".: 2. Bruxelles, H. F. t'Serstevens, 1787, in-folio, 1 p. A very reassuring report about the way the envoys have been received in Vienna; the Emperor consents to Belgian wishes and just asks for his taxes to be voted. Text in French."
".: 2. Bruxelles, s.e., 1787, in-4°, 1 p. Upper margin frayed and dustsoiled. The viceroys of the Austrian Low Countries (princess Maria-Christina and Albert-Casimir of Sachsen-Teschen) write soothingly and ask the Assembly to choose representatives who will receive further instructions (as in their previous letter); they also announce they have been invited to the Court to plead the Belgian cause (they were to be deposed). Text in French. Signed in print for exact copy by De Cock."