Phone number : 1 (0)323 658 1901
8312 WEST THIRD STREET, suite 230 LOS ANGELES United States of America
histoire de l'imprimerie, livres illustrés, littérature, livres rares & anciens, philosophie, sciences & techniques, femmes
Phone number : 1 520 747 9862
5718 E. 34th Street Tucson, AZ 85711-6718 United States of America
Phone number : 1 416 865 9908
489 Queen Street West 2nd Floor TORONTO, Ontario Canada
Littérature, Editions originales modernes, Livres anciens & rares
Phone number : 514 484 7865
5690 Einstein Avenue H4W 2T9 Montreal Canada
TBCL: Modern First Editions, American / Canadian & Continental Literature, Mystery & Speculative Literature, Livre d'Artiste, Autographs & Manuscripts
Other phone number : 1-888-863-BOOK
Phone number : 61 (02) 438 5920
PO BOX 770 328 Pacific Highway Crows Nest, NSW 2065 Australia
Phone number : 49 (02402) 815 42
littérature, sciences naturelles, sciences socialesSeltene Bücher des 17.-19. Jahrunderts
Phone number : 33 01 48 78 72 44
17 rue Belzunce 75010 PARIS France
Phone number : 1 (403) 282 58 32
826 - 16th Avenue N. W CALGARY, Alberta Canada
Photographies, TSciences et techniques, Topographie, VoyageI specialize in books about the polar regions, western canada, theklondike, and mountaineering.
Phone number : 0021671325810
10 rue de russie 1000 tunis Tunisia
OCCASION ET NEUFHoraires : 8H A 19.30
Phone number : 61 (08) 8223 111
196 North Terrace Adelaide Australia
Beaux-arts, Autographes, Régionalisme, Voyages, Photgraphie, Sports & Jeuxmodern first edition - art - food & wine - australiana.wide range of quality out of print and antiquarian stock.
Phone number : 33 01 44 07 08 07
7, rue Condé 75006 PARIS France
livres anciens rares et curieux, variathèmes: sciences, voyages, érudition, reliures anciennes...
Phone number : 02 33 42 14 12
Mobile : 07 61 02 53 74
24 rue de la hougue 50760 Gatteville le Phare France
Monde islamique, littérature romantique, curiosités.
Phone number : 1 250 381 2230
885 Dunsmuir road, 214 Victoria (BC) Canada
Histoire, Marine Livres anciens, Voyages
Phone number : 43 512 56 27 69
Adolf-Pichler-Platz 12 INNSBRUCK Austria
Littérature, Régionalisme, Sports & Jeux, Voyages
Phone number : 42 (02) 32 29 00
Phone number : 1 (212) 751 8135
59 east 54th street, #62 New York United States of America
atlas & cartes, voyages
Phone number : 0479815851
44 Grande Rue 01300 Belley France
Route du Rossillon 01300 Contrvoz
Commerce de détail de biens d'occasion en magasin
Other phone number : 0688082843
77 Townline Rd. Milton, Ontario L9T-2W8 Canada
specializing in G.A. Henty, also general stock primarily fiction
Phone number : 81 (0)75 752 00 05
357; MOtomachi, Higashiyama-ku KYOTO Japan
19, av. du Général-Leclerc 75014 Paris France
Édition originale, livres illustrés, livres japonais modernes, avant-garde, livres de photographie japonaise.
Mobile : 06 83 24 46 47
317 Le Chesnay. La Fontenelle 35560 Val Couoesnon France
Mobile :
22 villa des Lilas 75019 Paris France
librairie générale
Phone number : 06 81 73 97 53
Phone number : 49 (0711) 56 29 49
Rippoldsauer Strasse 9 D-70372 STUTTGART Germany
littérature, voyages, femmeswomen, books by and on literature 20 th. cent.
Phone number : +33 973 037 007
C/Francesc Tàrrega, 19 - Sòtano 1ª 08027 Cataluña Barcelona Spain
Livres français en divers genres
Other phone number : +34 934 886 381
Phone number : 1 (0)650 343 9578
1200 Edgehill Drive BURLINGHAME, United States of America
histoire, judaïca, littérature, régionalisme
Phone number : 44 (0)1379 890 892
Crownleigh House, The street Botesdale United Kingdom
antiquité classique, impressions anciennes, histoire, littérature, topographieAntiquarian and Modern Books on the Humanities.Members ABA & ILAB, PBFA and BA.Secondhand, out of print and remaindered books on the Humanities.(50 -90%off publishers prices)Antiquarian stock includes local history and topography, history andliterature.Location = Central Oxford on Turl Street which runs between High Street andBroad Street parallel with Cornmarket ( next to the covered market)Books bought from single items to collections and mon -sat 10.00- 18.00 sundays 12.00-16.00We accept payment by cash, cheques drawn on a UK bank, switch, mastercard/visa, amex. We mail worldwide.