Phone number : 46 (0)8 667 65 07
Sibyllegatan 50A Stockholm Sweden
Fax number : 46 (0)8 442 66 76
Phone number : 44 (0)1497 820071
The Old Cinema, Castle Street, Herefordshire Hay-on-Wye United Kingdom
marine, militaria, sciences naturelles, voyagesThis is the most frequently heard comment from new customers to Hay CinemaBookshop who are amazed by the range and quality of some 200,000 volumeshoused in what used to be the town's Cinema. Don't let the scale of theoperation put you off - our books are classified by subject, our bookshopguide and our signs are up-to-date and many of our sections are inalphabetical order. We won't guarantee that you'll find that elusive gemyou've been seeking for years but we'll be very surprised if you don't findsomething to tempt you. So do as the Hay regulars do and make Hay Cinemayour first port of call on your pilgrimage to the Town of Books.Francis Edwards, antiquarian bookseller since 1855, relocated to Hay-on-Wye,'The Town of Books' in 1985. Occupying four rooms on the first floor of theworld famous Hay Cinema Bookshop, Francis Edwards keeps a stock ofapproximately 10,000 antiquarian and collectors' books from early printedbooks to modern first editions.
Phone number : 44 1358 751 275
Slains House, Collieston, Ellon Aberdeenshire, AB41 8RT, Scotland,United Kingdom United Kingdom
Aberdeen Rare Books Scottish books including Law & Agriculture.Catalogues.
Rue des Tanneurs 65 Bruxelles Belgium
Marguerite Yourcenar (littérature). Oeuvres, vie, études sur l'oeuvre.
Marguerite Yourcenar (littérature).
Fax number : 32 (0)2 502 74 75
Phone number : 01 46 33 57 82
1, rue Dauphine 75006 PARIS France
Ouvert du mardi au vendredi : 9 h. 30 - 12 h. et 14 h. - 19 h. le samedi : 9 h. 30 - 12 h. et 14 h. - 17 h. Livres anciens romantiques et modernes, livres illustrés , éditions originales, reliures, éditions et réimpressions bibliographiques.(MËME PLACARD
Phone number : 1 (0)716 842 1734
74 East Huron street Buffalo United States of America
autographes, reliures, livres illustrés modernes, photographie, gravure & estampes
Phone number : 1 (415) 563 1736
1436 Polk Street San Francisco CA 94109-4616 United States of America
100,000+ inventory of fine books in all fields
Phone number : 44 (0)20 8788 44 64
UNit3, Ashburton centre, 276 Cortis road LONDON United Kingdom
archéologie, architecture, beaux-arts, orientalisme photographie
Phone number : 39 (0)55 234 38 82
Borgo la Croce 12r Firenze Italy
impressions anciennes, livres anciens & rares
Phone number : 1 (0)949 305 2361
31 Golden Rain Aliso Viejo United States of America
romans policiers, littérature, éditions originales modernes
Phone number : 06 272 722 76
Phone number : 02 96 29 10 62
9 rue Olivier Perrin 22110 Rostrenen France
Livres neufs et anciens
Phone number : 39 (0)6 321 96 41
Viale Giulio Cesare 59 a-b Roma Italy
histoire, droit, littérature, médecine, sciences politiques
Phone number : 44 (0)20 7387 5454
Fitzroy Square LONDON United Kingdom
littérature, éditions originales modernes, livres anciens & rares, dickens
Phone number : 34 95 822 73 42
bibliographie, histoire, régionalisme, religion, voyages
Phone number :
57 rue Marcel Pagnol - BP 37 83460 Les Arcs France
Achat et vente de livres anciens et modernes
Phone number : 44 (0)700 078 0184
Phone number : 34 (0)91 521 71 05
beaux-arts, histoire, livres illustrés, littérature, régionalisme
Phone number : 46 (0)304 67 12 64
varia, régionalisme, marine
Phone number : 03 86 70 32 55
2 rue du pont 58400 la charité sur loire France
varia, ethnologie, voyages...
Phone number : 33 (0)1 43 54 16 26
65 bis, rue Galande 75005 Paris France
Fax number : 33 (0)1 46 33 96 84
Phone number : 39 55 21 24 33
Via Ricasoli, 49/103r FIRENZE Italy
beaux-arts, économie, histoire droit, littérature, philosophie, sciences sociales, voyages
Phone number : 02 54 72 55 64
Mobile : 06 61 41 78 40
39 rue Haute 41800 TROO France
Renaissance, Langues anciennes, Linguistique, Philosophie