4 books for « 1787 v 28 bruxelles »Edit

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‎1787 V 28 BRUXELLES :‎

Reference : 28627

‎MARIE-CHRISTINE, Princesse Royale... & ALBERT-CASIMIR, Prince Royal... (aux) Lieutenants, Gouverneurs & Capitaines-Généraux des Pays-Bas, etc. etc. etc.‎

‎.: 2. S.l. s.e. s.d. (Bruxelles 1787), in-8°, 8 pp. (Loose, margins slightly cut but not in the text, removed from a convolute). A reply to their views on the Joyeuse Entrée issues, the abolition of the monasteries, the administration of the canal, the De Hondt case... With a letter by Kaunitz, Vienne, 19 Mai 1787, on the De Hondt case.‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎1787 VI 28 - BRUXELLES :‎

Reference : 27150

‎Letter from the Estates of Flanders to the viceroys of the Low Countries.‎

‎.: 2. Bruxelles, s.e., 1787, in-4°, 1 p. A reply from the Estates of Flanders to a letter from the viceroys of the Austrian Low Countries (princess Maria-Christina and Albert-Casimir of Sachsen-Teschen) and one from Kaunitz. Text in French. Signed by F.D. D ' HOOP. ( a reply to our item 27133). Text printed partly in italic..‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )

‎1787 VIII 28 - BRUXELLES - Comte de Murray :‎

Reference : 27154

‎Mémoire à Son Excellence. [Letter from the Estates of Brabant to the new Governor, Joseph comte de Murray.]‎

‎.: 2. Bruxelles, H. F. t'Serstevens, 1787, in-folio, 1 p. A long complaint, with references to old freedoms (Joyeuse Entrée), and a refusal to vote taxes. Text in French.‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )

‎1787 V 28 BRUXELLES :‎

Reference : 6809

‎(Depêche) MARIE-CHRISTINE, Princesse Royale... & ALBERT-CASIMIR , Prince Royal... (aux) Lieutenans, Gouverneurs & Capitaines -Généraux des Pays-Bas, etc. etc. etc.‎

‎".: 2. S.l. (Bruxelles), in-plano, 31 x 19,5, imprimée recto-verso, in het Frans. In deze brief schetsen de prinsen hoezeer de keizer de Staten reeds tegemoet is gekomen in hun politieke eisen; o.a. met de afschaffing van de nieuwe tribunalen."‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR45.00 (€45.00 )
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