2. Paris, Expert Berès, 1993, in-4°, 3 lots, ca. 30 nn pp, colored and b/w ills., sewn, orig. stiff wrapper.
1993 V 26 - Paris Nouveau Drouot - Geneviève THIBAULT, comtesse de Chambure :
Reference : 9231
0. Paris, Nouveau Drouot, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1997, 4 vols in-4°, sewn, orig. stiff wrapper, each vol ca. 100 nn pp, in all nearly 1400 lots. The four consecutive auction sale catalogues of the collection of music books of the comtesse de Chambure, Madame Geneviève Thibault. In 1980 part of her collection arrived in the Bibliothèque Nationale to pay for death duty. There exists a separate catalogue of these books and musical instruments.
1993 V 26 -> Paris Nouveau Drouot - Geneviève THIBAULT, comtesse de Chambure :
Reference : 46536
2. Paris, Nouveau Drouot, 1993, in-4°, sewn, orig. stiff wrapper, ca. 100 nn pp, 330 lots. First catalogue of the auction sale of the Chambure collection (another 3 were published, not present here)..