Paris Guiget & Michaud Guiget & Michaud, An XII - 1804. Six volumes in-12, couv. de livraison.
Reference : 2396
"Traduction la plus exacte que nous ayons de ce roman" (Quérard, III, 120). Bel ex. tel que paru. * Quérard III, 120. * Voir photographie(s) / See picture(s). * Membre du SLAM et de la LILA / ILAB Member. La librairie est ouverte sur rendez-vous.
Chez les Libraires Associés
M. Jacques Desse
3 rue Pierre l'Ermite
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Conformes aux règles du SLAM (Syndicat de la Librairie Ancienne et Moderne) et de la LILA (Ligue Internationale de la Librairie Ancienne).
.: 10. Paris, chez Giguet et Michaud, impr. Libraires rue des Bons-Enfans , An XII , 1804, 6 vols in-12°, 16,5 x 10 cm, uniformly bound in contemporary full marbled roan, smooth spines with red title label and green oval volume number, some damage at the extremeties and some abrasion of the boards but still a good set. Book in French, livre en français. The first volume contains an introduction of 48 pp. by the translator in which he writes at length on the merit of his translation of Fielding and critisizing those of other French translators. Querard in his '' La France Littéraire...'' proves him right in stating that Chéron's translation is by far the best..