.: 2. (I) Paris, Panis, Vinchon imprimeur, 1855, in-8°, 17 x 10 cm, lix pp + 634 pp (includes 4 supplements). (II) Paris, Librairie L.Hachette, typographie de Ch. Lahure, 1855, 270pp. Both works bound in 1 vol, half leather, gilt decorated spine, marbled boards, binding solid but with some wear at the leather. Convolute of two works regarding the official Paris Salon of 1855. This Salon coincided with and formed part of the first French World exhibition and contained thus many non-french exhibitors. The first work of the convolute is the official catalogue. The second work is an extensive critique of the 1855 Salon by Edmond About. Text in French. Livres en français.