12 books for « abel niels henrik »Edit

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Reference : 39129


‎Niels Henrik Abel in Memoriam. (Herausgegeben - Redigée von G. Mittag-Leffler). 3 Bde.‎

‎Berlin, Uppsala & Stockholm, Paris, Almqvist & Wiksell, 1902-1904. 4to. Bound in 3 contemp. hcloth. A small nick to top of spine on one volume. Stamps on titlepages (Carl Zeiss Jena). (6),400(8),389(8),394 pp. a. 1 letter in facsimile. (= Acta Mathematica Bd. 26, 27 and 28). Internally fine and clean.‎

‎First printing of this series of important papers by leading mathematicians from all over the world, commemorating Abel in the 100-year of his birth, by presenting works of their own which are inspired by Abel or as continuations of Abel's works.The contributors are: Poincare (Sur les Fonctions abélienne), Hilbert (Über die Theorie der relativ-Abel'schen Zahlkörper), Hurwitz, Noether, Darboux, Picard, Fuchs, Minkowski (Úber periodische Approximationen algebraischer Zahlen), Mittag-Leffler, Appel, Painlevé (Sur la Fonctions qui admettent un théoréme d'additation), Liouville (Sur une équation différentielle du premier ordre), Volterra, Goursat, Hadamard (Deux theoremes d'Abel sur la convergance des séries), Borel, Pringsheim, Boutroux, Markoff and many others. In all 54 papers by 54 authors.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK10,000.00 (€1,341.22 )


Reference : 53368


‎Festskrift ved Hundredaarsjubilæet for Niels Henrik Abels Fødsel.‎

‎Kristiania (Oslo), Jacob Dybwad, 1902. 4to. Ubeskåret i orig. grønt helshirtbd. Forgyldt rygtitel og permtitel. En smule slid ved øverste kapitæl. Portræt af Abel i heliogravure. (12),112,128,62,56,(2), 6 faksimiler (breve etc.) og 1 planche. Eksemplaret har tilhørt Harald Bohr ifølge tilskrift på fribladet: ""Til Harald Bohr paa hans Faders Vegne fra Sophus Torup"". Rent frisk eksemplar.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,500.00 (€335.30 )


Reference : 35935


‎Mémoire sur une propriété générale d'une classe trés-étendue de fonctions transcendantes. - [ABEL'S THEOREM]‎

‎Paris, Académie des Sciences, 1841 (submitted 1826). 4to. (257x197mm). Extract from: 'Mém. Acad. d. Sciences de Paris', 1841, pp.176-264. Contemporary half calf with gilt spine lettering. Spine with a little wear. Some light brown spotting throughout. Otherwise fine and clean.‎

‎Very scarce first edition of Abel's main paper, in which he first presented his theorem for elliptic integrals - Abel's theorem. ""After studying at Christiania and Copenhagen, Abel received a scholarship that permitted him to travel. In Paris he was presented to Legendre, Laplace, Cauchy, and Lacroix, but they ignored him. ... Abel knew the work of Euler, Lagrange, and Legendre on elliptic integrals and may have gotten suggestions for the work he undertook from remarks made by Gauss, especially in his 'Disquisitiones Arithmeticae'. He himself started to write papers in 1825. He presented his major paper on integrals to the Academy of Sciences in Paris on October 30, 1926, for publication in its journal. This paper, [the offered item], contained Abel's great theorem. Fourier, the secretary of the Academy at the time, read the introduction to the paper and then referred the paper to Legendre and Cauchy for evaluation, the latter being chiefly responsible. The paper was long and difficult, only because it contained many new ideas. Cauchy laid it aside to favor his own work. Legendre forgot about it. After Abel's death, when his fame was established, the Academy searched for the paper, found it, and published it in 1841. ... Because Abel's main paper of 1826 was not published until 1841, other authors, learning the more limited theorems published in between these dates, obtained independently many of Abel's 1826 results."" (Kline: Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times, pp.644-55). Sotheran: Bibliotheca Chemico-Mathematics, Third Supplement, describes this paper as ""very scarce"".‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK25,000.00 (€3,353.05 )


Reference : 40419


‎Recherches sur les fonctions elliptique.‎

‎Berlin, G. Reimer, 1827. 4to. No wrappers. In ""Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik. Hrsg. von A.L. Crelle"", Bd. II, Heft 2, pp. 101-196 (the whole Issue, Heft 2). Abel's paper: (2= titlepage to vol. II) + pp.101-181.‎

‎First appearence of Abel's discovery of Elliptic Functions and the discovery of their double periodicity, in print. In 1826 Abel ""presented his major paper on integrals to the Academy of Science in Paris on October 1926, for publication in its journal. This opaper , ""Memoire sur und proprieté générale d'une classe tres-etendu de fonctions transcendentes"", contained Abel's great theorem. Fourier, the secretary at the time, read the introduction to the paper and then referred the paper to Legendre and Cauchy for evaluation, the latter being chiefly responsible. The paper was long and difficult, only because it contains many new ideas. Cauchy laid it aside to favour his own work. Legendre forgot about it. After Abel's death, when his fame was established, the Academy searched for the paper, found it, and published it in 1841...Abel published other papers in Crelles Journal on equations and elliptic functions (the first offered here). These appeared from 1827 on."" (Morris Kline).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK4,850.00 (€650.49 )


Reference : 39053


‎(7 papers in ""Crelle's Journal"":) 1. Untersuchung der Functionen zweier unabhängig veränderlichen Grössen x und y, wie f(x,y), welche die Eigenschaft haben, dass f(z, f(x,y)) eine symmetrische Function von z,x und y ist. - 2. Beweis der Unmöglichkeit ...‎

‎Berlin, Duncker und Humblot, 1826. 4to. Contemp. hcalf. Part of spine lacks, some of spine loose. IV,387,(1) pp. and 5 folded engraved plates. Wide margins, on good paper, light marginal browning, a few scattered brownspots. The whole volume of ""Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik. Herausgegeben von A.L. Crelle"" Erster Band. In 4 Heften. Mit 5 Kupfern. Abel's papers: pp. 11-15, pp. 65-84, pp. 159-60, pp. 185-221, pp. 311-339, pp. 153-160, pp. 117-136.‎

‎First edition of all 7 papers, among these 3 of Abel's masterpieces: his attempt to demonstrate the impossibility of solving the quintic equation algebraically (Beweis der Unmöglichkeit...), one of the most celebrated theorems in mathematics and here offered as no. 2, the first direct use and solution of an integral equation (Auflösung einer mechanischen Aufgabe), here offered as no 6, and his investigations into the domaine of convergence of the binominal series (Untersuchungen über die Reihe...), here offered as no. 5.""Crelle's Journal was the leading German mathematical periodical during the nineteenth century. The first volume alone contains seven papers by Abel and the following volumes contains many more, most of them of preeminent importence in the history of mathematics. Among the first is the expanded version of the proof of the impossibility of the solution of the general quintic equation by radicals. Here Abel developed the necessay algebraic backgriund, including a discussion of the algebraic field of extensions."" (DSB).""All of Abel's works carry the imprint of an ingenuity and force of thought which is unusual and sometimes amazing, even if the youth of the author is not taken into consideration. One may say that he was able to penetrate all obstacles down to the very foundations of the problems, with a force which appeared irresistible"" he attacked the problems with an extraordinary energy...all the difficulties seemed to vanish under the victorious onslaught of his genius..."" (A.L. Crelle).Also contained in this volume is : ""Über Gauss Methode, die Werthe der Integrale nährungsweise zu finden."", pp. 301-307.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK18,500.00 (€2,481.26 )


Reference : 41680


‎Sur de notices sur les fonctions elliptiques (Jacobi). (+ Abel:) Théorèmes sur les fonctions elliptiques. (+ Abel:) Démonstration d'une proprieté générale d'une certaine classe de fonctions transcendentes.‎

‎Berlin, G. Reimer, 1829. 4to. Without wrappers. Extracted from ""Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik. Hrsg. von A.L. Crelle"", 4. Bd., Heft 2. - Jacobi's paper PP. 185-193. Abel's papers pp. 194-199 a. 200-214.‎

‎First printing. The first two papers relates to the discovery of ""Elliptic Functions"" by its two discoverers, Abel and Jacobi (a paper issued before his classic treatise ""Fundamenta Nova..."") on elliptic functions.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK3,000.00 (€402.37 )


Reference : 53369


‎Oeuvres Completes. Nouvelle Édition publiée aux frais de L'État Norvégien par L. Sylow et S. Lie. 2 Tomus. (I. Les Mémoires publiés par Abel. II. Les Mémoires posthumes D'Abel).‎

‎Christiania, Grøndahl & Søn, 1881. 4to. Bound in 2 contemp. hcalf. Richly gilt spines. Spines faded. (4),VIII,621(4),338,(3) pp. Clean and fine. Harald Bohr's copy with his name in gilt lettering on both frontcovers.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK4,500.00 (€603.55 )


Reference : 35655


‎Oeuvres Completes. Nouvelle Édition publiée aux frais de L'État Norvégien par L. Sylow et S. Lie. 2 vols.‎

‎Christiania, Grøndahl & Søn, 1881. 4to. Bound in one contemp. hcalf. Richly gilt. Top edge gilt. Spine loose. Block tight and fine. (4),VIII,621(4),338,(3) pp. Printed on good paper, internally clean and fine.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK4,000.00 (€536.49 )


Reference : 47199


‎Mathematische Bruchstücke aus Herrn N. H. Abels Briefen.‎

‎(Berlin, G. Reimer, 1830). 4to. No wrappers. Extracted from""Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik. Hrsg. von A.L. Crelle"", Bd. 5, Fine and clean. Pp. 336-343. [Offered pages: Pp. 319-418.].‎

‎First printing. ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,500.00 (€201.18 )

‎Ore (Oystein) sur Niels Henrik Abel - Gilles Chatelet, ed.‎

Reference : 100402


‎Niels Henrik Abel - Un mathématicien romantique , Traduit et préfacé par Gilles Chatelet‎

‎Belin , Un Savant, une Epoque Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1989 Book condition, Etat : Bon broché, sous couverture imprimée éditeur noir, illustrée d'un portrait de N.H. Abel In-8 1 vol. - 367 pages‎

‎quelques illustrations dans le texte en noir et blanc 1ere édition, 1989 "Contents, Chapitres : Biographie - Annexes : Notes - Chronologie - Equations algébriques - Les fonctions elliptiques - Les travaux d'Abel - Index - Niels Henrik Abel (1802-1829) est un mathématicien norvégien. Il est connu pour ses travaux en analyse mathématique sur la semi-convergence des séries numériques, des suites et séries de fonctions, les critères de convergence d'intégrale généralisée, sur la notion d'intégrale elliptique ; et en algèbre, sur la résolution des équations. - Niels Henrik Abel est à l'origine de la notion de nombre algébrique (solution d'une équation polynomiale à coefficients rationnels). Il laisse aussi de nombreux résultats sur les séries et les fonctions elliptiques. (source : Wikipedia)" trace de pliure au coin supérieur droit du plat supérieur, sinon bon exemplaire, intérieur frais et propre‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR12.00 (€12.00 )


Reference : 41607


‎Über ein neues allgemeines Grundgesetz der Mechanik (Gauss) + (Abel:) Précis d'une théorie des fonctions elliptiques + Précis dúne théorie des fonctions elliptiques. (Suite du mémoire 19. cah. dern.). 3 Memoirs.‎

‎(Berlin, G. Reimer, 1829). 4to. No wrappers. Extracted from ""Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik. Hrsg. von A.L. Crelle"", Bd. 4. - Gauss' paper: pp. 232-35. - Abel's papers: pp. 236-278 and pp. 309-348.‎

‎First printing of probably Gauss' most importent work in physics by presenting his ""Principle of Least Action"" , which states that the motion of a system of points which are influenced both by each other and by outside conditions is such as to maximize the agreement with free motion, given the existent constraint. The work is based on his Potential Theory.""In it (the present paper) Gauss stated that the law of least constraint: the motion of a system departs a little as possible from free motion, where departure, or constraint, is measured by the sum of products of masses times the squares of their deviations from the path of free motion. He presented it merely as a new formulation equivalent to the well-known principle of d'Alembert. This work seems obviously related to the old meditations on least aquares, but Gauss wrote to Olbers on 31 January 1829 thai it was inspired by studies of capillarity and other physical problems."" (Kenneth O. May in DSB).The two papers (first printings) by Abel (book-lenghts memoirs) are his last works - he died 1829 and they were published after his death - on the theory of ""elliptic functions"", the discovery of which he shared with Jacobi. In these papers he mentions also the great discoveries published in his memoir 1826 (Memoire sur une proprieté générale d'un classe très-etendu de fonctions transcendentes), which was not published until 1841.Together with these 3 memoirs is found a paper by Alexander von Humboldt: ""Über die bei verschiedenen Völkern üblichen Systeme von Zahlzeichen und über den Ursprung des Stellenwerthes in den indischen Zahlen"", 1829. Pp. 205-231.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK6,500.00 (€871.79 )
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