II. (The 1787 volume contains the ex-dono while he was no longer serving in Brussels). The dissertations include studies by Du Rondeau ; Donatioano Du Jardin ; Theodore Caels ; P.J. Heylen ; F.D. D'Hoop ; L.J.E. Pluvier ; J.F.Foullé ; W.F. Verhoeven ; R.P. Norton ; Mr. Foullé ; Marquis du Chasteler ; Abbé de Mersseman ; M. Méan ; M. Zeghers ; M; Prévinaire ; P.E. Wauters ; J.C. Stappaerts ; M.B. Coppens ; François Lammens ; A. Heylen ; P.E. Wauters."