, , Ca 1870-1890. Album grand in-folio oblong, demi-chagrin à coins (reliure de l'époque).
Par Abdullah Frères, A. Beato, P. Sébah, Luigi Fiorillo, la plupart signées, légendées voir numérotées dans l'image.Les frères Abdullah d'origine arménienne furent célèbres dans tout l'Empire ottoman et jusqu'en Europe où ils participèrent aux expositions universelles de 1867 et 1878. Antonio Beato (1833-1907), d'origine italienne et britannique, est un des premiers photographes à réaliser des vues panoramiques de l'architecture et des paysages méditerranéens Pascal Sébah (1823-1886) est un photographe français qui a travaillé dans l'Empire ottoman, en particulier à Istanbul et au Caire. On joint 3 photographies signées Henri Béchard.
Egypt (Cairo, but possibly Istanbul), Kütübhane-i Içtihad, 1909. 8vo. In later marbled wrappers. Light browning to title-page and a few occassional brownspots throughout, otherwise a good copy. In Ottoman script (Old Turkish with Arabic letters). 159 pp.
Rare first Turkish translation of Macbeth, printed in Ottoman Cairo. Between 1908 and 1910, Abdullah Cevdet produced a large oeuvre of translations, including four translations of Shakespeare's tragedies: Macbeth, Hamlet, Julius Caesar, and Romeo and Juliet to Ottoman Turkish. ""A Certain Abdullah Cevdet, a doctor of medicine, a polemist, a printer, was also known as a Shakespeare idolator as he always found a way of mentioning Shakespeare in all his talks and in all his writings. Abdullah Cevdet translated and published in his own printing house first in Cairo and then in Istanbul five of Shakespeare's play, beginning with Hamlet in 1908 and ending the series with Anthony and Cleopatra in 1921"" (Turhan, Vahit. Shakespeare in Turkish). Although Macbeth was published the year after The Second Constitutional Era Abdülhamid II seemed to be even less tolerant of the dissemination of Macbeth, Hamlet, and Julius Caesar, all being about unjust rulers who were executed. The performances of these plays were subject to strict censorship in Ottoman dominated countries and they were banned from most of them. (Paker 1986: 91), which is most likely the reason for why Abdullah Cevdet was able to publish the translations of these plays only after 1908, though he presumably had finished translating possibly as early as 1902. Cevdet’s translation was introduced to the Turkish audience at a time when the discourse of westernization was prevalent. The translation coincided with the announcement of a Constitutional Revolution that led to the dethronement of Abdülhamit II and ultimately to the promotion of western-inspired reforms. Since Cevdet was one of the ardent supporters of an Ottoman Renaissance through westernization, his translation has been framed as a symbol of the western canon within the Turkish context. For instance, Demirkol regards Cevdet’s translation as an object of culture-planning which was sought to promote westernization. "" (Durmus, Discourses on Hamlet’s Journey in Turkey).
P., Baillière, 1934, in 8° broché, 272 pages ; couverture illustrée ; infimes frottis d'usage ; cachets ex-libris.
Illustré de 103 figures intercallées dans le texte. PHOTOS sur DEMANDE. ...................... Photos sur demande ..........................
Phone number : 04 77 32 63 69
Reference : 26809
ISTANBUL 1880 une photographie originale albuminée en noir, format : 20 x 26 cm, N°660 MOSQUÉE DU SULTAN AHMED (ISTANBUL) (1880) PAR ABDULLAH FRÈRES PHOTOGRAPHES A ISTANBUL,
Superbe Photographie .......TRÉS RARE ... en trés bon état (very good condition). en trés bon état
Reference : 26814
ISTANBUL 1880 une photographie originale albuminée en noir, format : 20 x 26 cm, N°85 MOSQUÉE YENI CAMII (ISTANBUL) (1880) PAR ABDULLAH FRÈRES PHOTOGRAPHES A ISTANBUL,
Superbe Photographie .......TRÉS RARE ... en trés bon état (very good condition). en trés bon état
Reference : 26818
ISTANBUL 1880 une photographie originale albuminée en noir, format : 20 x 26 cm, N°85 MOSQUÉE YENI CAMII (ISTANBUL) (1880) PAR ABDULLAH FRÈRES PHOTOGRAPHES A ISTANBUL,
Superbe Photographie ANIMEE .......TRÉS RARE ... en trés bon état (very good condition). en trés bon état
Album de vues de Constantinople et vues de Cordoue, Séville,Grenade 25 photographies tirage albuminés,19 x26 pour la plupart pour Costantiople et 23 x 32 pour Espagne,contrecollées sur carton très fort.l’ensemble monté sur onglets toilés,dans un Album pleine toile rouge,titre doré sur le premier plat,7 filets,et écoinçons dorés en encadrement.Format 47x34cm.Vers 1880 1) pont de Constantinople du quartier Pera enjambe la corne d’or en reliant Pera à Istambul.2) Sainte Sophie 3) intérieur de Sainte Sophie 4)la tribune impériale à Sainte Sophie 5)Eaux douces d’Asie 6)femmes Turcques en costumes d’apparat avec leurs admirateurs 7) Eaux douces d’Europe 8)Yildis–Kiosk 9)Palais de Beylerbey 10) Yéni-Mahallé 11)Tour de Léandre 12)Palais de Tchergham 13 Mosquée de St Isaac 14)les Isles 15) Palais sur le Bosphore 16) Environs de St Isaac 17)jardins à Cordoue 18 Palais à Cordoue 19)Cordoue la mezquita 20)Séville 21) Séville 22) Cordoue, 23) Cordoue, 24)et 25).(une décoloration angle supérieur droit au deuxième plat- rousseurs éparses sur les cartons forts) Photographes attitrés des sultans Abdulaziz et Abdülhamid II, les frères Abdullah, d’origine arménienne, se sont rendus célèbres dans tout l’Empire ottoman et jusqu’en Europe où leur participation aux Expositions universelles de 1867 et 1878 a été très remarquée. Situé à Péra, leur studio était le passage obligé des touristes à la recherche de vues sur Constantinople. Mais c’est avec le portrait en studio que les frères Abdullah ont acquis leur renommée. Ils ont notamment réalisé un portrait d’Abdulaziz qui leur a décerné en 1863 le titre de photographes officiels du sultan. Sous leur objectif, se sont alors succédés les membres de la famille impériale et les dignitaires ottomans, les monarques et les princes européens en visite ainsi que des figures éminentes des différentes communautés de Constantinople
Dec. 22 1920, 4 pages, with small lackings : "My Dear Khourshed, warmest greetings & best wishes for Xmas & the New Year. I am sorry to hear that you have been ill [ ... ] Your husband write to me just before he was leaving London, to let him know when time came, if I would let him this house. I have decided nothing yet, & shall not I think be in a position to decide till the Spring. It is [ ... ] to hear that [ .... ] thinks your plan can be performed if certain conditions are fulfilled, which you are in a position to fulfill. [... ] It is evidently a musical Plan. Do you want my collaboration in the Libretto ? What is the idea underlying it ? For title, either "At feet of Shiva" or "At Shiva's Feet" would be good English. Some [ ... ]might prefer the one, and some other prefer "At Shiva's Feet". It is shorter, and the rythm is more balanced. As regards [ ... ] I agree with your remarks in the abstracts, but am puzzled to see later application. What is the question that I did [ ... ] but which you want to answer ? What is the question & what is the answer ? Perhaps the sand & waves of Scheveningen are necessary before I can solve the puzzle ? Or perhaps a [ ... ] chair of musical laughter, or perhaps after all, not among these things, but simply [... ] I don't know. That's unfinished conversation - or interrupted [ ... ] : shall we just treasure it because it began at all, & not be impatient because it did not finish ? [ ... ] sunbeams, love themselves in [... ]Mar.7, 1921, 4 pages, with small lackings : "My dear Khourshed, I a glad you are better, & I hope you will soon recover this weakness which must make an eager soul like yours free under the compulsory withdrawal from fields words & the ever-sounding sea. We are having such beautiful weather - [ ... ]summer spring days, with a bite of frost in the mornings, our clear blue skies, through which Orion & Sirius & all the great summer constellations are gradually making their [ ... ] overload. Do you remember the glorious summer days we had in The Hague ? It was autumn then. Now is the sun of Spring, increasing in splendour and strength. Good [ ... ] About my Lecture on Hafiz in the Lyceum Club an Mar. 5th. : I am going to give an account of Hafiz & illustrate his poetry to this audience : 1 - by the singing of one of his Tales in Persian ; 2 - by the singing of this same Ode in an English verse translation in the original metres, & 3 - by explanations of his meanings. I have transleted the Ode which begins [persian text ] [ lacking ] who are going to set it to music & also to find singers if possible. [... ] But you are at a distance, & in this state of your health, I dare not ask you to undertake the strain. I have not seen any english translation of Hafiz that is satisfactory. I do not claim for my translation that it is satisfactory. But it is an honest presentment. [ ... ]I send you my Poem on Rembrandt. If you can make, or have made, two copies without mistakes, I shall ask for one copy to be sent to me & the other for publication to the Gazette de Hollande or any other paper that may like to publish it." Mar. 28,1921, 10 pages, with important lackings : [long letter about his poems on Rembrandt, then, on a second part, about Hafiz ] "Hafiz first addresses his master, the beloved Shiraz. He offers him whole heards, but if he only finds acceptance, what will he not give ? The black mole is rules a blemish, but even for a blemish of their master, he will give what is to him most precious. Samarkand & Bokhara were reputed the two finest cities of the time [... ] The turkish painter whom picture : "Jeune Emir à l'étude" I saw in Liverpool was Osman Hamdu Bey, of Constantinople. He frequently exhibited in Paris and died within this century. If you can get any reproduction of this picture, I shall be obliged" [ ... ]. Apr. 7, 1921 4 pages, very damage, half of the text lacking
Scarce set of 4 autograph letters by Abdullah Yusuf Ali (1872-1953), the famous british-indian scholar known for is his translation into English and commentary of the Qu'ran. Formed by Hazrat Inayat Khan, his correspondent Elisabeth Pop (1888-1981) then gave recitals of Indian and Persian songs, under the stage name of "Khourshed de Ravalieu". She will officially married in 1923 to a famous Javanese dancer, Raden Mas Jodjana and changed her name in "Raden Ayou Jodjana" (a large set if archives coming from them available in our catalogue).
Paris, Librairie Academique Perrin, 1924, in-12, br. 240 pp.
dos jauni
2010 Arles, actes sud, 2010, 14 x 22.5cm, 187 pp Etat neuf car service de presse
traduit par F.neyrod.
The American University in Cairo Press Broché D'occasion très bon état 23/07/1992 125 pages
NON PRECISE. NON DATE1. In-12. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. environ 25 pages - en arabe, sens de lecture inversé. . . . Classification Dewey : 492.7-Arabe
Classification Dewey : 492.7-Arabe
Abdullah Freres, c. 1870. 28 albumen photographs mounted on strong paper, photos dimensions 25,5 x 20 cms. Humidity light stains on the frames not affecting the photos, light undulation on the paper. Contemporay red cloth album with guilt titles.
Phone number : 00 30 210 3616330
1956 La Ruche Ouvrière, 1956, dédicacé par l'auteur à Georgette Augier, 240 pages, in 12 broché, état d'usage, papier jauni, insolé, quelques usures et frottements sur les coiffes et les bords des plats.
Zed Books (10/2017)
, Clarendon Press 1993, br., bon état, 415p.
Phone number : 01 43 29 46 77
Ed. Kashmiri Bazar, Lahore: Shaik Muhammad Ashraf, non daté (circa 1938), 1862pp. fort In-4. Texte du Coran en arabe et en anglais sur deux colonnes, notes en anglais. Bon état, couverture rigide en simili cuir avec titrage doré sur le premier plat et le dos (à signaler usures/salissures d'usage des plats, coin supérieur droit du plat du dessus déformé, coiffes légèrement frottées : voir photos), tranches colorées (bleu turquoise, décoloration de la tranche du dessous), intérieur très frais, avec signet (sans annotations ni phrases soulignées). Rarissime ouvrage, solidement relié, de la troisième édition (non datée, mais l'inscription Lahore sans la mention de Pakistan sur la page de titre démontre que cet exemplaire a été publié entre 1938 et 1947) de la fameuse traduction commentée d'Abdullah Yusuf Ali.
Hors frais d'expédition en France métropolitaine (tarifs compétitifs). Supplément tarifaire à prévoir pour expédition UE et hors-UE : NOUS CONTACTER. Expédition du livre à réception d'un paiement par chèque ou virement. Achat ou retrait possible en magasin.
Reference : RO20256049
ISBN : 9953814295
IBN HAZM. 2007. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 53 PAGES - en francais et arabe. . . . Classification Dewey : 297-Islam et religions dérivées
Classification Dewey : 297-Islam et religions dérivées
Kashmiri Bazar, Lahore (Pakistan), Muhammad Ashraf 1949 viii + 323pp., 3rd revised and enlarged edition, cart.cover, 21cm.
Doha-Qatar, The Arab Gulf Stated Folklore Center 1985 viii + 234pp., 24cm., hardcover (black cloth), dustwrapper, very good condition, X79401
Heidelberg, 1989 vii + 233pp., 30cm., softcover, text in German, Doctoral Dissertation (Inauguraldissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde der Fakultät für Orientalistik und Altertumswissenschaft der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg), stamp at verso of title page, text is clean and bright, good condition, X110162
Lausanne, Impr. Vaudoise 1961 447pp., 24cm., Thèse présentée à l'Ecole des hauts études commerciales de l'Université de Lausanne pour l'obtention du grade de Docteur ès sciences commerciales et économiques, br.orig. (étiquette au dos), cachet au verso de la p.d.t., X110884