".: Bruxelles, (1897), Imprimerie des Travaux Publics, in-8°, 26 x 17 cm, 461 pp, bound in green cloth . Text in French. (Texte en français). Congress proceedings of a conference organised during the Brussels' World Exhibition of 1897. King Leopold II who recently had acquired ''The Congo State ''was the main instigator of this conference. It covered many aspects of colonialism and the newly discovered countries. But it contains also such jewels of political uncorrectness as; Paul Bourdarie; ''Le partage de l'Afrique''. De Lanesson ; '' Observations sur les cultures coloniales et l'utilisation des vagabonds dans les colonies''. Capitaine Haillot ; '' L'armée considérée comme agent d'assimilation dans l'expansion coloniale''."
.: 6. Bruxelles, (1897), Imprimerie des Travaux Publics, in-8°, 26 x 17 cm, 461 pp, modern cloth, orig. wrapper bound in at the end. Text in French. (Texte en français).