Phone number : 44 (0483) 57 24 24
Castle House 49-50 Quarry Street GUILDFORD, Surrey GU1 3UA United Kingdom
english literature
Phone number : 01 43 54 51 04
29 rue de Condé 75006 Paris France
Lettres autographes, manuscrits anciens et modernes, documents historiques, archives. Histoire, voyages, littérature, beaux-arts, régionalisme.
Phone number : 1 (520) 772 1868
3040 Windsong, #106 Postal Code : 86314 Prescott Valley, Arizona, AZ United States of America
1306 - 6TH AVENUE New Westminster, B.C. V3M 2C4 Canada
Specializing in SF&F, Horror, Mystery, Canadiana, Fishing, Humour, Cartoon, General, etc.Carrying the full line of Fedogan & Bremer Limited Editions.
Phone number : 04 75 46 89 83
Phone number : 44 (0727) 86 55 76
9 George Street ST ALBANS, Hertfordshire AL4 4ER United Kingdom
Phone number : 1 (614) 522 8286
P.O. Box 4042 Newark, OH 43055 United States of America
Specialists In: The classics, antiques, biographical and academic works, books of reference.Search service for out-of-print, rare, and hard-to-fine books.
Phone number : 06 67 22 94 12
5, Rue Salvador Allende 69600 Oullins France
Livres d'occasion
Phone number : 02 29 40 48 39
10 rue Lamartine 29120 Pont l'Abbé France
Other phone number : 06 80 53 21 25
Phone number : 44 (0)1983 85 37 06
32 Pier Street VENTNOR, Isle of Wight United Kingdom
littérature, régionalisme topographie, transports
Phone number : 44 (0273) 30 27 07
34 MARINE DRIVE ROTTINGDEan, Sussex BN2 7HQ United Kingdom
by appointment only
Phone number : 44 (0)1625 61 89 78
Sunderland house, sunderland street MACCLESFIELD, Cheshire United Kingdom
littérature, livres anciens & raresn sports & jeux, cuiosités
Phone number : 01 43 29 79 91
13, rue Médicis 75006 Paris France
Livres d'art neufs et d'occasion: beaux-arts, arts décoratifs, Paris, voyages, photo. . .
Fax number : 01 43 25 48 75
Phone number : +44(0)20 7930 9223
42 Duke Street St James's SW1Y 6DJ Londres United Kingdom
Beaux Arts, Arts appliqués, Arts décoratifs, beaux livres, reliures.
Phone number : 61 (02) 9387 1154
103 Adelaide Place Woollahra Australia
Régionalisme, OrientalismeSpecialising in books on Australia, Southeast Asia and the islands of thePacific.
Phone number : 55 (11) 3088 1581
Rua Estados Unidos 1426 São Paulo
Atlas & Cartes, Autographes, Littérature, Editions originales modernes, Livres anciens et rares, Estampes & Dessins
Phone number : 06 16 25 46 40
943 Chemin de Vosgelade 06140 Vence France
7 rue de la Poelerie 86500 Montmorillon France
Littérature, poesie, voyages, art, roman policier
Phone number : 06 70 58 47 74
Other phone number : 05 49 48 14 55
Phone number : 44 (0)1993 898 734
Fowler's Cottage, Witney Lane, Stonesfield Oxford United Kingdom
antiquité classique, linguistique, livres anciens & rares
Phone number : 1 (757) 422 4072
2708 Pacific Ave Virginia Beach, VA 23451 United States of America
General; used, Rare, O.P., Antiquarian Classic Literature, Poetry, Science, Art Philosophy, History, War, and Religion 17th-20th engravings and prints.
Phone number : 05 63 61 31 72
Phone number : 00 32 2 647 47 70
Chaussée de Boondael 244 1050 Bruxelles Belgium
Belgicana - Littérature - Arts - Voyages<br>Horaires : midi - 19 heures du lundi au samedi. Fermé le mercredi et le dimanche
Phone number : 1 (0)760 541 9365
81-647 avenida Sombra Indio United States of America
bibliophilie, littérature, manuscrits, éditions originales modernes, livres illustrés modernes, gravures & estampes
Phone number : 61 (02) 9966 9925
Level 1, 328 Pacific Highway Crows Nest Australia
Beaux-arts, Livres d'enfants, Varia, Histoire, LIttérature, Militaria, Voyages
Phone number : 44 (0)1404 455 70
150 High Street, Devon Honiton United Kingdom
varia, livres anciens & rares, voyages
Phone number : 39 (0)2 95 36 07 13
Phone number : 44 (0460) 400 77